metvmorqhoses: my beloved forces of art, you are what makes me feel life worth living. my absence on
metvmorqhoses: my beloved forces of art, you are what makes me feel life worth living. my absence on here and the fact i feel the need to celebrate your everlasting light and talent, made me decide to do my first follow forever in what seems, well, forever! thank you, thank you, thank you for being so inspiring and supporting and for worshipping beauty by my side. p.s. i’ve certainly forgotten a lot of people, many of you changed urls, but pls know i love you so much! a special mention: my dead anon poets society as a whole and each and every of my dead poets as the stars that set on fire the night sky that it is, i’m so proud of you. your talent and soul and beauty leave me in awe every single day. thank you for being in my life. in no particular order: @classicals @vesileos-vasileon @ovovivip @hynpos @hamartiaes @h-a–d–e-s @adrenaline @arcusxx @alonesomes @aheronn @aechilles @wildelyinappropriate @witchplse @wcllsjaha @elvishness @egyptiaca @eirenelle @eyelism @enchantedsleeper @erik-the-diva-of-the-opera @erikthesewerguy @eriksangel666 @molluscprelude @strangefruitandwarmnights @devaneiossuspensos @adrenaline @calinboo @rmeisel @ripmacbeth @rvnan @realizes @grandrieux @greektragdy @grunge-ga @daddyerik @bleaunt @hislittlelotte @bionic-b0y @baby-vintage @petalproufaerie @montparnassee @sakielnorns @patrocklus @classicsenthusiast @classicalxena @classical-beauty-of-the-past @hellvenum @helenstroy @strangefruitandwarmnights @joannalannister @themonsterslair @therepublicofletters @thephuries @thephuries @themusicaltrichster @realizes @yoursummerdreamz @univerzes @unofficialoperaghost @urban-soul98 @immortart @ibuzoo @inosanteria @occult-pit @overdose-art @okayodysseus @olxmpian @onvelvet @okaymacaulay @penssamento @perspective @petrova @pearls-and-petticoats @palaeopathological @pantheios @piantagenets @astraera @apolloes @aphroditexwrites @apollos-eromenos @saintjoan @songofiaras @saint-rouge @distopya @detailsofpaintings @denisforkas @dostevsky @fyeahgreekmythology @fyeahmyths @feistiest @foggydevils @phereinnike @falloutboy @grandrieux @gcthic @gcdblood @girlbruised @hynpos @holmesanddrwatson @hcsperrhodos @histhory @hecvte @ffoco @austvns @le-immorte @jaded-mandarin @kantkid @kissaddictted @kitmarlo @lhzthepoet @lovecitys @literaetures @labyrinthofchaos @lanquid @boykeats @zepyhrus @zoella @chansondegeste @chardonette @capitate @caelestis-onus @andromxeda @andromaque @archistratego @megalomano @suithusiast @tartts @esoteriiic @viciere @vitruvians @illuminosity @illuminators @vanesssaives @babydrivers @boykeats @unerv @charlesmacvalay @stvrwar @euripiides @eurycide @ghostboi @adaestra @stabernatty @lennuieternel @bookstruckcroc @jupiterruling It’s wild to see myself tagged in this considering I’ve neglected this place terribly. Thank you so much. -- source link
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