Description: Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeated
Description: Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeated for four years. He’s got perfect grades, a scholarship to one of the best colleges in the country. But no one knows his secret, that his passion for music is bigger than his passion for soccer. And what happens when Ember Williams finds out that secret? Read to find out! Chapter 9 10. Dinner was… successful, to say the least. It looked like Calum was having a good time. Dad was kind, and joking, like he usually is. Just because he’s a lawyer doesn’t mean that he’s always serious. Mom and Lucy were normal, talking a lot. Calum answered all of the questions my dad asked, completely truthfully, and only got embarrassed a few times.I had to stop my dad when he asked what kind of protection Calum uses. His face turned bright red, and he started choking on his water. After he Calmed down, I grabbed his hand under the table, and squeezed it.He gave me a shy look, knowing that I know he’s a virgin. I find it extremely attractive, and just amazing that he’s a virgin. He’s obviously embarrassed about it, but I don’t get why.I quickly changed the subject, to Lucy, and Calum mouthed me a “thank you”The rest of the night went by smoothly, Calum and I helped clean up dinner, then he announced that it was time to go home. We grabbed his guitar from my room, and he noticed his jersey in my closet.“I can’t wait to see you in that tomorrow morning,” He had whispered lowly in my ear.I just blushed and lead him to is car. On the way out he bid my parents goodbye, and gave Lucy a pat on the head, telling her she’d see him in the morning again.As we stood there next to his car, all I could do was smile. He grabbed me and pulled me in for a warm hug, protecting me against the cold. We stood there for what seemed like ages, but was only minutes. He gave me a lingering goodnight kiss, and was gone like that. I walked back inside, and up to my room, putting on the hoodie he lent me earlier this week.I sit on my bed, reading my latest novel but not really paying attention to the words. I’m too busy thinking about everything that has happened in the past few weeks, and how much it has changed my life.My mom enters the room a few minutes later, and sits on the edge of my bed, “Your father and I really like Calum.”I nod at her, knowing there was a “but” coming, there was always a “but” when she talked to me like this.“We just don’t want you getting too attached to him. He’s going to graduate soon, and then leave for college, and we don’t want you heartbroken when he does,” she give me a sad smile, and a kiss on the forehead telling me to go to bed soon.I take what she said into deep thought. He is a senior, and he would be graduating in only a few months. Then what would we do in our relationship? Would we try long having a long distance relationship, with him at college who knows where he decides with all the scholarship offers he has, and me stuck here for another year? Or would we end it, deciding it’d be too hard to try long distance, and say it’s for the best to move on.I don’t want to think about this right now. We’ve only been a couple for a few days, and now my mom has got me thinking about our relationship ending.I groan and throw my head into my pillow, a wave of frustration coming over me. My phone buzzes on my table. I peek at it from the pillows and see Calum’s name on the screen. I hop up and shut my door, then answer his call.“Hello?”“Hey babe, just thought I’d call to say goodnight,” his voice sounds through the phone.“Didn’t you say goodnight at the car?” I snicker.“Okay, I lied, I just wanted to hear your voice before I fell asleep,” I can just imagine his cheeks turning pink.I don’t know how to reply to that, “Well, here’s my voice,” I say awkwardly.He laughs lightly, “Yeah..” he trails off.We talk about random, pointless things until we both fall asleep while still on the phone.…I groan and roll over, waking up to the sound of my annoying alarm clock. I reach out and smack the snooze button, silencing the repetitive and irritating noise. I sit up, rubbing my eyes, moaning out in tiredness.I stand up, sloppily walking over to my bathroom. I quick undress, and turn on the water, in my shower. Once it gets hot, I step in, instantly relaxing under the warm water. I start to hum a melody of a song as I heard a few weeks ago.Once I finish my shower, I wrap a towel around my body, and walk back into my room, starting to sing the song I was humming earlier. I quickly put on some undergarments, and start to figure out what to wear with Calum’s jersey. I just decide on some black skinny jeans, and put them on quickly. I then proceed to put on his jersey, looking in the mirror to see how it looks.It fits just right, and is even a bit big for me. I didn’t expect it to be big on me, but I’m happy with it. A reflection of sunlight hits the mirror, and I track it back to my phone. I walk to my bed and pick it up, seeing that I’m still on the phone with Calum from last night.I place the phone to my ear and listen for a moment, to see if I can hear Calum’s soft snore.“Calum?” I speak lightly into the phone.“Good morning babe. Did you have a good shower?” I can just imagine a smirk on his face.“I-I… um… how long have you been listening?”He’s silent for a moment, “Since you moaned my name in your sleep.”My eyes widen, and my phone drops out of my hand, hitting the floor with a soft, “thump”. I scramble to pick it up, and I press it to my ear, to hear Calum’s laughter.“You are such an ass,” I groan, turning red again. I am so glad that he cannot see me right now.He carries on laughing, then takes a deep breath, “D-did you…. drop… did you drop your phone?” every break he makes he spends laughing.“Maybe,” I mumble.“Oh you’re so cute. I love you so much,” He says through shallower laughter.I gasp a little, and turn red again, “I love you too.”He sighs, “I’m glad… I’ll see you in a little while.”“Okay,” I whisper into the phone.He makes kissing sound on the phone, then the call ends. I sigh, throwing my phone on my bed, and closing my eyes for a moment, enjoying the happiness I’m feeling.But that good feeling was only temporary.“Ember?” my mom opens my door slightly, peeking her head in.“Yeah?” I answer, opening my door all the way.“Who were you talking to?” she asks, examining my outfit for the day.“Calum,” I reply simply.“Ah. I’m assuming this is his?” she points to the shirt I’m wearing.I nod, “He has a game tonight, and asked me to wear it.”She stays quiet, and sits down on my bed. She sighs, looking up at me, “Honey, you remember what we talked about last night, right?”I was trying to forget that, and now she’s brought it up again, ruining my good mood.“Yeah,” I say with no emotion at all.“Honey I know you’ve liked him for so long, and that’s the reason I want you to be careful. You’ll only have him for a few months longer until he leaves for college. I just don’t want you getting too close to him, and getting your heart broken in two when you say your goodbyes. I’m just looking out for you sweetheart. He’s the first boy who you’re in a relationship, and every first has to have a last,” With that, she stands up, and walks out the door, after giving me a long look.I slump down on my bed, feeling slightly helpless, and extremely frustrated. Why does she have to ruin it, so easily, and so quickly? I throw on my old converse, trying to push what my mom just said to the back of my brain.I head downstairs, and get breakfast. I eat it quickly, leaving no chance for my mother to speak to me again, and spoil my day even more. After throwing my dishes into the sink, I hurry upstairs and brush my teeth. I check my outfit once more, before grabbing my bag, and heading downstairs. I sit on the couch, scrolling aimlessly on my phone, waiting for Calum to arrive.The second the doorbell rings, Lucy comes bounding downstairs in an entirely mismatched outfit. She runs to the door, pulling up open with all of her might. I stand up and make my way to the door slowly. Calum stands there, looking as hot as always, grinning down at Lucy.“Good morning kitten!”“Good morning prince charming!“ she grins up to him and I finally get to the front door.Calum grins at me as well, “Good morning Ember.”“Morning,” I smile falsely, and look down at my hands.I hear footsteps, and know my mom is coming to us.“Let’s go,” I grab both Lucy and Calum’s hands.“Goodbye!” Calum says to my mom as I pull him towards his car.Once we get in, Lucy starts chatting her lips off, up till we get to her school. I tell her to have a great day. Calum does too, in his own charming ways. She exits the car, and prances her way to her friends.“Okay, what’s wrong?” he asks the second we pull into our own school parking lot.I shrug my shoulders, “Nothing,” I move to open the door, but Calum’s actions of locking all the doors are faster than mine.“Please don’t lie to me Ember,” his voice sounds hurt. I can’t help but to look up into his eyes, and see that very emotion, as well as confusion. I find myself falling into his trap, not being able to get away with what I was dreading talking about.“My mom just said something last night, and this morning, and it ruined my good mood,” I slump into my seat, trying to be as vague as I can.“What did she say?” he asks without missing a beat.I sigh, and look out the window, “She told me not to get too attached to you, because you’ll be graduating in a few months, and she doesn’t want me to get hurt because you’ll move away and go to college, while I’m still stuck here.”He takes in a breath, and doesn’t reply for a few minutes. When he does, all it does is cause confusion for me.“Do you know when I first started liking you?”I look over at him, confused by his question, “No…”“I was in eighth grade, you were in seventh. I had noticed you around the school, but we had no classes together. I was walking into school one day, and saw you reading at your locker. Your face was all scrunched up in the cutest way, and I just developed a crush on you. Throughout the year it grew into much more. For the past four years I have been in love with everything about you, and I am not going to let that get thrown away a few months after I’ve finally made you mine, just because I’m graduating.”I sit there shocked by his speech, not knowing what to say. He continues speaking, not giving me the chance to say something,“Ember, I would never hurt you. I have no idea what we’re going to do after I graduate, but we’ll make it work. Lets just not even think about me graduating. We’ll deal with it when it gets here. I don’t want anything making you doubt a single thing about our relationship. Lets just enjoy being together, and not care about it right now.”He looks at me, smiling softly, but having a serious look on his face. I nod, letting a smile grace my lips.“Okay.”His smile grows, “Good. I love you, so, so, so, much. And you look so good in my jersey.”My heart flutters, and my cheeks turn red once again, “I love you too.”He leans in pressing a sweet kiss to my lips, his previous words giving me a relieving sense of clarity.…“You excited?” Jess asks, rubbing her arm against me.I nod my head, smiling at her, “Yeah.”“I heard there was going to be a kick ass halftime show,” Kim gives me a mischievous look.I knit my eyebrows together at her. We’re at Calum, and Tyler’s, soccer game, sitting on the cold bleachers. As we watch both teams warm up for their game, I can’t help but fix my outfit for about the millionth time today.Throughout the whole day I’ve been getting weird looks, and death glares. Mostly from the girls at my school, but some guys have given me a second glance when they saw what I was wearing. All of the looks have caused all of my insecurities to rocket sky high. I’ve gone the bathroom more than ten times to make sure nothing was on my face. I’ve readjusted my clothes numerous times, to make my stomach and thighs show less.I’ve heard people whispering about me. It’s not like the movies where everyone is talking about me though, and I’m thankful for that. Shannon Wesley has given me the most death glares. Kim even told her to, “Take a picture, it lasts longer,” If I had to deal with this alone, I don’t think I’d make it.Calum is pretty oblivious to everything. When we were walking to Spanish together, holding hands, lots of people were giving us strange looks, and he didn’t even notice. Or at least he pretended not to notice. That’s what I’ve decided to stick to, pretending that I don’t notice everyone looking at me differently.“It’s starting!” Jess squeals, squirming in her seat. My eyes search the field for Calum, and spot him immediately. He finds me as well, then places his fingers to his lips, then proceeds to blow me a kiss. I pretend to catch it, and place it to my heart. I can see his grin from here, and smile back at him.“You two are so cute, it’s disgusting,” Kim says sarcastically.“You and Tyler are pretty cute too,” I smirk at her. Jess nods in agreement, smirking as well.She turns red, her eyes widening, “You guys know about us?”“Do you think we’re that stupid? We see the way you two flirt,” I give her a duh look.“We also see the hickeys he has given you,” Jess comments.Kim’s hand flies to her neck, where the bundle of purple bruises are half hidden by her shirt.“Oh shut up, and watch the game!” she glares at us.Jess and I laugh, but turn our attention to the game, just in time to see Calum score a goal. We jump to our feet, screaming and clapping. His teammates run up to him, chest bumping him, and cheering him on. The game continues like this for the first half, the score being 2-0 by half time. Our team exits into the locker room, to do whatever they do during half time.“Hey Ember, will you be a doll and go get us some popcorn?” Jess asks, handing me a dollar.I look at her confused, “You have some right there,” I point to the half empty popcorn on the bleacher.“But I want some more. Please?” she looks panicked for a moment, then gives me her best puppy dog eyes.“Sure…” I slowly stand up and take the dollar from her.“Thanks!” she smiles widely, looking at Kim who gives her a fist bump.I nod my head skeptically, then make my way down the bleachers. As I walk to the concession stand, I see all of the players leaving the locker room, carrying four huge pieces of poster paper. I look for Calum, but don’t see him.“Will Ember Williams please come down to the field please?” The announcer’s voice booms from the speakers.I stand there shocked, having no idea what is going on. Fellow classmates give me looks, and a girl from my science class pushes me towards the field. I walk out slowly, feeling everyone’s eyes on me. All of the boys on the team besides Calum are on the field, holding the papers so they don’t face me, or the crowd. Tyler jogs up to me, and grabs my shoulders, moving me to a certain spot, then jogs back to where he was standing on the field, grabbing the paper again.“NOW!” Someone shouts, and one by one the boys turn the papers around.The first one has a big black P, then the next has a R, then an O, and finally an M.. After the M, there’s a question mark on a smaller piece of poster paper. I look up and see that Calum is holding it. My hands fly to my mouth, shocked as what’s happening. Is he asking me to his Senior Prom? As if to answer my question, Calum’s voice erupts from the speakers.“Ember, my gorgeous girlfriend, will you go to prom with me?” he asks, holding a microphone to his mouth, walking towards me, with the question mark.Once he gets to me, I nod my head, “I’d love to.”He grins, and throws the question mark behind him, and pulls me in for a kiss.The crowd goes wild.Chapter 10He asked her to prom awwwwI just think they’re so cute.If you enjoyed this chapter, please give it some notes!Hugs & Kisses-Hannahxx -- source link
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