thegreenchapel:The Green Lion Devouring the Sun is a common image inalchemy. The lion represents the
thegreenchapel:The Green Lion Devouring the Sun is a common image inalchemy. The lion represents the green substance vitriol, the combination ofiron and sulfuric acid. Sulfuric acid being useful in many alchemical practicesbecause it dissolves many things, but not gold. To alchemists, gold representsthe purity of the soul. The common interpretation of the green lion is itpurifies through consumption, like how meditation builds discipline and cutsattachment to thoughts.Another interpretation of the green lion is rage. Itrepresents frustration boiling over and hurting the things around you. Vitriolis still used in modern English, it means “harshness.” Vitriolic language isharsh or condemning. A vitriolic person is cynical. Vitriol might have adouble-edge meaning.Of course, the green is associated with vegetation. Thegreen lion could symbolize plant life which literally feeds off of the sun.The Esoteric Order of the Green LionThe Esoteric Order of the Green Lion is a small group of hedge-knightswho have taken the Oath of the Ancients and allied with the needs of peasantfarmers and labor classes. They meet in the basement of the Laughing Sun pubover on Landings Street every fortnight. If you can handle them, they’ll acceptyou into their ranks. Green Lion knights are known for their bitter demeanor. It’san attitude forged in the experience of work, effort, hard-won wisdom. They’re askeptical and sarcastic lot, but they’re not complainers. They’re crusaders. Theydon’t take the pretense of a moral high ground. They temper their faith in theLight with a concept called Vitriol. Vitriol, symbolized by the green lion, is thealchemical acid many of them work with. It’s a metaphor for the purification oftheir souls: by breaking things down they create room for personal growth. Theybreak down their biases and fears as much as they break faces of evil-doers.Older, wiser knights know how much Vitriol to apply. It doesn’t have all in,all the time.Their gruffness doesn’t mean that they’re cynical or despairing.Like all paladins who take the Oath of the Ancients, it’s vital to recognize goodness and reciprocate it, to be kind and merciful,to make and share beauty, or life would be miserable toil. Most of the knightsin the order nowadays were once urchins: angry, lonely youth with a lot ofconviction and cunning but no place to put it. Older members of the order tookthem in and gave apprenticeships with local farmers and guilds. Not every allof the squires were offered the ritual of knighthood and some refused, choosingto forge their own way.Green Lion knights welcome challenge. Ironically, they callit “eating the sun.” The saying has a dual meaning: it’s both “an impossibletask” and “nourishment.” The impossible nourishes their souls, like plantsgaining sustenance from the sun. Green Lion knights strive to balance theirinner fire with compassion, Vitriol and Light. Their hope is to come throughtheir quests with better understanding of themselves and the world a littlebrighter than before.Eat the sun. One bite at a time. These knights were designed around the ‘GruffDad’ (or Mom, or Lady-Dad, or Mom-Lord—whatever you want, it’s all good) trope. An Oath of theAncients paladin doesn’t have to be a fey ray of sunshine. If this inspiresyour next character or you plan on using the Esoteric Order of the Green Lionin your next campaign, let me know. I’d love hear what happens. -- source link
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