a-pprendre:hello hello hellooooo! (or bonjour bonjour bonjouuuur,I must say!)okay, i’ve had a few me
a-pprendre:hello hello hellooooo! (or bonjour bonjour bonjouuuur,I must say!)okay, i’ve had a few messages about learning Frenchsoooo I’ve created this masterpost on studying foreign languages! I’ve beenlearning the French language since I was four and I am now studying French atHigher level and hope this post helps a lot of you!please note!!!!!!: like any other skill, it takes a lot of dedication and effort to learn a language. it won’t be easy but if you practice a little everyday you will be totally fine!! i’m here if anyone needs a hand x reasons to learn another wonderful language∙ you make lovely friends when u go abroad∙ it’s like speaking a secret language cause you mightbe the only one in your friendship group/family that know the language∙ you can curse under your breath without ur parentsknowing??? hahaha bonus∙ uhhhh it’s fun?∙ u can get a better job∙ it makes u feel pretty awesome when you go abroad andunderstand things∙ improves your first language (grammar etc. etc. etc.)∙ gain respect for someone elses culture∙ u can move/live abroad ∙ the opportunity to do more things abroad with ur extralanguage skill∙ there are loads more reasons but it would take up thewhole post:)))so u wanna teach yourself??∙ bbc languages-choose from 40 languages to self-teach ∙ duolingo - good ole’duolingo is an amazing smartphone app (and u can use it on ur laptop etc) thatlets you teach yourself a language ∙ languages online - more grammarbased work on languages that you can do yourself ∙ babbel - online lessonson learning a foreign language - there are 14 to choose from (you get a trialbut after that i think you have to pay) ∙ hellotalk - an amazing appon your phone that allows you to speak to people in your target language andyou can help them learn English etc. it’s a win win situation guys∙ 101languages– amazing site. just visit it. okay thank u! ∙ polyglot club – meet people just like u who are wanting to learn language!! fun right???∙ youtube – there are loaaaaads of channels on youtube which help you to learn alanguage. check out some of these :))) ∙ digital dialects – games based activities for over 70+ languages to choose from to beginlearning ∙ forvo – basically this is a dictionary but it pronounces the words for u∙ lyrics training – this is mainly European languages but you are to fill in the gaps fromsongs :)) ∙ babadum – one of my favourite websites! You can pick and choose which languagesyou learn, it’s great ∙ livemocha – you can learn and teach people languages∙ memrise – a fun way to learn vocab specific languages- spanish∙ udemy – learn spanish (beginners)∙ spanishdict∙ mi vida loca – spanish course forbeginners – it’s pretty good!∙ spanish with paul(youtuber) ∙ fluencia∙ spanish radio stations - french∙ bonjour – learn french using thissite!! it’s brilllll∙ francolab ∙ français interactif∙ vogue – read the French edition of Vogue for reading practice∙ comme le francais(youtuber) – I watch these videosregularly! They are so helpful with grammar and vocab∙ ls french∙ frenchradio stations - german∙ deutschlernen- online lessons on German∙ derdie das – phone app which helps youlearn noun genders∙ missionberlin - german adventure gamewhich helps with vocab∙ german connection – kids vocab games∙ germanpod101∙ german (duolingo) – everyoneeee knows duolingo, its basically a handy little app that letsu learn loads of languages - russian∙ russian lessons – videos and activities on learning all things russian∙ dictionary (russian)∙ quizlet– revision, games, flashcards and tests on russian∙ master russian - various activities/topics in russian∙ bbc: a guide to russian – website to teach you the basics of russian ∙ learn russian - chinese∙ mandarin lessons –audio clips provided to help u learn chinese??∙ bbc: learn chinese – website to teach you the basics of chinese/mandarin?? (sorry I don’tspeak it)∙ chinese tools ∙ digital dialects (Chinese) – vocab games ∙ hello world – games to help you learn mandarin - arabic∙ my easy arabic - learn basic Arabic(including alphabet and vocab)∙ salaam arabic – beginner or intermediate levels of learning :)))∙ madinah arabic – online courses in Arabic! They also offer a free 1-hour tutoringsession via. Skype∙ Haliae’s Arabicmasterpost - @rockinspired.tumblr.com other language masterposts∙ areistotle-omg i am in love with basically all her masterposts but this is her ‘foreignlanguage learning’ one, it is fab-u-lous! ∙ z-co - this is amasterpost and a half!! ∙ romancingthe languages – variety of language resources can be found here!!∙ languageadventurer – maaaaaassiiiiiive language resources masterpost :))))))I loooove this!∙ leslangues sont ma vie – masterpost of helpful websites to use when studyinglanguages! it is huuuuuge extras??? Who doesn’t love those??· aesthetically pleasing notes- rewrite notes as revision andmake them pretty. it makes them easier to read/come back to · listento the radio (in your target language) – to listen to French, I personally listento Ado FM (it has the right balance between English and French music/speech)· take a break – learning a language takes timeremember!! u r constantly learning so chill out sometimes :))∙ word reference – rather than using GoogleTranslate, try using this app because it tends to be more accurate and requiresyou to put in a little bit more effort. like a dictionary, only itselectronic??? if that makes sense [ If you need a study buddy or just someone to talk to, give me a message or ask and I’ll help u out!! ] -- source link
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