sammydavissr:“I’m glad you came to me Sis. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you for wanting to
sammydavissr:“I’m glad you came to me Sis. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you for wanting to be spanked. Let me go get Mom’s hairbrush so I can do it right.”I don’t know what happened – I wrote this whole long story (Idon’t think there will be a lot of these). I hope it’s okay and it doesn’t mess anything up…Part 1Yes, I should have been a little wary of my sister’senthusiasm – but as anyone who wants or needs a spanking knows, you don’t looka gift horse in the mouth! And theshiver that her word ‘hairbrush’ gave me was much more excitement than dread(oh, how that would change)! My motherhad used the hairbrush – rarely but very effectively – on both of us as late ashigh school, and the few intervening years had not caused me to forget.Already naked, moments later I was locked down over Brianna’slap – a position we were both quite familiar with (though with my mom, ourbottoms might be bare but we always had clothes – or at least pajamas –on). Thankfully, she started slowly,with her hand – but I wasn’t worried that she wouldn’t ‘do a proper job ofit’. I was almost relieved when shestarted to really lay it on – it kept my excitement in some kind of check, atleast, and my arousal was already at a truly shameful level! It became an effort to bear it… but Imanaged…Until, that is, she picked up the hairbrush. Rat-a-tat-tat – she made it clear she wasn’tfooling around anymore. She marched herswats up one side of my bottom and down the other and then back again. I swear she was spanking every bit as hard asmom ever did, and I was crying every bit as hard as I always did. But she never once questioned my desire forthis, and I did everything I could to resist asking her to stop.Just when I thought I couldn’t go on, she did stop. ThankGod, I thought. She rubbed mybottom, which hurt and felt better both at the same time. She also ran the brush bristles over myreddened flesh, making me shimmy and shake.Then – then! she raised her hand – with the brush in it –and said “Bethany, do you remember when I was in eleventh grade, what a pestyou always were, whenever I had a boy around?’ I was so not expecting this that it barely registered – in fact, Istarted trying to get up.That’s when the spanking began.Part 2I confessed to my Sister Brianna that I really wanted andneeded a spanking. I wasn’t thatsurprised that she wasn’t shocked and quickly agreed (maybe a little too quickly). What wassurprising was the kicking, thrashing, bawling hairbrushing she then gave me –a spanking that put our mom’s discipline – infrequent but occasional tearfulbare-bottomed blisterings – to shame.“Sorry if I overdid it,” she told me sincerely (for what itwas worth!) “I figured if we were going to do it, I ought to do it right.“I don’t suppose you’ll be wanting another one anytimesoon,” she added, maybe a little more knowingly that she was letting on.“Not right away,” I conceded. The fact was, I was already wondering when mybottom would be recovered enough to go again – and what was waiting for me ifand when we did.“Well anytime you want one… anytime.”“Brianna? Maybe Ishould tell you…”“Tell me? Yes, youshould definitely tell me! Tell mewhat?” my sister was all ears.“What I want, really… I mean, I guess… it would be cool ifyou could, um, you know… spank me… when youwanted… um, how you wanted.” There! I’d said it! My most thrilling,‘go-to’ fantasy…“Oh yeah? And howcould I do that? How would you not beable to just stop me, anytime you weren’t in the mood?”“Um, well…” Truth betold, I’d thought about this – thought about this a lot. If you know what Imean. “You could, um, be blackmailing me…”“Ahhh – and then you couldn’t say no!”This idea coming to life had me so excited, so nervous – ina way, so scared (she had just spanked me so hard and so muchthat it’d be days before I could sitstraight) that I almost felt sick.She asked, “And whatand I supposed to be ‘blackmailing’ you for, Bethany?”“Well, I was thinking that you could threaten to tell peopleabout the whole spanking thing…”“So you’d have to be spanked to keep me from telling peoplethat I spank you?”“Ummm…” Sounded kindstupid put like that, I guess.“Tell you what,” Brianna offered, “Let’s let you buttrecover and go from there.”So there we were.Part 3“Okay, Bethany – hope you’re ready, ‘cause you’re getting aspanking,” Brianna told me.Fact was, my brain had been ready for days, but mybottom? Let’s just say it sure wasn’tready yesterday…One other part of me chimed in, going all soft and slick at myolder sister’s offer.“It’s not like you have a choice…” she said, kicking mybutterflies – good and bad – intooverdrive. “Out of those clothes –everything off.”We were home alone so it wasn’t that big of a deal, I wasn’twearing much, and she wasn’t asking – she was telling. I dropped them where I stood, pushing mypanties down and stepping out of them under her watchful glare.“Follow me,” she commanded, leading my naked, compliant (andmaybe still a tiny bit sore-bottomed) form into my bedroom. Sitting on the end of my bed she crossed herlegs to remove one sandal before setting her foot down and motioning me to herlap.Instead of over her knee, she made me straddle her left legand lie with my body on the bed on her left side. Her right calf slid over the backs of myknees as I dutifully offered my right wrist for her to hold behind my back.I hadn’t been spanked with a sandal before – wasn’t thrilledwith the fact that it had been on the ground, or at least the floor, justbefore smacking my butt – but I knew it wouldn’t be as bad as Mom’s hairbrush,which is what Brianna had used last time to give me a world-class walloping -that left me sore for a week! Like lasttime, she started with her hand, which was nice… and stepped it up a bit, whichwas exciting…“I have never seen,” she said as she spanked, “a girl thatneeded spankings as badly… and as often… as Bethany Nelson. Bethany Marie Nelson, every time I see you you seem to need anotherspanking, don’t you?” It was starting tohurt – which was of no consequence – but I immediately agreed ‘yes,Ma’am.’ Calling her ‘ma’am’ sent a joltthrough everything down there – front andback, I mean – and Brie seemed to shiver a little with it as well. “Never seen anyone naughtier…” As she started on this themeshe picked up the sandal and gave me a good healthy smack with it. Ow! Hot. Burn-y. Lots of sting. Ow again! “Can’t take my eye off you for a minute… always thinking about spankingswhen you should be concentrating on something else…”This charge was totally true and sort of made me panic – thefirst spanking she gave me definitely took a turn for the worse once sheidentified a true motive – but that panic is just the sort of thing that firesmy arousal. And unlike being over herlap, jerkily responding to her punishing sandal had me unintentionally humpingBrianna’s thigh as I lay straddling it. At least mostly unintentional – I could hardly say I was unaware of thesensations it was providing. In fact,those sensations were starting to produce a different kind of panic – I wasrapidly approaching climax, right there mid-spanking on my sister’s lap!“I’ll bet if I checked right now…” Oh God! Don’t do that! “I can’t helpit!” I blurted. “I can’t help what I think!”“Oh no?” (whap whap whap) “You can’t help that you don’t stop once you start?”(whap whap whap)“You don’t look for” … “know where to find” … “Things that make you”…That did it. I washumping my sister’s thigh like an animal, coming explosively, crying withshame. She must not have expected me topull my hand away, because she wasn’t holding it very tightly, and in a flashit was burrowing in between my legs, encouraging my climax more and more andmore! (so much for shame!) I did havethe decency to bury my head in my other arm, even as my sopping pussypractically waved my guilt in the face of anyone who sought to accuse me.Brianna switched back to her hand and continued to spank melightly, every slap sending another jolt throughout my core. Chest heaving, I continued to cry as shechanted ‘naughty girl, naughty, naughty girl, was there ever a girl naughtierthan Bethany?’ At some point the littleslaps became pats and then rubbing – my bottom actually was hot and sore – andas she rubbed her thumb would brush past my hair, making me quiver. Her only comment on this, though, wasn’t‘sopping girl’ or something even more reproving, just the continued ‘naughtygirl’.At last we untangled, me crawling onto my bed on my belly,my sister rising. I stuck my face in mypillow, not ready to face her judgment. She didn’t let me off that easily, though, bending over, brushing back alock of hair and whispering in my ear, “Well, little sis, that performance was certainlyworthy of a really truespanking.” With that she left.She left my door open but I didn’t care. Once again my hand burrowed past mypanty-less waist, searching for a second, and third, and fourth demonstrationproving the truth of her words ringing in my ears.Part 4“Well, lil’ Bethany – how’s the bottom?” Brianna askedbreezily in the morning, having spanked me most shamefully late in theafternoon the day before. When I say‘shamefully’, I’m referring to my behavior – not shameful in the begging andpleading way, but shameful in that the position she had me in, straddling onethigh, her rhythmic slapping of my bottom with a sandal, and her teasing,accusing voice had combined to lead me to a volcanic orgasm while humping herleg (and crying the whole time).“A whole lot better than last time,” I said, a littlesmart-alecky – before I remembered that she’d said that my ‘performance’ hadearned a ‘real true’ spanking – and that spanking had a pretty high chance ofbeing a lot like ‘last time’ – an epic blistering with our mom’s hairbrushduring which she evidenced no shred of the concern she was now expressing. In fact, I realized too late, she wasprobably lining up my ‘comeuppance’, as it is referred to. “It’s pretty sore,” I backpedaled, “Might be a while beforeI’m ready to go again.”“Lemme see,” she replied, and it was an order, not arequest. I thought about saying ‘maybelater’ or something but a shiver ran through me and I didn’t dare. For who-knows-what reason, I wanted to dropmy pants and skim down my panties, turning around for my big sister to inspectthe damage her spanking had left me with. Fortunately, no damage – I knew, I’d already checked – unfortunately,barely a sign of the spanking which the mere mention of had me ‘buzzing downthere’ with renewed excitement.“Bend,” she said flatly and I put my hands on my knees whileshe squatted and searched for evidence of her work. Visible or not, I could still feel it plenty,though she didn’t seem to be finding what she was looking for. I felt her hand on my bottom, her thumbnearly between my cheeks, and I knew her interest was in more than yesterday’starget.“Did you climax this morning?”“Yes, ma’am,” I replied. It was the second time I’d called her ‘ma’am’ and the effect it had onme was profound – and considering Brianna’s position, probably visually obviousto her. I felt like she laughedsilently.“Once?”“Um… twice?” I confessed. I assumed that she knew, from spying or hearing, about the four (blush,yes, four) climaxes I’d given myselfafter the one during my spanking. (Thisis why – or part of the reason, at least – she says, fairly, that I’m sonaughty and need so much spanking).“I see…” she said, without further comment on that.“I owe you a spanking, remember, but it won’t be today,” sheadded.I breathed a mental sigh of relief – not today, good, Ireally am still sore, even if I’m not bruised or anything. On the other hand, bad that Brianna seems tothink that it needs to be ‘taken care of’ as soon as possible, it’s just thatshe doesn’t have time at the moment. I‘ve just been told that I‘ll be getting another very bad spanking very(very) soon. Buzzing, flooding,hopefully not dripping, seeing as I’mstill standing with my hands on my knees. I straightened up.“Okay, well, I…” is about as far as I got before I ran outof steam.“You know what this spanking is for, don’t you?” Briannaasked in a curiously threatening voice. Oh God, please, notright now! I thought, What happenedto ‘not today’? “Um, it’s for beingvery very naughty?” I ventured.“It’s for climaxingover my knee while getting aspanking! How naughty is that?”I hung my head as tears pricked at my eyes. “So naughty,” I confessed.“What would peoplesay?”I mumbled something like ‘I dunno’…“What would they say– if I told them?”My head shot up, tears threatening to spill out. “You can’t! Please don’t!”“Won’t I? Oh, won’tI? Well I’ll tell you what… when I sayyou need a spanking, you get aspanking – no ifs, ands, or buts – not even a ‘not now’. Understood? And if you go along every time – every single time – then I won’t tell anybody exactly why you werehowling so loud when you were over my knee!”“Okay…” I whined.“Is that what you want?”Whether she meant not telling or having to get spankedwhenever she said so, the answer was the same.“Yes, ma’am,” I said, my down-there spasming. “And… Brianna? Thank you…”Part 5I’m lying in bed… in this case today, but it could have beenmany times over the last weeks and months or, I’m sure, many times over thefuture ones. I was spanked two days agoand it wasn’t too bad… not bad at all… which means tomorrow, probably, or thenext day, I’ll be getting another one – a bad one. Maybe not so bad if it’s tomorrow – if it’sthe next day it’ll be one of the ‘heaven help me’ type.Naked (I will be)… Brianna will tell me to get naked and I’llstrip right away… I’m lying on my tummy with my hand under me… bedroom door isopen, I put my face in my pillow but that only helps so much… right now I’mpushing my bottom up, like I’m just askingto be spanked, right now… spanked hard,I bet – like I will be tomorrow, spanked hard with mom’s hairbrush before shegets home from work.My hand doesn’t have to do much, mostly my mind is… I climaxquickly, almost like I’m holding back… keep going… if not tomorrow, the nextday… I think of how hard it will be then… and sort of come apart, I climax sohard… Brianna’s heard – she’ll ask me about it, in private, maybe even when mom’shome, ask me what I was thinking about and say ‘Oh, Bethany – you’re so naughty’… -- source link
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