chrystalwynd:From Chrystal Heights hotspot The Zone:Kayjay practically stomped into The Zone.It prob
chrystalwynd:From Chrystal Heights hotspot The Zone:Kayjay practically stomped into The Zone.It probably wasn’t necessary, but she wanted to make sure itwas obvious she wasn’t going to be intimidated by some stupid club. A coolclub, granted, but regardless.Kayjay wasn’t in a good mood. She should have been here withher friends, but Skylar and Anna were too busy waddling around with big babybellies to be much fun right now. When Kayjay told them she was going to TheZone, they thought she was crazy. They pointed to their bellies as evidence toback their point. Kayjay patiently explained to them that she, unlike them,could keep her legs closed even if a hot guy was making goo-goo eyes at her orwhatever. Then Kayjay grinned and told them they looked adorable with their swelledbellies and that was when they chased her out. Not that that was a problem. Kayjaycould easily outrun them right now. Her own belly was flat and taut.All right, so she probably wasn’t being fair to her friends.The Zone was the biggest hotspot in Chrystal Heights, but you had to becareful. There were predators there and you had to navigate carefully. Ofcourse, the presence of that danger was part of the thrill. You didn’t go to TheZone just to get a drink. You went to enjoy the edginess, the electric sense oflurking danger and excitement.And if Kayjay had to do that alone, fine. She would.She eased through the crowd as she wandered around MainStreet, the central area that served as a common area in The Zone. The Zone wasactually a huge multi-storied building with any number of rooms and themedareas that served as bars. Main Street was the common central area. Hallwaysbranched from Main Street, however, and anything beyond was referred to as theEdge. The deeper you went into the Edge, the more careful you had to be. Kayjay picked a hallway at random. She followed the dimly-litpassageway, surprised at how few people she saw here. There were a few flyersposted on the walls for instantly forgettable bands and a few other pamphletsand advertisements, but the hallway had a strangely deserted feeling. Thehallway ended at a staircase.Kayjay took the steps up, curious now as to what she wouldfind. Considering the various themed areas in The Zone, she knew it could beanything, so she was prepared for a surprise. What she didn’t expect was a hugenumber of potted plants lining the steps as she reached the next floor.She could hear music coming from down the hall, so shecontinued forward. As she got closer, she realized the music she had beenhearing was actually more a rhythmic drum beat. There were more plants liningthe walls now, various vines and small tropical trees. Then she arrived at anarched opening covered with vines. A wood sign hanging from the top of the archsimply said, ‘The Jungle’.Kayjay stepped through the arch. The room was fairly largeand the ceiling was very high. Tropical trees and plants were everywhere. Birdsand animal noises could be heard. The beating drums didn’t dominate the room,but they played constantly in the background. The floor consisted of fakegrass. It was a silly motif, but the setting was surprisingly effective atconveying a jungle ambiance. Small groups of people were scattered throughoutthe foliage, drinks in hand. Barefoot girls in animal-skin outfits andloincloth-wearing men meandered throughout the room, apparently taking drinkorders. A number of people gathered in the center of the room were dancing tothe beat of the drums.A barefoot girl in a leopard-skin bikini-top and skirt appeared.“Hi,” she said. Her long black hair was braided into a single plait thatreached her pert bottom. “I’m Tara. Welcometo the Jungle.”Kayjay nodded. Tara paused, as if waiting for something. Then she finallysaid, “Are you alone?”“Yes,” said Kayjay. “Is that a problem?”Tara shook her head. “Not at all,” she said. “Most people whocome this deep into The Zone are usually in groups, that’s all.”Kayjay shrugged. “I don’t need my hand held.”Tara laughed. “I’m sure you don’t. Here’s a free drink chip.Have fun.”“Thanks.”Tara said, “One thing to be aware of before you enter,however.”Kayjay paused. “Yeah?”Tara looked at an analog clock nearly completely covered bya palm leaf. Then she said, “This is The Jungle. Jungles are traditionally darkand dangerous places. We like to pay homage to that setting by introducing anelement of the unexpected here, something to invoke that tradition ofexploration and discovery and the possibility of danger.”Kayjay listened intently. This was getting interesting. “Goon.”“So periodically an Event will occur,” said Tara. “There aredifferent Events and they differ in severity. One can never be sure of what mighthappen next. Of course, anyone making it through an Event unscathed is awardeda Jungle Chip.”Kayjay said, “What are the Jungle Chips good for?”Tara said, “Different things. Free drinks, t-shirts…avariety of things. Mostly bragging rights, though. If you make it through thenight, you’ll see.”Kayjay laughed. “Make it through the night? This is supposedto scare people away?”“Don’t underestimate The Jungle,” said Tara. “This place isnot for amateurs.”“Oh, please,” said Kayjay.“As you wish,” said Tara. “Enjoy your visit.”Kayjay made her way to the bar. She got her drink order,then wandered aimlessly among the tropical trees, bushes and people.Interesting. There was an ominous air she found intriguinghere, a subtle edge, a tingling sensation making it feel like anything couldhappen. She glanced around. Were the lights getting dimmer?The drums began picking up their incessant beat, increasingthe tempo, getting louder. There was a sound like thunder and a sudden silencefrom the patrons. Then there was a loud gasp and a sudden scream.Thick green and brown tentacles were pushing through thegrass floor in various areas. There were screams and shouts from all corners ofthe large forested room. One girl tried to evade a flailing tentacle, but endedup running straight into another. The tentacle wrapped itself around her waistand lifted her off the ground while another tentacle slid inside her clothing,twisting and writhing in a manner that tore the clothing from her body. Thesuddenly naked girl was held aloft by the tentacles and displayed to theunmolested patrons, several of whom were clapping.One guy stood watching the displayed girl too long, however,and didn’t see the tentacles emerging from just behind his feet. One appendagewrapped itself around his torso, holding him in place, and the other tentacleworked its way up the leg of his jeans. The path of the tentacle was easy tofollow as the outline of the wriggling appendage was visible as it made its wayupward. The outline disappeared between the man’s butt cheeks and he squawked,his eyes widening as he suddenly felt his tight rear opening rapidly fillingwith thick tentacle.Another girl didn’t move fast enough and her eyes widenedalso as the tip of a tentacle slipped between her lips, sliding deep into herthroat. Her hands clasped the tentacle, tugged it desperately, but it waslodged too deep in her throat for her to pull it out. The tentacle began pulsingthen and her throat worked as it appeared she was being forced to swallow fluidfrom the tentacle. As the tentacle continued pulsing, pumping its fluid intothe girl’s throat, her wide eyes became half-lidded and she slowly sank to herknees, the tentacle continuing to fill her belly.The appearance of the tentacles had caught Kayjay completelyby surprise, but not so much that she forgot to react. She dodged one tentacle,then moved away and dodged another. She finally found herself in an area thatappeared to be free of the wriggling appendages. She watched from her area ofrelative safety.At least from what she thought was safety. An unseententacle suddenly wrapped itself around her mid-section and lifted her. The tipof the tentacle slipped into the waistband of her skirt and then down the frontof her panties. Kayjay grabbed the tentacle, straining to keep the appendagefrom penetrating her.Then the drums suddenly changed tempo and the tentacles beganretracting back into the floor.The Event was over.The girl who had been force-fed by the tentacle remained onher knees, her eyes half-lidded. She was drooling and appeared to be unaware ofher surroundings. Several friends helped her to her feet and led her to atable. Her nipples were visibly solid and her jeans were wet between her legs.The guy who had been anally filled by a tentacle alsoappeared to be in a dazed state. His thick erection tented the front of hisjeans.Kayjay said, “What’s up with them?”Tara was nearby and she answered. “The tentacles ejaculate afluid that is both a sedative and an aphrodisiac.”Kayjay blinked. “You mean it leaves them horny and out ofit?”“Exactly.”Kayjay said, “So if someone decides to feel them up now…”Tara pointed toward the dazed guy. Two muscular guys hadhoisted him by the arms and appeared to be walking him toward a back room. Theyeach had a hand on the dazed guy’s ass and their erections were obvious. Thenshe pointed to the dazed girl, who was being kissed by one of her friends, whowas also fondling one of her breasts. Tara smiled then. “I told you this was no place for amateurs…amateur.”“Amateur?” said Kayjay. “I don’t think so. Or did you notsee me avoid the tentacles even though I had no idea they were coming?”“True,” said Tara. She reached into her apron then andpulled out a thick wooden chip. “You have earned a Jungle Chip, incidentally,for making it through an Event unmolested. Only barely, of course, as you werewell in the grip of the tentacles, but we’ll cut you slack, since it was yourfirst time.”Kayjay accepted the chip with a tight smile. Tara was niceenough, she supposed, but she was also unbearably smug, and Kayjay couldn’twait for the next set of tentacles just so she could show Tara that Tara wasn’tall that.Kayjay used her drink chip and then ordered herself another.After an hour she started to get bored. She decided to order one more drink. The drums had continued non-stop through the evening. Thedrummers were apparently tireless. The drums had become part of the backgroundby this time, but suddenly the tempo changed and began to pick up speed. Thelights dimmed.Kayjay was standing by a tree in the middle of the floor.Slightly slowed by alcohol, she suddenly intuited that the drumming tempo anddimming lights was the precursor to an Event. She glanced around, prepared tododge tentacles, but she didn’t see any tentacles.Then she heard the gasps and exclamations. It was happening.She whirled, still looking for the wriggling tentacles.There were none. A large, bell-shaped flower, however,suddenly grew through the fake grass directly in front of Kayjay. The bell leanedforward, likely due to the weight, giving Kayjay full view of the interior ofthe huge flower. “Ewww,” said Kayjay, her nose wrinkling. There was some kindof slug inside the flower.And then Kayjay realized too late that staring into theflower was the wrong thing to do as the flower suddenly sprayed her face with athick cloud of pollen, blinding Kayjay and filling her lungs.Kayjay stumbled back, wiping her face. Suddenly her hearthammered inside her chest as she felt the unmistakable sensation of the slimyslug crawling into her cleavage.She tried to grab at the creature, but she couldn’t see andshe was coughing from the pollen. She felt the creature moving, sliding impossiblyquickly between her breasts, down her belly. Then there was the suddenly horrifyingsensation of the slug working its way into her belly button.“NO!” she screeched, eyes widening in panic. Her vision wasclearing now, but it was too late. The little creature had somehow worked itsway into her belly button.Kayjay stood there, heart pounding. The bell-shaped flowerhad slid back under the fake grass. Kayjay could hear screams and curses aroundher, but it sounded far away. What was really dominating Kayjay’s attention at thispoint was the drums.The drums were setting a beat, a solid tempo. Kayjay beganmoving, her hips matching the drums effortlessly. She had removed her shoes atsome point and she was now moving, dancing barefoot over the grass, herinhibitions fading.Kayjay whirled to the beat of the drums, the blood poundingin her head to the beat of the percussion. She twirled, wriggled and writhed, aslave to the beat. Hands moved over Kayjay, removing her clothes, letting herdance naked to the unending beat of the drums.A man moved next to her, matching her moves, sharing herheat, her passion. Kayjay danced to him, pressed herself against him, let hertongue slide over his chest. His taste set her insides on fire. She slid downhis torso, her lips tasting his abdominal muscles, until she was on her knees.The head of his cock pressed incessantly against her lips, and she parted herlips, letting his cock slide into her mouth.He stroked his cock into her mouth, again and again, and thesensations made her belly muscles twitch and jump in heated need. Then Kayjaygot to her feet, swaying, twirling her hair to the incessant beat of the drums.The man’s hands were suddenly on her, turning her around, bending her forward,her hips high.Kayjay felt his cock slide inside her, begin pounding her tothe beat of the drums. Again and again he slammed into her, his pelvis slappingagainst her bare rounded ass. The drums, the beat, heat, hot, stroking heat,hips writhing to the beat of the drums, the drums.And then she felt the sudden flood of heat in her belly, thesensation of being filled with potency, with heat, and that triggered her releaseas Kayjay began climaxing on that cock, to the beat of the drums…And suddenly the drums stopped.Kayjay blinked. She was still bent over, naked, and still filledwith cock. And she realized all the patrons had formed a circle around them andhad been cheering them on.The guy, whoever he was, slid his cock out of her tightpussy and disappeared into the crowd.Cheeks flaming, Kayjay hunted desperately for her clothing. She was still blushing helplessly as she found her clothingand dressed. Unable to find her shoes, she remained barefoot. Another problemhad presented itself, however.Her belly was swelling. Slowly, but definitely.Heart pounding, she realized her breasts were swelling aswell.Then Kayjay realized they weren’t just swelling. Her breastswere filling with milk.Kayjay took a deep breath, then another. She was stilltrying to pull herself together when Tara walked over.“In case you haven’t noticed,” said Tara, “you’re pregnant. Andnot just pregnant. The slug that inserted itself into your belly button- that’swhat caused your complete and absolute loss of inhibitions, by the way- thatslug was inside your womb when you got inseminated by that stranger. That slugamplifies the chance of a hyper-pregnancy, cutie, and apparently it took. Soyou’re not just pregnant. You’re hyper-pregnant.”Kayjay could only stare as she could already see and feelher belly swelling with child. Her breasts were becoming full, heavy with milk.And the arousal. Oh, gawd, she could already feel the hyper-pregnancyarousal beginning to take hold.Tara gave Kayjay a smile. “Like I said, cutie,” she said. “Nota place for amateurs.” -- source link
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