Description: Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeated
Description: Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeated for four years. He’s got perfect grades, a scholarship to one of the best colleges in the country. But no one knows his secret, that his passion for music is bigger than his passion for soccer. And what happens when Ember Williams finds out that secret? Read to find out! Chapter 4 5.How could I be so stupid? Thinking that I actually had a chance of Calum liking me. Why would he even like me anyway? There is nothing to like about me. I’m not pretty at all, I’m overweight, I’m a book worm, I’m not sociable, I have nothing likable about me.But seeing him kissing that girl hurt so much. I convinced myself–with the help of Jess–that I might actually have had a chance with Calum. Everything she said about him liking me, made me believe that he did like me.“God I’m so stupid!” I scream to no one in particular, angrily wiping away the tears from my eyes.“Hey, no you’re not,” Jess says wiping a stray tear off my cheek. She caught up to me not long after I left Tyler’s house.“Can we just leave? Please? It was a terrible idea to come here,” I feel so drained of energy, I just want to go and sleep.“Sure let me just go get Kim,” She gives me a sympathetic smile and pats my arm before leaving to the house again.It takes about five minutes before I see her emerging out of the door with Kim, Tyler, and Calum behind her. My eyes widen and I try to make myself look as if I hadn’t been crying five seconds ago.“Tyler said that you were leaving, why so soon? I didn’t even see you get here,” Calum asks, his face full of concern once he gets a good look at my puffy eyes.You were too busy sucking face with some skinny blonde.“Ember’s feeling a bit ill, so we’re gonna take her home,” Jess steps in for me when I look at her for help.“Oh.. Um well feel better,” He scratches the back of his neck, and I know that he doesn’t believe Jess by the way he answers.I just nod, not trusting my voice. I scramble into the backseat quickly, followed by Jess. Kim is talking to Tyler, and Calum stands there staring at me, looking very confused. I look away from him before I start crying again.Kim finally gets in and we leave, an awkward silence settling around us, until she breaks the silence, “Ember I’m really sor-”“Don’t, just don’t. Please,” My voice cracks and more tears start spilling out of my eyes. A sob emits from my mouth, causing me to break down again.Calum’s POV
I stand there, watching her leave once again. My shoulders slump, and I exhale a long breath.“What’s up?” Tyler asks softly.“She wasn’t feeling ill was she?” I ask, not looking at Tyler.He’s quiet for a minute, then I see him nod, “She was feeling fine. Physically that is,” he says the last part quietly, but I know it’s meant for me to hear.“What’s do you mean? Did I do something?” I question, feeling worried.He gives me a sad half smile, “That’s for you to find out yourself, Cal.”That just confuses me even more, and I knit my eyebrows together looking at Tyler confused. He just pats my back and turns around, heading back to his party.What was that supposed to mean? “That’s for you to find out yourself.” I comb back through my memories trying to think of what I could have possibly done wrong. I don’t remember saying anything that she could have taken the wrong way. I could have said something, and not even thought of it.“Ugh!” I groan and put my head in my hands. I stand there for a minute, thinking of what I did wrong, and I literally cannot think of anything. I’ve never been this frustrated, and disappointed, not even when we were losing a game, majorly.I had finally gotten up enough courage to ask her out, kiss her, tell her how I feel, to do something. I’d wimp out every time I was about to, and before the game I promised myself that I wouldn’t wimp out this time.Well I guess wimping out isn’t an option anymore.I sigh and make my way back into Tyler’s house. The loud music starts to give me a headache, and I’m not in the mood to party anymore. I quickly find Tyler, who’s soberly dancing with a very tipsy girl, whose face I cannot recognize due to the fact that her hair is covering it.I’m glad that Tyler’s not drinking because 1. He would get suspended from the team if he was, and 2. I wouldn’t want him having a drunk hookup, then finding out he got her pregnant, or that he got a STD. He’s my best friend, I’d never want that for him.We made this pact when we first became friends back in freshman year, that we’d never drink during soccer season–which is a huge rule anyway–and we’d never drink enough to make terrible mistakes. I don’t drink anyway, alcohol is disgusting, and I’d rather remember what I do at all times, plus it’s illegal, so why risk it? Being able to have courage, and not care, is not worth the risk of everything that could go wrong.“Hey Ty!” I shout over the blaring music.“Yeah?” He turns his attention away from the girl who doesn’t seem to care, and walks away, latching onto another dance partner.“I’m gonna head home.”He frowns, “I thought you were gonna help me clean up the mess, then spend the night?”“I’ll make it up to you, promise.” I give him a smile, and he nods, knowing that I will.“Okay, drive safe man,” We do our hand shake-chest bump, quickly.“I will. You be safe too,” I give him a serious look and he grins, and nods.I leave the house and go to my car that was parked in the driveway. Thankfully there are no cars behind it, so I get just leave. Once I start the car, I plug in my phone and hit shuffle. I immediately recognize the song, and get an idea of how I’ll tell Ember how I feel.Ember’s POVOnce we got back to my house, we went to my room and I collapse on my bed. I swore to myself that I’m done crying, but I still feel like I had tears wanting to come up.“Hey, you’ll get over him. If he’s superficial enough to play tonsil hockey with her, then he doesn’t deserve you,” Jess says softly as she sits down on my bed and starts rubbing my back.“I just thought he was different. And I really thought he might have even slightly liked me, no thanks to you,” I grumble, turning to face her.She just gives me a sad smile, “I know Em, and I’m sorry. I truly thought that he liked you.”I just sigh, “Whatever. I’ll get over it. He’s just a boy. A very cute, smart, nice boy who I’ve liked since the seventh grade, no big deal,” I rant sarcastically.“It’ll all work out eventually,” Kim finally speaks up.I just nod, then stand up, announcing that I’m going to the bathroom. I shut and lock the door once I get there. The second I look into the mirror, I instantly regret it.My eyes are so red and puffy, and I have tear tracks all down my cheeks.This boy is having such a huge affect on me, it’s like I caught him cheating.But he was never yours in the first place.I splash some cold water onto my face, trying to get rid of the pathetic tear stains, and red eyes. I eventually give up, then change into my pajamas; sweats and a big t shirt.Once I emerge from the bathroom, I see Kim and Jess sitting on the bed smiling at me. I notice three pints of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and my favorite movie Ferris Bueller’s Day Off.“Let’s get your mind off things,” Kim smiles and pats the spot next to her.I sit down, and we turn on the movie, and get sucked in, immediately forgetting that I was crying about Calum not ten minutes ago.…Monday morning rolls around all too quickly. I dread going to school, and mainly seeing Calum. I don’t what I’ll do, or say around him.The weekend went by way too fast. Saturday morning Kim had to go home, for a reason I don’t know, she just rambled whole bunch of nonsense, and I was half asleep, so that explains why I can’t remember. When Jess and I woke up around noon, mom made us chocolate chip pancakes. She only makes those for me when I’m sick, or something bad happened like when I was ten and my pet hamster died.I know that she knows something about what happened last night. I came in with tears rolling down my eyes, and in the morning three pints of ice cream were in the garbage, plus the pancakes. She asked me about it, am I just shrugged it off, not wanting to talk about it. She understood, like the kind mother she is, but I know she’ll want to know what was wrong eventually, and I’ll tell her. Just not now. It hurts too bad right now.“Come on Luce, we’re gonna be late!” I call up to my seven year old sister who takes longer getting ready than I do.“I’m coming!” She grumbles and stomps down the stairs looking adorable in her pink tutu.Apparently it’s dress up week at her school, and she gets to wear whatever she wants. I wear whatever I want to school–normally just jeans and a t shirt–so i’m down with her wearing what she wants.We get in the car, and I only speed five miles over, to get her to school on time. It’s a deal I made with my parents when they bought me a car, I have to take Lucy to school every day, take her to ballet class, and run whatever errands they need me to run. It’s a deal I gladly made in order to get my own car.“Have a wonderful day sweet cheeks,” I call her by her nickname that she hates, and she sticks her tongue out before retreating to the school.I hurry to my school, blasting Green Day throughout the speakers, preparing myself for the dreadful Monday ahead.…Finally lunch time is here, but I don’t feel like eating. All of my previous classes dragged on and on, never seeming to end.I reluctantly join Kim and Jess in the lunch line, grabbing a few things that don’t look appetizing, and make my way to our usual spot after paying for my lunch.Kim and Jess follow me quickly, sitting down and we start talking about something I don’t know, because I over hear Shannon Wesley talking to one of her fake “besties” about her great hook up on Saturday.“I knew that he totally wanted me, and by the way he treated me at the party proved it. Calum is so hot, he’s like a walking sex god. His abs are amazing.”I squeeze my eyes closed, holding back fresh tears. I hear a snap, and feel a sharp sting in my hand, but don’t think anything of it.“Ember, are you okay?” Kim asks touching my shoulder.“Yeah, why?” I lie through my gritted teeth.“You’re kinda.. bleeding,” She answers, sounding like question.I look down to my hand, to in fact see that I am bleeding. I see that I was squeezing my glass soda bottle so hard that I cracked, and broke the neck of it. A tiny part of the glass sticks into my hand, causing the wound to bleed.“Oh,” I whisper. I grab my napkin, and clean up the blood traveling down my hand.“You need to go to the nurse’s office.” Jess says worriedly.“No! Calm down, its just a tiny piece of glass, I’ll just go get it in out in the bathroom,” I shrug it off.“We’ll come with you,” Kim volunteers, and I wave her off.“No you guys stay and eat. I’m a big girl, I can take care of myself,” I wink at them, and get up to go dump my tray.Out of the corner of my eyes I can see Calum approaching me, so I scurry to the trash cans, dumping my tray and throwing it on the stack of other dirty trays. I head to the door, but he catches up to me, standing right in my path.“Ember, can I talk to you for a minute?” He asks sweetly, and I can’t look at him, without seeing him and Shannon kissing.“No, sorry,” I start to walk around him, but he grabs my arm.“Why not?” He looks so hurt, and it makes me feel terrible for being rude to him.“Because,” I yank my injured hand away from him, clutching it in my other hand.He see’s the piece of glass, and takes my hand carefully in his, “What happened?” He asks, looking concerned.“A glass broke, now excuse me,” I pull my hand away a second time, ignoring the feeling I get when his skin touches mine, and walk past him.“Can I help?” He catches up walking beside me.“No, I’ll be fine. Thanks,” I answer, hurrying into the empty girls bathroom, finally getting away from him, just as the tears escape my eyes.How could I not recognize that it was Shannon at the party? Perfectly skinny, gorgeous blonde hair, as much as I hate to admit it she’s extremely pretty too. Everything guys would want, and everything that I don’t have.I can’t help but feel disappointed build up towards Calum, hearing that he hooked up with Shannon. I really thought that he was different, but I was wrong. He’s just like every other guy in this school.I run some cold water over my hand, and take the piece of glass out. It was just a small piece, it didn’t go in very deep, so it stops bleeding after a few seconds. I wash it, only wincing slightly at the stinging of it, and dry it. I find then put a bandaid in my backpack and put it on it.After I finish cleaning up the cut, I think of Calum, and the tears continue on flowing. After about ten minutes of crying, not crying, then bursting into tears again, the bathroom door opens. I start to panic, not wanting anyone to see my tears.“Ember?” I recognize Jess’s voice, and instantly relax knowing that it’s just her and Kim.“Yeah,” I croak and they turn me around, noticing the tears.“We saw you talking to him. What did he say?” Kim asks softly.“He hooked up with Shannon,” A sob leaves my mouth, and Jess’s arms are instantly around me, holding me tightly.“He told you that?!” Kim asks incredulously.I shake my head, “No, Shannon was talking to her friend about it during lunch,” I mumble into Jess’s shoulder.“That fucking skank! I’m gonna kick her ass,” Jess fumes. She rarely curses, and when she does, you know that she’s really pissed. I grip her tightly and shake my head. She calms down, and helps me calm down. I let go of her, pulling my head away to smile at her once I’ve stopped crying.“God, I feel like such a baby,” I mutter wiping the last tears away.“You’re not a baby. You have a perfectly fine reason to be crying,” Kim hugs me tightly for a moment then lets go.“Let’s get out of here before someone comes in,” I mutter, turning to splash cold water on my face, making the redness in my eyes go down slightly.I dry my face quickly, and we exit the bathroom. I look up from the floor and see Calum across the hallway talking to Tyler. He notices me, and starts to walk over to us. The bell rings saving me from talking to him again.I walk away to World History, taking one last glance at his frowning, confuse face.…World history drags on, and for once I’m actually glad that it does. I’m only glad because next hour is Spanish with Calum, and I’ll have to talk to him.When the bell does ring, I sit in my seat for a few extra moments, before getting up, slowly heading to Spanish.I find my seat, getting out my binder for the class, starting working on the project again. Calum enters with Tyler, and I feel his eyes on me. I don’t look up though, I can’t, or I know he’ll see right through me.The bell rings, and Mr. Garcia tells us to group up, and that today will be the last day to work on the project in class. He announces that it’s due on Friday, and if we don’t finish today he expects us to find a way to finish outside of school.Calum makes his way to where I’m sitting, and pulls a chair over to where I’m sitting.“Ember?” His voice comes out soft, and cautious.“Yeah?” I answer, still looking at my notes.“Why are you avoiding me?” He sounds so hurt.“I’m not avoiding you,” I try to sound casual.“Then why aren’t you looking at me?”I just shrug, not knowing what to say.“Ember, please look at me,” He sounds so desperate, I can’t help but look up at him.He suddenly looks pained, “Have you been crying?”“I-I… The glass, it um.. Got stuck really far in, and hurt a lot..” I sputter, not making eye contact.“I don’t believe you,” He replies quickly.“Good for you,” I deadpan.It’s quiet for a moment, then Calum speaks, and I almost don’t hear him from because of how quiet he is.“What did I do?”I look up at him, instantly regretting what leaves my lips.“Why don’t you go ask Shannon?”“What?” He asks, looking extremely confused.“I said, why don’t you go ask Shannon. You seemed to be getting pretty cozy with her at the party,” I reply coldly.His mouth widens, as if he just figured something out, “That!”“What?”“That’s what you’re upset about! You saw me kissing Shannon didn’t you?” He grins, and it hurts seeing how happy he is.“Oh my god Ember, you have no idea how relieved I am.”I just shake my head, “Well I’m glad you are,” I retort sarcastically, looking down, not allowing myself to start crying over this idiotic boy again.“It was a dare, Ember.”My head shoots up, not believing what I just heard.“What?”“It was a dare. We were playing truth or dare, and she dared me to kiss her,” He smiles at me, looking so relieved.“Did she dare you to hook up with her too?” I glare at him.“What?!” He exclaims.“I said did sh–” I begin to repeat myself, but he interrupts me.“No, I know what you said. How did you come up with that?” His eyebrows knit together.“I overheard her telling her friend about how great of a hook up you are,” I explain, rolling my eyes.He begins to laugh, and I get confused.“What?”“I never hooked up with her. Hell, I’ve never hooked up with anyone and I wouldn’t have her be my first.”My eyes widen, and once he realizes what he just admitted to me, his so too, and his cheeks turn red.“So you didn’t hook up with her?” I say hopefully.“No, I went home right after you did. And I didn’t even want to kiss Shannon, but it was a dare. I gotta keep my tough guy rep up,” he winks playfully at me and I giggle a little, “also I didn’t want to be rude and say no, but now I think I should have.”I nod, “I’m sorry Calum. I’ve been acting really bitchy, and I shouldn’t have believed her. I just always assume the worst..” I look up at him apologetically.He smiles softly, “How about you make it up to me by meeting me in the band room after school?”I just nod and smile, wondering what he’s up to. We work on the presentation until the bell rings, then when I start leaving he grabs my hand, sending a shock of electricity through me when he does.“I’ll see you in the band room after school,” He squeezes my hand lightly and I nod, not trusting my voice.He smiles at me, then let’s go of my hand, and walks over to Tyler. I can still feel the tingling on my hand even when he’s gone.This boy is putting me on a roller coaster of emotions.…My last hour goes by slowly, and for the first time today I wish that it wouldn’t. I have no idea what Calum has planned, but I’m really nervous.The class finally ends, and I hurry to my locker, shoving my books into it. I then head to the band room, my hand shaking, and my stomach tying itself in knots, as if I could throw up any minute.I push the door open and see Calum pacing around the room, a guitar case on the floor next to a chair.“Hey!” He exclaims, looking as if he’s out of breath.“Hey,” I reply softly.He just smiles at me, and I look between him, and the guitar tilting my head in the wonder.“So…” I trail off“Oh yeah! Okay um…” He snaps back to reality, and I find it adorable. He scrambles around for a chair, and puts it across from the one that was already there.“Have a seat,” He starts to nibble on his bottom lip, and that distracts me for a second. I sit down, staring up at him.“So um I’ve been wanting to tell you something for a long time, and I could never find a way to tell you, but I finally have.”I just nod, getting nervous. He sits down in the chair across from me, grabbing the guitar, and clutching it in his shaking hands.“Okay.” He takes a deep breath then starts strumming.(Here’s a link to the song)“I’d be more of a morning personIf I got to wake up next to youWell, let me ask you somethingWould you be one too.”I don’t recognize the song, but I listen intently to the lyrics.He ends the songs and looks up at me. My eyes bore into his, trying to figure out what he meant by the song choice.“That was amazing,” I whisper, still staring into his eyes.“Thanks,” He replies, setting down the guitar, looking as if he’s collecting his thoughts.I stand up and walk over to the piano, softly pressing down on the keys, “But I don’t get it. Why’d you sing it to me?”It’s silent for a few moments before he lets out a shaky breath, “Because I like you.” He says softly, just above a whisper.“What?” I breath out and turn around to see him standing right in front of me.“I like you Ember, I’ve liked you for a long time, and I never knew how to tell you,” he admits, his eyes full of insecurity and uncertainty.“Wha- w-why?” I ask completely seriously.He’s clearly shocked by that, staying silent for a minute, then he finally speaks, “Why not?”I just look at him, “Why not?” I repeat him, and he nods.“Because I’m me. Boring, unsociable, not popular, not pretty, not skinny, there are so many reasons.”“Do you really think that little of yourself?” he takes a step forward.I simply nod, distracted by the scent of him. “Well I disagree completely,” he states, and I look up at him, furrowing my eyebrows together.“I don’t think you’re boring at all. And as for not being popular, or sociable, I could honestly care less. It doesn’t matter that you’re not skinny, and no you’re not pretty.”I look down, not wanting him to see how much that hurt. I feel Calum getting closer to me, our chests almost touching. Two soft fingers lift my chin up, to meet his intense gaze.“You’re gorgeous,” he whispers, and I exhale the breath I didn’t know I was holding in.He closes the distance between us, leaning in slowly, and this time nothing interrupts him.Author’s note:I made that more than twice as long as I usually do, just because I love you guys. Please give me some notes and feedback, I love talking to you!The song I used in this chapter is Nothing, by Lewis Waston. He is one of my favorite artists, and I thought that this song fits pretty you all lots!-Hannahxx Chapter 6 -- source link
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