This just arrived in my mailbox today. Some of you may be able to donate, while others might be inte
This just arrived in my mailbox today. Some of you may be able to donate, while others might be interested in applying for a scholarship or fellowship.Dear Friends,Salvete from Rome! We are well into our eighth summer of bringing students to Europe to study Classical languages and literature. Later this week, our Living Latin in Rome students will recite Cicero’s Third Catilinarian Oration on the steps of the Temple of Concord, where it was first delivered to the Roman people. Experiences like this, connecting with both ancient texts and the environments that created them, can have a profound and lasting effect on a young scholar, and your support makes them possible.At the Paideia Institute, we believe that opportunities like these should be made available to as many students as possible. This year we offered full scholarships for our summer programs to eleven students, and financial assistance to an additional four. Read more about our scholarship programs here, and please consider making a donation to help ensure that financial need does not exclude deserving students from these extraordinary educational opportunities.All of our work depends on you, our generous supporters—alumni, parents, Classicists, enthusiasts, and the many friends who believe, as we do, that the study of language, literature, and the ancient world is an immensely life-enriching experience. Please click here to join with us in bringing that experience to an ever wider group of young people.Jason C. Pedicone, Ph.D.PresidentGive to our Scholarship Funds and you’ll be supporting…THE PAIDEIA ROME PRIZEThe Rome Prize is a full-tuition scholarship to Living Latin in Rome High School awarded each year to two or more outstanding students from public schools in Philadelphia, Washington D.C., and New York.THE REGINALD FOSTER SCHOLARSHIPThe Reginald Foster Scholarship honors the legacy of Fr. Foster’s free summer Latin course in Rome by supporting scholarships for students in Paideia’s Latin programs.THE AMY HIGH SCHOLARSHIPEstablished in memory of Amy High, a beloved Latin teacher who studied with Reginald Foster, this scholarship is awarded to Living Latin in Rome participants pursuing careers as Latin teachers.THE ROBERT GERMANY SCHOLARSHIPThis scholarship to Living Greek in Greece was established in memory of Professor Robert Germany, whose warmth and mentorship had a profound impact on the lives of his students.THE ROME FELLOWSHIPThe Rome Fellowship allows Paideia alumni to continue their study of the classical humanities while living in Rome for a year upon graduation from college.THE BRIGHTHEART FELLOWSHIPThe Brightheart Fellowship, in memory of Professor Doctor Helmut “Leukothumos” Quack, supports a two-week artist residency with Living Greek and Greece for artists working on a project with a classical theme.AEQUORAThrough our Aequora outreach initiative, elementary and middle school students are discovering that Latin is fun! Sites are located nationwide and target low-income students who wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to study Latin.Make a Gift to PaideiaHow to apply for a scholarshipLearn about fellowships here and here -- source link
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