Yuji x Reader – Lifesaver(spoiler if you haven’t watched the latest episodes)Plot: Y/N saves Yuji’s
Yuji x Reader – Lifesaver(spoiler if you haven’t watched the latest episodes)Plot: Y/N saves Yuji’s ass - or at least she tries toInfo: takes place in the “Kyoto Goodwill Event Arc” whileYuji fights Todo – reader isn’t a good fighter but she can heal,her only technique is the “Reversed Curse Technique” (obviously not asgood as Sukuna’s lol).Reader and Yuji are also not dating butthey both really like each other *wink*Gojo is also mostly refered as “sensei” because it fits thesituation best. I know they normally don’t call him “sensei”.I’m sorry if I write the names different, I watched the anime ingerman and japanese and read the manga in english so I get confusedwith the spellings of the names – I’m also not a native englishspeaker(hope the picture fits the imagine lol)Published: 10.02.2021Words: 1.924Warnings: blood, violence and some bad language (andgrammar mistakes)“Yuji!” I screamed after him, but this idiot is simply toofast. Why is he running off alone? I was running asfast as I could, maneuvering thorough the trees.I don’t know whats more stupid, Yuji running off alone or mefollowing him.I’m alone now, If someone attacks me I’ll bescrewed. I’m more like a running medipack then a sorcerer.Damn it, but I don’t wanna see this idiot dying again.At least I have a weapon that Maki gave me. It reminds me of theknife thing that Satoru gave Yuji a few weeks ago, it’s just a bitlonger and kinda reminds me of a short sword.I literally have no clue how to fight with this thing. Iguess I’ll have to roll with it now.After some running I was able to spot Yuji a few meters away fromme. He was standing in an defensive posture. I looked over too who hewas facing and could make out Todo.I came to a stop. The boys fighting just a few meters infront of me haven’t spotted me yet.Should I really interfereinto the fight? What could I do against Toudou? Nothing. I would onlyhinder Yuji and would probably get hurt because of me. Toudou playsin a different league, to be fair, I’m actually really scared ofhim after I saw what he did to Megumi a few days ago. All I could dowas patch him up afterwards.I was feeling sick justthinking about that situation again. Cold sweat began running down myface and back.Looking back at the two in front of me I couldsee Toudou getting ready to land a direct punch on Yuji.Head empty and in complete shock I rushed forward, putting my armsin front of my face to hopefully protect my head from the impact. Ijumped right between Yuji and Toudou. “Y/N! Wha-” Toudou’simpact had me crushing into Yuji.I survived that? Wow that’snew information for me.I’m completely out, not able tomove or speak up. Only hearing the voices of Yuji and Toudou.Soundslike Yuji also got hit pretty bad. I don’t think he is hurt prettybad tho.I felt a hand on my upper arm, shaking me. “Y/N?… Y/N! Damnwake up already! Playing dead now won’t get you anywhere!”Yeahsure Sherlock, I wish it was this easy.“Well this wasn’tsupposed to happen. This punch was dedicated to you Yuji. Hope Ididn’t kill that little girl, I’d get disqualified…” Toudousaid in a weird voice. I can’t open my eyes to see his face but italmost sounded like he was sad that I interrupted him.Hewanted to kill Yuji that bad? That boy has issues.I have to use my reverse technique or it will end here forme.The next minute went by so slowly, it felt almost likeslow motion. I was trying to heal myself as fast as I could. I had toget the bleeding under control and at least some broken bones so Iwould be able stand up and walk again. I could hear everything and itwas terrifying. All I wanted is to cover my ears from this. Toudouwas punching Yuji again and again, I heard something colliding,guessing that Toudou threw Yuji against a tree. “Guardwith your life!” I heard Toudou scream in an euphoric tone.“It’sover for you!” he threw punch after punch.No joke, this dude was ready to kill Yuji, but why? Did thisold grandpa told them to do? I was scared to no limit. I don’twanna see Yuji die again. Never again. I’ll protect him until hecan decide his death for himself. I’m sure, this is not how hewants to die.I finally got by bleeding under control. Atleast to the point where I won’t die that fast, but I can’t standup.Why isn’t it working? Why am I so weak? I can’t evenfight, so why am I hear? I don’t even belong at this school. Makiisn’t even able to use curse energy but she is still so muchstronger then I am… where did I went wrong?My self centered monologue was interrupted by Toudou again.“Wasthis all? You’re not even reacting anymore.. I expected more fromSukuna’s vessel.”If I can’t attack with my curseenergy I at least have to protect the ones I love. That’s all I cando. I won’t let it end here. Definitely not. I’ll be theirshield.I can’t remember the last time I put so mucheffort into something. Probably never. This time I gave everything Igot. I concentrated every little bit of curse energy that inhabits mybody on my broken bones. Only the important ones.I have to get up. Now!With all my strength I turnedmyself on my stomach and lifted myself up slowly.I got on myknees and opened my eyes.What I saw terrified me to the point where I couldn’t moveanymore. Yuji was sitting on the ground, leaning against a tree. Hishair was dyed red from all the blood. It was streaming down his faceand dripping on his legs and upper body. He didn’t move an inch.Tears pricking in my eyes, I finally got on me feed.I can’tjust always sit around because I’m scared and hope someone savesme.Toudou noticed me after I finally got up.“Oh, so you’restill alive I see. Good to know, so I guess I won’t getdisqualified. I should go after Megumi now.” he said while calmlyscratching the back of his neck.Just why is he so calm? Whatkind of personality does this dude have? I actually don’t wannafind out.I looked him straight in the eyes and slowlywalked into his direction. He was standing in front of Yuji so I’llhave to approach him either way.“You don’t have enough yet?My punch should have knocked you out completely.” he asked me in awondering tone. So I guess he doesn’t know my technique yet. When Istood right in front of him he just looked at me. Almost making funof me. I had trouble walking straight. He could see I was still veryweak so he didn’t even try.I looked to my right where Yujisat on the ground. I felt so ashamed. I wasn’t even able to save mybest friend. After a lingering stare of mine I noticed something.Didhe just twitch his finger? I’m imagining things now. Guess youdon’t give me any other choice Yuji.Toudou doesn’t takeme seriously. So that’s my only chance now. Again I concentratedall of my cursed energy that’s left into my right hand. With aswift move I let my palm collide with Toudou’s forehead. Heunderestimated me so much he didn’t even focus on me. Stupidmistake.He fell on the ground. Unconscious.Did Ihit him this hard? No this can’t be. Yuji is way stronger then I amand even he couldn’t knock him out. So what just happened? Was itmy reverse curse technique that send him sleeping? I don’t know,but I guess it won’t hold long. I have to be quick.“Yuji! Yuji please wake up. I begging you!” I grabbed both hisshoulders and shook him. Trying to wake him up. He was so limb. Igrabbed his face with both hands, making him face me. His whole facewas covered in blood. It’s still dripping slowly from his chin onhis pants.“Yuji please. Don’t leave me hanging again. Not asecond time.” I was whispering now on the verge of tears.What am I supposed to do? Should I try and get Megumi?No.. Toudou will wake up soon. I have to get Yuji away from here, butI can’t carry him alone. ShitI put my ear on his chest. My eyes grue wide when Iheard a heartbeat coming right from him. It’s slow and very quiet,but It’s definitely there.My right hand gripped his hair,holding his head. I don’t have much energy left but It will beenough to keep him alive for a bit longer.“Com on Yuji,you’ve got this. I know it.” I said more to myself then to theboy in front of me.“I won’t let you die a second time.”Iwas pressing his head on my chest and rested my chin on his head. Ifhe was awake right know he could hear my heart hammering right outoff my chest. I was going through all the options I had, but therewhere non.I have to get Yuji out of here. I could call one of myteammates but in the end they could only help me protect Yuji. Ifthey would help me getting him out they would also get disqualified.Wait! There is one person I could call!I used my left hand to get my phone out. Goingthrough my contacts I selected the right person.It rang twotimes until someone picked up. “SENSEI!” I screamed into myphone, not leaving him any chance to say something first.I’mpretty sure he must have seen what happened. Everyone has, and no onedid something about it.“Hey Y/N.” he said in his usualhappy tone.I can’t believe this.“Senseiplease. You know what’s going on. You can see me, right?” I saidin a still very loud and hectically voice. Gojo looked at themonitors infront of him.“Yeah I can see you right now. Whatdo you need from me?” everyone was looking at Gojo. Everyone sawwhat just happened a few minutes ago. All eyes where on him.“I need you to get Yuji out of here! Please Gojo. I’m beggingyou. Please come and get him. I don’t care if we get disqualified.Yuji is on the verge of dying!” I was almost crying now.“Y/N. Listen” Gojo said so calm he could. His word reached meand made me ease myself a bit.“You should never beg me tosave you. Never. I’m your teacher after all. That’s my job. If youneed me that much, then I’ll be there in no time. Keep that boyalive until I’m there.” he hung up the phone. Everyone in theroom was looking at him but no one dared to say something. No onebesides Gakugajin.“Where do you think you’re going?” heasked the younger sorcerer in a demanding voice.“Saving mystudents. As I should.” Gakugajin didn’t say anything after that,but he definitely wasn’t happy.I slid my phone into my pocket again. With my now free hand Icupped Yuji’s face. I didn’t care if he was a vessel or even a“curse” like Mai said.I never did and I never will. Theothers just don’t really know him. They just need to give him achance to prove his motives.I noticed a movement behind me and instinctively hovered over Yujilike a shield. All I can do now is to protect him.“Yo it’sme.” my eyes grew wide after hearing the voice of my sensei. Inever thought I’d be this happy to see Gojo, but here I am, cryingbecause of the rare sight of Satoru Gojo.A/NThis is the first imagine I ever published so feel freeto give me feedback. I’m sorry if I made grammar mistakes orspelled the names different (in the manga its “Toudou” and on thewebsites it’s “Todo” – same with other names lol)Hope you all are having a beautiful day :) -- source link
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