Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI

Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI
Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI
Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI
Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI
Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI
Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI
Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI
Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI
Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI
Exhibition of ancient Chinese cuisine: Hang Bang Cai  (Hangzhou cuisine). Photo by 丹朱AI