The First Abduction —- The Case of Betty and Barney Hill,On the night of September 19th, 1961 the ma
The First Abduction —- The Case of Betty and Barney Hill,On the night of September 19th, 1961 the married couple Betty and Barney Hill were traveling back to their home in New Hampshire when they noticed a strange light in the sky. At first Barney thought it to be an airplane, but upon closer inspection the light appeared to be a strange craft the likes of which they had never seen before. The couple stopped at a rest to continue to observe the strange phenomenon, when they left the object rapidly approached them. As they drove along, turning onto other isolated drives and streets, it seemed as though the object was following them. Finally the object descended right in front of their car, hovering about 80 feet off the ground and causing the Hills to stop. Barney exited the vehicle and peered at the crafts windows. Inside he saw around a dozen humanoid figures. In a panic, Barney returned to the vehicle and drove away as fast as he could. When he told his wife Betty to watch for the craft, the mysterious object disappeared. It seemed that the Hill’s had escaped the strange object and creatures. However after making their escape they notice something was amiss. Two hours of time had passed which they could not account for. They also felt a strange tingling sensation on the trip back home. When they returned home they noticed unexplained oddities, such as torn and scuffed clothing and bruises. The couple talked about the experience but had no explanation for what had happened.Ten days after the experience, life had returned to normal when Betty began to have a series of bizarre dreams of that night. After several nights she wrote down her dreams, piecing together a bizarre narrative of an alien abduction. When the craft had landed the car was surrounded by several small grey humanoid beings with large eyes, large heads. The beings led them out of the car, where they were taken up into the craft. In the craft the beings conducted a number of tests on the Hills, examining their anatomy, taking skin, hair, blood, and nail samples, and at one point inserting a large needle into the stomach of Betty Hill. When the beings were finished, they were escorted back to their car and told to drive away. While Betty was able to clearly recall the event days later, Barney still had no memory of the incident. Eventually both were hypnotized and both recounted similar experiences. While today there are many skeptics of the Betty and Barney Hill case, as well as many scientist and psychologists who offer explanations of the event, in the 1960’s there had never been a major claim of alien abduction before. The story made newspapers, magazines, and media outlets around the world. A number of books, TV shows, and movies have been produced featuring the Hill’s story, and today the grey alien has become a cultural icon that almost everyone can identify. The Hills continued to maintain the events they experience were true, despite growing skepticism and inconsistencies of their part. Barney passed away in 1969, Betty in 2004. -- source link
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