2K Followers Event: Pancake and Waffle Cafe Masterlist Red Velvet Pancakes (protective lover) Drabbl
2K Followers Event: Pancake and Waffle Cafe Masterlist Red Velvet Pancakes (protective lover) Drabble/ShortsCharacters: Aether, Gorou, Xiao, Diluc, Thoma, Childe, fem!readerWarnings: getting hit on, bullying, getting called slut, implied sexual relations but still safe to read, not proofread :D I overused the guards in this one XD I’m sorry for making them the “bad guys”Notes: My job leaves me no space to write on the weekdays haha. So I kind of decided I’ll write on the weekends and just post it out on a schedule so at least everyone gets an update like… three times a week aha……Gorou“This girl seems to be important to their general,” You watch as the restrained Gorou resists against the two men who have him pinned down on the ground, his cheek pressed onto rough gravel. His eyes stay tacked on to you, while you, who was standing, had your wrists roped together, two guards on both sides of you. There’d been an ambush and it seemed as if the enemy was playing to the Resistance’s weaknesses. “General, give your vision up, or you’ll never see this pretty face again,” a sword is pressed up against your neck, yet you make no sound. For Gorou’s sake, you can’t show anymore weaknesses.But regardless of whether or not you stay silent or you scream. Whether or not you put on a brave face or cry. Gorou will feel the same. Gorou will struggle. Gorou will tear them apart with his eyes first, and his hands next, when he’s loose. “Give.her.back.”It’s hardly decipherable, what with his mouth having less space to move. But he pushes his head up, even as the guards push it down, and repeats. “Give her back!” The sudden burst of energy catches everyone off guard. The ground shakes with Geo energy and the next thing you know you’re whisked away and safe in his arms. You sigh in relief, his hand behind your head, keeping you flush into him. He has to make sure he can feel you. Know that you’re safe.“I got you,” he reassures you, but you can hear how fast his heart was beating. “It’s okay, I got you now,” as if he was reassuring himself more than you.Xiao“Every time you visit you’re stopped at the archway by the guard,” Xiao glares at you, his hands crossed above his chest. “Why does he always have something to say to you?” It doesn’t help that whenever he watched, that guard would be retelling some type of entertaining story–judging from the expression on your face. Sometimes it would only take a minute for the interaction to end, sometimes it’d take longer.Today in particular was one of those days that took longer. Xiao was starting to wonder if you were really visiting him, or that guard down there. There’s this sense of annoyance inside him. Partly towards you, but mostly towards the guard. You were explaining in the background how the guard was just trying to be nice, asking about your journey here and relaying different stories, but when you blinked next, Xiao was gone.Xiao reappeared on the bridge and walked over to the said guard. The heavy tap of his footsteps stops right in front of the guard, his arms are still crossed as he asks, “Are you fond of Y/N?” The guard tenses up, and his eyes dart towards the other one, on the other side of the bridge. That one shrugs and continues his job as a lookout. “Er…Well…She’s a lovely lady…” this one concludes, looking cautiously at Xiao.“That wasn’t my question,” Xiao says, still staring up at the other man. The guard shifts uncomfortably and doesn’t say anything. A few seconds pass and Xiao is the one who talks for him. “Indeed, she is,” he whispers, referring back to the guard’s earlier statement. “So I would appreciate it if you kept your conversations with her short,” Xiao wouldn’t forbid others from talking to you, but sometimes when the conversation spanned 30 minutes and he was left waiting up there on the roof, just looking down at the two of you, he couldn’t help but feel that sharing wasn’t really something he could constantly do. DilucThere were days when the tavern was packed. Particularly on the weekend, sometimes on Friday night. Helping out was just part of your routine and though you’ve done it plenty a times, Diluc was the type to always pick his head up, scour the place, see if you’re doing okay, and go back to wiping and washing the glasses. “Make sure to tell me if you feel anything. Uncomfortable, disrespected, threatened… Anything. Understand?” He told you earlier that night when the crowd of people hadn’t filed in yet. You smiled and nodded. The tavern did get rowdy sometimes, you understood that he just didn’t want you in the middle of that. You. His precious angel who could do no wrong. He did believe you could handle yourself pretty well, sometimes better than the waiters around here–or was it because the male tavern-goers were just nicer to waitresses in general? Either way, Diluc was there if anything were to happen. If you were helping out at the tavern, then he’d have to be there too. He was alarmed when a loud CRASH brought him back to his senses. His eyes immediately darted towards the table where a man who drank too much slammed his glass down so hard that it broke. That said man was waving you over, “Hey girlie! One more over here!” Diluc was striding over in seconds and takes your place. “I’ll handle this,” he tells you and instructs you to take bar duty instead. You only pass him the tray and shoot him a grateful look, before retreating behind the bar. He could be such a worrywart sometimes.Thoma“You did what?” Thoma was an easy to read person. He wasn’t the type to conceal how he felt, or have any underlying agendas. He was genuine, straight to the point and only had a slight mischievous and playful lilt to him. He knew when to joke around though, and when to be serious. So when you relay your story about how you took on a few ronin the other day, cause they were ganging up on an old man, you knew that the furrowed brows was a sign that he wasn’t quite pleased with what you did. You repeated your story again, but this time you tried to focus on the good.“I saved an old man!” You smiled wide at him, trying to get him to praise you instead of worry or berate you. “No, no, no,” Thoma said, not hanging on your bait at all. He places both his hands on the sides of your shoulders. “Tell me again what happened with the ronins,”And so, without a choice, you tell him again. How you, who just recently trained how to use a sword, took up arms and chased the ronins away…and that the bandage on your cheek was because of that. “Oh, Y/N…” Thoma’s hands slid away from your shoulders and one of his hands cover his mouth, eyes averted away in a sort of exasperated thinking mode. “It could’ve gone so much worse. I know you can take care of yourself, darling, but it doesn’t mean that you have to do it by yourself… Was there no way for you to call me? Or someone else nearby?” You know his mind is drifting away with all the different ways the event could have been a disaster. You understand, because Thoma is one who has experienced how things could go wrong in a split second. You smile up at him and apologize, “I’m sorry I worried you, but I couldn’t afford to turn around and look for someone else so I rushed in…”He sighs, because he understands as well. For now, he manages a smile and thumbs the gauze on your cheek. “Well I’m just glad you’re safe,”ChildeIt’d only been roughly a month since the two of you started seeing each other. It’d gone past the occasional date and stroll around Liyue, to you visiting his workplace or residence from time to time. You didn’t know what he dealt with or what he worked as, but judging from the two guards who are always at the door, maybe it was something that you had to mentally prepare for. “How much you wanna bet that girl’s coming again?” the men standing guard outside conversed quietly between themselves. “Who? The one that hangs around with Commander Childe these days?”Childe is just behind the door, he’d been about to open it, about to pick you up from your usual waiting place when he hears the conversation. It was amusing, to say the least, at least the first part of it was. “Yeah, she goes home with him sometimes…” There’s a certain tone in the man’s voice that Childe doesn’t particularly like. He tenses up without even noticing it himself. The other man snickers and asks a question that blinds Childe with white rage. “So she’s just a slut, huh?” The doors swing open and both men jump to attention. Childe’s eyes are concealed by his auburn hair, he stands at the door, gaze on the ground. He mumbles something, but the guards don’t hear it. “S-Sir?” one of them says, telling Childe that he hadn’t heard what he said. “I said,” Childe picks his head up and glares at him. “What did you call her?” his voice carries over even to the other side of the building, it looks like. The man is now slightly shaking in fear. “I-I, it was just… We were–” Childe grabs the man by the collar and whispers at his face. “If I catch you saying anything about her again…” his grip on the collar tightens. “I’ll make sure you won’t be able to speak for the rest of your life,”AetherIf there was a man who you could count on to take care of you, that man was Aether. In all senses, he was caring and even more so towards you. Careful, thoughtful, and a gentleman. There seemed to be no end to the list of nice things one could say about him. So when he finds that you’re being pestered by a particularly muscly guy, his tone of voice is unreadable. “Is something the matter here?” It’s a little tense, his voice, but also shadowed with a sort of calm that can only ever come from him. There obviously was something wrong here, what with your wrist in the guy’s hand and you swerving your head towards Aether, shoulders slumping in relief at the sight of him.“Huh? This lanky guy the boyfriend you were talking about?” The muscly guy bellows in laughter and doesn’t let go of your wrist. Aether takes that small opening to wedge himself in between the two of you, eye to eye with the bigger man, sword drawn. He may look small…but there was more to strength than just muscles and brute force.“Unhand her and we’ll peacefully separate ways,” he manages a smile, but the winds are picking up around him. The guy steps back, looking around him, and quickly realizes that Aether is not an ordinary man. The man releases your wrist and turns around, half running. He could still feel the wind on his trail. Aether’s sword disappears and he turns to you, cradling your face in his hands and searching you for any sign of discomfort or hurt. When he doesn’t find any he relaxes and sighs. He doesn’t quite show how panicked he is when he first arrives, but you know that he’ll always dote on your right after. Masterlisthttps://primofate.tumblr.com/post/653296890583154688/masterlist-for-mobile-version-main-linksTaglist (Want to be notified when something new comes out? Sign up! I’ve added some other fandoms as well, so if you’re interested in those, fill in the form again!):https://forms.gle/VZmJXQssHcv7YzQc6Commissions are open on my kofi :) and there’s only a limited amount available. 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