salem-bambi: plant-strong: thedeerdance: dracusluut: closethefuckingdoor: gay-itch: tyler-the-tortoise: ericnotwhite: thetallblacknerd: dontneedfeminism: logicd: Merry Christmas to you all The Entitlement Generation everybody. I do think the kid who got a map has a legit gripe, fuck the rest though. That last one ignited a rage in me, so fuck spoiled hahahaha a fuckin map of maryland wtf THIS PISSES THE FUCK OFF OMG Jfc seriously. I’d say the majority of those tweets came from people who are living with their parents. Why not instead of throwing a tantrum, try and understand that GIFTS DO NOT JUST TURN UP UNDER THE TREE. Whether it’s Santa or your parents, someone has worked the entire year to get you those presents. The guy fucking BROKE his iPad. WTF kind of son are you?! I am actually getting so heated right now. ugh not trying to give a sob story or whatever right now but since this is just tumblr and not a normal social network I will say that I got literally nothing from my parents and I’m totally cool with and understanding of that because they literally have no money. I almost cried in front of my girlfriends parents because I was so thankful that they got me such great things and spent money on me let alone. be fucking grateful your parents can afford ANYTHING, you fucking dicks for brains. I hate spoiled people like this wtf especially that one tweet that they only got 4 gifts! I only had one gift this year and it was an amazing gift my parents went out of their way and money struggle to just get me the perfume I’ve been wanting so seeing this just makes me mad. Especially when that one tweet when they broke the mini that’s just cold… My favorite one was the kid who is pissy because they ONLY got a car and not an ipad as well. I like the person who was like “other than a car and an iPad this Christmas sucked”. What the fuck? vile vile people Thank god for tumblr replys, reblogging for sanity replys. -- source link
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