Posted @withregram • @the_queer_counselor Trauma .There is a lot of misinformation on trauma out the
Posted @withregram • @the_queer_counselor Trauma .There is a lot of misinformation on trauma out there - what counts as trauma, what is and isn’t trauma, big t and little t trauma. The truth is that anything, including the absence of things can be traumatic. What is and is not traumatic is personal and depends on a variety of factors.⚡️All mammals require a caregiver. Without one, we are unable to survive on our own. A caregiver is necessary to provide not only food and shelter, but safe touch, love, care, connection, trust, and co-regulation. Our relationship to our caregiver(s) sets the stage for future relationships and how we connect with others.⚡️When love, safety, safe touch, belonging, co-regulation, and connection are unavailable - particularly as children - we make sense of this by turning inward. This often manifest as self-blame and self-hatred. Children typically blame themselves for a caregiver(s) inability to provide everything mentioned above. Why ❓ because in order to survive, our attachment to our caregiver cannot be broken. As children we require a caregiver for survival.⚡️As we grow older this can manifest as chronic self-hatred and self-blame. Thinking and assuming everything is our fault due, believing we are in inherently flawed, broken, or bad.⚡️The ways in which we react to trauma - including self-hatred - are adaptive survival skills. As children we blame ourselves for our caregiver(s) inability to provide what we need in order to survive and maintain that attachment. That is some serious wisdom and resilience. Maybe it not longer serves us, but at the time it was necessary for our survival.⚡️.#ptsd #cptsd #trauma #complextrauma #polyvagaltheory #edrecovery #bodytrust #counseling #psychology #socialwork -- source link
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