realrandomposts:siryouarebeingmocked:overwatchlover4life:pinkyellowblue:likelydolan:lovetaylorsince1989:serenitymayu:pasta-corps:galaxywarrioress1234:jennstarkid:About a week ago I posted this.I’ve been getting horrible messages like this in my ask for months, including:and my personal favoriteAfter getting the message saying “Just go kill yourself” I was completely done dealing with this person’s horrible messages and replied with just an “Okay.” and logged off tumblr.About a week later I logged back on with 17 messages in my ask, most of them from the anon. I scrolled down and at first when I logged off, the anon messaged me things likeI scrolled up more and all of a sudden they started sending me more and more messages likeThis was extremely surprising to me. I thought “After all those horrible messages you sent to me for MONTHS about hating me and wanting me dead, you say ‘sorry’ and that you ‘cant be responsible for someone’s suicide’?”But I guess the lesson goes like this:DONT TELL ANYONE TO KILL THEMSELVES UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED FOR WHAT MIGHT ACTUALLY HAPPENDON’T TELL ANYONE TO KILL THEMSELVES EVER.THIS POST IS SO IMPORTANT I WANT EVERYONE ON TUMBLR IN THE WORLD TO SEE ITThis needs to be reblogged. I couldn’t scroll past this if I tried, I got a message like that but not for me, it told me to my friend to kill them self, I was livid! I didn’t answer it because a message like that doesn’t deserve an answer but I don’t see what is so funny about telling someone to kill them selves! I really don’t! It’s sick and it’s wrong. This person though, I take my hat off to you. You taught that bully a lesson.this.Wow. Just WOW. DONT BE A BULLY ONLINE! Your words could lead to someone seriously hurting themselves. Joke or, in conclusion, don’t be fucking mean. WHO THE FUCK WOULD BE THIS HEARTLESS??!!My cold, bitter, cynical little heart says they were worried about being tracked down and charged if OP actually did it, and never expected the suicide-baiting to actually work, and only cared because they realized they could get in trouble.What a scumbag.I’m reblogging this again because I cannot stress this enough. The ask box was not created for social bullying. If you have the time and effort to do that, do something else. If you hate someone’s blog, unfollow them. It’s harder to type out your long ass rant than making 2 fucking clicks to unfollow someone okay? If you don’t like a certain pairing, filter your fucking tags. Again, that’s easier. If you don’t want to read a fic, then don’t fucking read it. How hard is that to understand? I refuse to lose another friend from this kind of bullshit called anon hate because once they listen to you, nothing we, the people who care, matters to them. In fact, we wouldn’t even know anything until we hear from their families or a mutual who loves close by. This has been my 3rd blog and I have had the need to deactivate twice just because of this shit. Don’t make yourself a murderer over a post that doesn’t hurt you in anyway. Tl:dr?Anon hate wasn’t made for cyber bullying. If you hate someone, get the fuck out of their blog.People end up believing these things. Don’t tell someone to kill themselves as a joke. They could be dealing with some shit and that could’ve been the last straw. Hey OP, I’m so sorry you received these messages, I know for a fact, even if I don’t know you, that you don’t deserve this shit.And tbh why would you tell someone to kill themselves. What would you get out of it. I’ve come close to doing it. This shit is hurtful. You hurt people. Wether you mean it or not. You must be a pretty garbage person to send people hate messages. I know for a fact you wouldn’t want people doing this to you.Treat people how you want to be treated.Don’t be surprised when they treat you like garbage when you treated them like complete and utter shit -- source link
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