Forensic Anthropology and ForensicScience in the News Buildingthe face of a criminal from DNA (via @
Forensic Anthropology and ForensicScience in the News Buildingthe face of a criminal from DNA (via @CAHIDuod)The face of a killer constructed from DNA leftat the scene of a crime: it sounds like science fiction. But revealing the faceof a criminal based on their genes may be closer than we think. Read moreat BBC. Case of the Month: Tracy Lynn DavenportCase of the Month: Tracy Lynn Davenport (March19, 1967 – April 27, 1973 date missing). This cold case caught my daughter’s eyewhen she was going through the papers before tossing it into the recycling bin.She saw the ad from with thepicture of a smiling six-year-old Tracy. Read moreat Defrosting Cold Cases.Archaeologyin the NewsMummified bishop is a unique time capsule from the 17th century (via@RockstarAnthro)Themummified remains of Peder Winstrup are one of the best-preserved human bodiesfrom the 1600s. Preliminary investigations reveal a sensational find: theinternal organs are still in place. Readmore at Lund University8Million Dog Mummies Found in ‘God of Death’ Mass GraveIn ancient Egypt, so many peopleworshiped Anubis, the jackal-headed god of death, that the catacombs next tohis sacred temple once held nearly 8 million mummified puppies and grown dogs,a new study finds. Readmore at LiveScience. Autopsycarried out in Far East on world’s oldest dog mummified by ice (via@DrKillgrove)Scientists in the Russian Far East havecarried out a post-mortem examination of the remains of the only mummified dogever found in the world. Readmore at Siberian Times.Team Reconstructs Face of Tehran’s7,000-Year-Old Woman (via @CAHIDuod)Mohammad Reza Rokni of the ArchaeologyResearch Center and his team have created a 3-D reconstruction of the7,000-year-old remains of a woman unearthed in Tehran. Readmore at Archaeology.Archaeologistsplan to investigate burial site which could re-write 7th century Battle ofHatfieldThe battle which killed England’s firstChristian king, Edwin, has long been accepted to have taken place at HatfieldChase near Doncaster. But the Battle of Hatfield Investigation Society believesthat the Pagan victory over the Northumbrians, in 632, could actually have beencarried out in a Nottinghamshire village. Readmore at Culture24. BurnedBones in Alexander the Great Family Tomb Give Up Few SecretsIt’s a mystery worthy of Sherlock Holmes, with abackstory that puts “Game of Thrones” to shame: Who was laid to restin a lavish, gold-filled Macedonian tomb near Vergina, Greece? The tomb,discovered in 1977, might be the final resting place of Philip II of Macedon,conqueror of Greece and father of Alexander the Great, who would push hisfather’s empire to the edge of India. Read moreat LiveScience. StrangeStuffGeorgeWashington’s Oh-So-Mysterious HairWoman exhumes father’s body in bid to claim$65 million inheritanceUndyingLove: Carl Tanzler’s Mummified Dream Girl -- source link
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