Description: Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeated
Description: Calum Hood, the schools golden boy. He’s the reason that the varsity team is undefeated for four years. He’s got perfect grades, a scholarship to one of the best colleges in the country. But no one knows his secret, that his passion for music is bigger than his passion for soccer. And what happens when Ember Williams finds out that secret? Read to find out! Chapter 11 12. Embers POV“Mali?!” Calum’s voice is just above a whisper, clearly showing that he’s shocked. He runs to her, tackling her into a hug. A squeal escapes her lips as he carelessly lifts her off the ground. They stay in each others embrace for what seems like minutes.When they finally break apart, she looks at me, and nudges Calum. “Oh yeah, sorry. Mali, this is my girlfriend Ember, Ember this is my older sister Mali.“Mali grins and steps away from Calum, pulling me into a hug.“It’s so nice to finally meet you! My mum has told me so much about you!” I hug her back after a moment of shock. Once we pull apart, I smile up at her. “It’s nice to meet you too,” I reply, wondering what exactly Mrs. Hood has told her. I stand there awkwardly, looking between the two, extremely alike looking siblings. I can just tell that they haven’t seen each other in a long time. We move into the kitchen, where Joy is making what looks to be cookies. We say our hellos, then Calum speaks up.“Why are you home? I thought you weren’t coming until your semester was over?” Calum asks, a huge grin on his face. Mali smirks, and looks between us, noticing us holding hands, “Well mum told me that our little Cal’s in love, so I had to come see for myself.” She pinches his cheeks, treating him like a baby, even though he’s almost a foot taller than her. He smacks her hands away from him, turns red, and scowls at her. My own cheeks heat up, and I look at my feet. “You two are so cute! Oh I’m getting a call, be right back,” She squeals and walks out of the room.I look up at Calum, and see that even though his sister embarrassed him (well, us) he is still so happy that she’s here. He looks down at me and smiles. “Should we go start our movie?” He whispers.I shake my head, “No! Your sister just got here you have to spend some time with her! I’ll call Jess to come pick me up.” I take out my phone. “Oh no,” He grabs my phone, and shove it into his back pocket, “You’re staying here. She’s on the phone, probably with her boyfriend, so it will take a while. We’ll still watch the movie.”I look up at him unsure. “Mum we’re gonna watch a movie downstairs. Will you tell Mali to join us when she’s off the phone?” He squeezes my hand. Joy smiles and nods, agreeing to tell Mali. He smiles at her then drags me downstairs. I roll my eyes at him, but don’t fight, because I know he’ll win with his adorable puppy dog eyes. “What movie should we watch?” He asks, kneeling down in front of his shelf of movies. “I don’t care, just nothing scary,” I shrug, and go to sit on the couch.“Aww come on babe, you’re really not scared of horror films are you?” He turns around lifting his eyebrow up. “Maybe…” I mumble, playing with my fingers. He stands up, and sits next to me, “I’m right here, and I’ll protect you from everything. If you get way scared we can turn it off, okay?” I sigh, but nod. He grins and gives me a quick kiss, then jumps up and puts whatever movie he picked in. He turned off the lights, pressed play and sat back down next to me. The creepy music starts to play and I scoot closer to Calum. He laughs a little, and wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him. The movie goes on for a while. The music starts to get intense and I know something scary is about to pop out. Right as it gets to its scariest point, the door to downstairs slams open, and I scream bloody murder.Calum screams as well, and we both jump. Mali stomps down the stairs laughing, clutching her stomach. “Oh my god… That was… Priceless!” She says in between fits of laughter.Calum groans, and I shove my face into his chest, to hide myself from embarrassment. “Seriously?! I think you scarred Ember for life,” He exclaims to his sister.“No, I’m fine,” I speak up, my face still in his chest. “Yeah, she’s fine, she’s a big girl Cal,” Mali laughs and I hear her plop down onto a couch. The movie’s still aging in the background, intense music and people screaming.I peek my head up, and look at Calum. He’s already staring at me with a guilty expression. “I’m sorry,” He frowns. My cheeks heat up and I’m glad the lights are off, “It’s okay.” His frown turns into a smile, and he leans down and places his lips softly on mine. I kiss him back, placing my fingers on his neck. I pull him in as close to me as I can, loving the feeling of us being so close together. Right as the kids starts to heat up, Calum pulls away, kissing my nose.“Mali’s right there.” He whispers.I nod, and turn my attention back to the movie, cuddling into his side more. He wraps his arm around me again, and despite the terrifying movie playing, I’m extremely happy right now. …After the movie finally ended, we all just sat talking for a while. I learned that Mali was studying to be an actress at a great school a couple towns over. She told me that she has a boyfriend of three years now, and they live together. Her boyfriends name is Sean, and he’s going to law school. Their professions are very different, but they love the same things, music, movies, partying, and having a good time. I could just tell by the way she talked about him, that she loves him so dearly. “He would have come, but he couldn’t get away from school. He wants to meet you so bad!” Mali grins at me. I nod, and blush, amazed that people would actually want to meet me. "Dinner’s ready!” Joy’s voice calls from upstairs. I look at the clock on the wall, shocked to see that it’s already almost seven.“I should get home, I don’t want to intrude on family time,” I scramble up,starting to grab my things, and Mali stops me.“No no no, you are staying for dinner. I want to get to know you better,” She says, grabbing my arm.I look between her and Calum for a moment. Calum is nodding his head, telling me to stay. Mali’s sounds so sincere, so I know that she’s serious, and not just being nice because I’m Calum’s girlfriend.“Okay,” I agree, and Mali grins, then heads upstairs, leaving Calum and I alone.“I knew you couldn’t resist this,” He smirks, walking towards me.I shake my head, rolling my eyes at him, “I said yes to dinner, not to, you.” I blush realizing what it just sounded like I was saying.I start to sputter, “I d-didn’t mean, you, you, l-like that, I meant you.” I start to back away from him as he continues to walk towards me. My back hits a wall, and he continues walking towards me.He presses his body against mine, and starts to kiss me. I kiss him back, and it quickly becomes heated. Soon he’s trailing kisses down my neck, and to my shoulder. I wince when he presses his lips to my collar bone.He pulls away giving me a strange look. He quickly pulls down the sleeve of my shirt, along with my bra and tank top straps. His eyes widen when he see’s the hickeys he left on me last week.“They’re still there?!” he whispers, examining the purple bruises.I nod my head, blushing once again. He leans over and places a gentle kiss to each bruise.“I’m sorry,” he whispers into my skin.“It’s okay,” I hum, distracted by the feeling of his soft lips against my skin.He trails his soft kisses up to my jaw, and quickly finds my sweet spot. I let my head fall back, a small moan leaving my lips. I can feel Calum grin against my skin, then continue to kiss right under my jaw.“Are you two coming?” Mali’s voice calls from upstairs. I’m scared that she’s going to open the door and see us, so I push Calum away from me. I start to fix myself up, pulling my shoulder and straps back on.“Yeah, coming,” Calum calls.Once I’m looking normal, I head to the stairs, but get stopped by Calum’s strong arms wrapping around my waist.“To be continued,” he whispers lowly into my ear, and takes my earlobe between his teeth.A small gasp leaves my lips. He lets go of me, and walks up the stairs as if nothing had happened.…Dinner was great, as usual. We all talked and enjoyed ourselves. Just by having dinner with them, and seeing how they react, I can tell that the Hood family is a very close one, and they all love each other so much. Maybe it’s because how small of a family they are, or just how their parents have raised them to be. It’s amazing to me, how close they all are, and how they can tell each other anything and not regret doing it.Lucy is so young, that I can’t really have any girly talks with her, my mom would tell the next person she saw what I told her, and my dad isn’t home enough. With Jess and Kim, I feel like we’re sisters, so I can tell them anything, which in a way makes up for not being extremely close to anyone in my family. I’m glad that Calum has Mali, because he has someone older to look up to for help.After dinner we help clean up, and Joy brings out cookies, for dessert. They’re delicious, some of the best I’ve ever had. After that, it’s near my curfew, so I tell Calum that I should get home. I tell everyone goodbye, thanking Joy for the delicious food, and telling Mali that it was nice to meet her.As we drive to my house, Calum grabs my hand, getting my attention.“What did you think of Mali?” he glances at me quickly, before turning his attention back to the road.A smile graces my lips, “She’s so nice, and sweet. I really liked her.”“More than me?” he asks playfully“Definitely,” I reply in a joking manner.Calum pulls over, and turns the car off. I start to worry, thinking that he took what I just said seriously.“Calum, it was a jo-” I’m cut off by his lips pressing against mine.I relax, and kiss him back.After a steamy make out session, where I might have attempted to give him a hickey, and succeeded,he turns the car back on and finishes driving to my house. He walks me to my front door, gives me a kiss, and leaves. I fall asleep the second my head hits the pillow, exhausted from the events of the day.…Friday comes around all too quickly.Here I sit on the floor in my room, in front of my closet. I’m surrounded by all of my clothes, not knowing what to wear to our date. He told me to dress warm, and that was the only thing he told me about our date, and that he would pick me up at five, after soccer practice.I glance at my alarm clock, it reads 4:48.I groan, for what seems to be the millionth time today. I spot Calum’s hoodie, folded and sitting on my piano waiting to be returned to Calum. I stand up, and walk to my piano. I run my fingers along the soft material of the jacket. I lift it to my nose, it still smells like Calum. My eyes close as I continue to bask to in his scent. “Ember, Calum’s here!” My mom calls from downstairs. I start to panic, and throw on his hoodie over the shirt I wore to school. I grab my phone and purse, then scramble down the stairs. As I walk to him, A lopsided grin forms on Calum’s face when he see’s what I’m wearing.He’s wearing a dark blue jacket over his t shirt, and black skinny jeans. His hair is wet, showing that he just showered. I can’t help but notice how attractive he looks. “Ready?” It takes a moment for me to register his question. “Oh, uh yeah,” I answer and my cheeks heat up.“I’ll have her back by nine,” He smiles to my mom, and we walk out to his car. Before he opens the door for me, he grabs my chin and kisses me sweetly.“You look amazing in my clothes,” He whispers lowly into my ear. I blush, and look down at my feet. He kisses my cheek quickly, then opens my door for me. Once we’re both in the car, he starts it and we drive.“So, where are we going?” I ask, dying to know what his plans were for the date. “We’re going to this little diner that I love…..” He trails off, not saying the next part intentionally.“Then?” I ask, hoping he’ll tell me.He pretends to zip his lips shut. I groan, and sink back into my seat. He grins and take my hand, pressing it to his lips. I turn on the radio, and we jam out until we get to the diner. The sign says Rosie’s Diner and it looks like a quaint, well kept place. Once we walk in the doors, I’m hit by a gust of warm air, and the smell of chocolate cake. A few workers stand behind the counter. The bell rings once the door closes, and an older woman looks up from washing some dishes. “Calum!” She exclaims, a wide forming on her face. He grins, “Rosie!” “Oh it’s so good to see you again! It’s been quite some time,” She remarks, walking us to a booth. “I know it has, and I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy with school and soccer,” He gives her a guilty look. “And who is this?” She looks to me, then Calum.“This is Ember, my girlfriend. Ember, this is Rosie, the owner of the diner,” He grins, squeezing my hand that he’s holding. “Well, it’s nice to meet you Ember. A waitress will be right out,” She smiles at me and disappears into the kitchen. “So… Do you bring all your girlfriends here?” I say, looking around the diner.“Nope, you’re only person I’ve ever brought here. None of them were special enough.” I look at him, to see if he’s serious. A genuine smile widens across his face. My cheeks heat up, knowing that he meant it. I smile back at him. A waitress comes and asks for our order. “We’ll both have a number three, no onions extra cheese,” He recites, already knowing what he wants. I just go with it, not having any idea of what they serve here.“And what to drink?” She asks after writing it down on her notepad.“I’ll have a Mountain Dew. You?” He looks at me lifting an eyebrow.“I’ll have a Pepsi,” I decide.The waitress writes at down, “Coming right up.” She smiles and walks away. “So, how long have you been coming here?” I ask after a few moments of silence.“Ever since I was little. Rosie is a friend of mum’s,” He explains.I nod, “Oh, she seems nice.” “She is. She always gives me a free slice of her homemade chocolate cake. I think I could split a piece with you,” He shrugs, but grins.“Sounds delicious.” We continue taking for a few minutes, then our food arrives. I’m not sure what it is, but it’s amazing. It’s some kind of burger that’s really cheesy and has this amazing sauce on it. The fries that came with it are the best fries I’ve ever had too. “Oh my god, that was so good,” I moan, sitting back feeling full, and satisfied.“I know right?” He says with a mouthful of his last fries.Rosie walks over to our table, and places a slice of delicious looking chocolate cake on the table.“Enjoy,” She smiles, and walks away after we thank her.Calum picks up the only fork she brought with us, and cuts a piece carefully. He lifts up the fork full of cake, and places it in front of my lips.“Open up,” he whispers.I nibble on my bottom lip, then open my mouth, my eyes locked on Calum’s. The cake enters my mouth, and my taste buds go crazy. My eyes close, and a moan escapes my lips. After a few seconds of enjoying the amazing taste, my eyes flutter open, and I see Calum staring at me. His gaze is intense, and I have to tear my eyes away from him.“You have,” my eyes meet his, and his eyes are trained on my lips, “some cake.”I run my tongue over my bottom lip, trying to snatch up any pieces of cake on my lips. I look at Calum, as if asking if it was still there.“I got it,” he leans over the table, and places his lips on mine. His tongue runs over my lips, and pulls away. He grins at me, and takes a bite of the cake, throwing his head back in content.After we finish the cake, which was as good as Calum said it was, we left the diner. Calum paid for it, like the true gentleman he is. We get in the car, and drive into town. It takes a few minutes, but finally we pull into the ice rink.“Ice skating?” I turn to Calum, shocked.He nods his head, biting his bottom lip, “Tyler said that Kim told him that you’ve always wanted to learn how to ice skate, and I thought it would be a good first date.” His face is full of uncertainty, and worry.I grin at him, “It’s perfect,” I lean over and press a quick kiss to his lips.A wave of relief washes over him, and he hops out of the car, running around to open my door. We walk to the front door, hand in hand. Once he pays, we get our shoes. I have no idea how to tie them, the weird laces and holes confuse me.A few minutes go by of me trying to tie them, and failing. I give up, and look over at Calum.“Need help?” he asks, finishing his last lace.“Please,” I pout at him, glaring at the laces.He grins, and kneels in front of me, and effortlessly ties the complicated shoelaces. Once they’re tied, he helps me to my feet. The new feeling of having thin blades at the bottom of my shoes, disorientates me. I try to take a step forward, and almost fall over. Calum’s arms wrap around me, holding me up.“You okay?” he whispers, his tight grip still holding me up.“Yeah, it’s just weird,” I mumble, and grip onto the side of the wall, attempting to walk forward again.I’m successful this time, taking slow steps. Calum is patiently waiting right beside me. Once I get to the door of the rink, I look to Calum for help. He grins and steps over the barrier, onto the ice. His confident stance amazes me, he looks so comfortable on the ice.I step onto the ice, still gripping the side of the wall. Once both of my feet are in the rink, I discover a whole new disorientation, and almost lose my balance again. Calum quickly skates to my side, helping me stay up straight.After a few minutes go by I’m starting to get used to the odd feeling of standing on ice. I move my feet, and start to go forward, without falling on my face, surprisingly.“Babe, let go of the wall, come out in the middle with me,” Calum says, grabbing my hand.“I’m not sure Calum,” I give him a nervous look.“I’ll be right here the whole time, I won’t let you fall,” His eyes meet mine.I nod, trusting him completely, “Okay.”I let go of the wall, grabbing Calum’s other hand. He grins, and starts to skate backwards pulling me towards him.At first it goes smoothly, but when I try to move my feet with him, I lose my balance, and fall backwards onto my back. Because our hands are joined together, Calum falls with me, falling on top of me. I groan at my back hitting the cold ice.“Oh god, I’m sorry!” He groans, rolling off of me, and leans over me.“It’s okay,” I mumble, and sit up.He quickly gets to his feet, and holds out a hand to me. I grab it, and try to get to my fee, but fail, because of the slippery ground. I fall over once again, pulling Calum down with me. This time, I start laughing. Calum joins me, laughing as well. He lies down next to me, grabbing my hand. We ignore the looks other skaters are giving us.“If I lay here,If I just lay here,would you lie with meand just forget the world.”He starts to sing, and I laugh, singing with him.“Oh god I love you,” I laugh, turning, and kissing him softly on the lips, a warm feeling spreading throughout my body, despite the cold ice we’re lying on.“I love you too,” he mumbles against my lips.Chapter 12 yayybonding with Mali, and their cute first date, awwwwGive it some notes if you liked it!Love you lots-Hannahxx -- source link
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