98seaside:tariqah:miserablydelayed:miserablydelayed:98seaside:tariqah:miserablydelayed:Times have be
98seaside:tariqah:miserablydelayed:miserablydelayed:98seaside:tariqah:miserablydelayed:Times have been hard for quite some time now, I have not be able to get anywhere ahead since the premature birth of my kid. At the moment I’m in a struggle to keep my last vehicle from being repossessed and a roof over our heads. I can’t take not be able to provide for him,I’m so far behind in bills and debt that my check is spent before it gets to me. My wife has been in and out of the hospital, surgery after surgery and I’m the only source of income that’s not covering us right now. I have decided to file bankruptcy just to keep what little I have for the family and some debt and stress relief. Desperate measure and desperate times have forced me to file bankruptcy, I really need something I never asked anyone for and that’s help. The lawyer that I recently have to take on my case will file when I have payed all cost for representing my case which is $2885 and I don’t even know where to start but asking for help to get back or as close to a normal life for myself and my family. I can only ask that if you happen to read this then share it with others, or donations as small as $1 are greatly appreciated and thanked personally.Here is my PayPal, I can’t appreciate anything more than a donation but a reblog is equally appreciated. https://www.paypal.me/liveyourlife1134Keep boosting‼️‼️‼️ The link for the gofundme below‼️‼️https://www.gofundme.com/442jg1s[GoFundMe Currently:$1,074 of $3,000 goal]Please help sharing at least, I thank everyone for help, if you happen to be online a see this reblog it. The help is so needed and appreciated.The reblogs I’m getting now, I cannot thank y'all more. I watch and wish for notifications. Every night, honestly they all came from nowhere, I was going to reblog before bed in hopes of help. Tonight I’m worn down, I coach youth football, work, and recently driving uber and lyft. I’m focused to make a change and a lot of people are helping. I have personally thanked a few but overall I am thankful for all of the support. I’ll sit here staring at my notifications all night thanks to everyone that has helped me, but and there’s always one, staying up all night worried and wondering takes it toll. It’s ten minutes away from midnight where I’m at and all I ask now is to share this. Tomorrow gets better everyday can’t ask for more but at least 4 hours of sleep but know I’m with you at 04:30 asking for your help again.‼️‼️[GoFundMe Currently:$1,294 of $3,000 goal] -- source link