fialleril:themoosejthm:ridleysdaisys:#so basically what this means is Luke is a true Jedi #the light
fialleril:themoosejthm:ridleysdaisys:#so basically what this means is Luke is a true Jedi #the lightsaber is not what defines him as a Jedi nor does it control his destiny and his life #a lightsaber is only a tool #what makes Luke a Jedi is his compassion and empathy which he makes most clear in this moment #this very moment when he throws away his lightsaber and puts himself at the mercy of love and of the Force #you might say that Luke is perhaps the first Jedi in this sense#someone finally made this gifset #i’m so glad#this is all i’ve ever wanted #luke skywalker #the only true jedi #the jedi who did come here to free slaves #‘this weapon is your life’ anakin is told #anakin who spends his whole life being a weapon #until there’s luke #luke who throws away his lightsaber #luke who insists that a life is always more important than a weapon #and that no person can be reduced to a weapon #luke who refuses to kill his father even though all of his teachers tell him he must #luke who places such absolute value on his father’s agency that he’d literally rather die than deny it #luke who identifies himself wholly and completely with his father #in the very moment that he throws his weapon away #and rejects the most fundamental teaching of the old jedi order #luke who chooses to embody the unconditional love that his father so long ago claimed was the true calling of a jed i#(but no other jedi has ever lived up to it) #luke skywalker who is a jedi #like his father before him #like his father after him (via @fialleril)and see i think this is what a lot of people miss about the original trilogy Vader isn’t redeemed so much as he is saved and he’s saved because Luke gives him back his agency by being empathetic and appealing to the good he knows is still inside his father and leaving his own fate in his admittedly monstrous father’s hands God I love this movie I love these characters(via flaminganakin) -- source link