If you are new here, welcome…I originally set out with the intention of making this blog into
If you are new here, welcome…I originally set out with the intention of making this blog into a community resource but have been derailed many times by life in between 2013 and now. My name is Becky , I’m a transgender girl, I also go by @wreckmyshit across the vast majority of social and adult media services. I’m from Seattle, I’m 30, I’m 6′1″, 3 years 2 months HRT, 2 years 1 month post-orchi. I have a couple wonderful partners who I wouldn’t trade the world for, and I’m looking to make some new friends again. I love to draw, and all but three doodles up there were done this year…miraculously I tried to draw at the beginning of 2017 after not having drawn for 4+ years…and my skill improved substantially in that time even without being physically able to draw due to injuries.I have had a history of mental stress caused by neglect and abuse through my childhood and clear til this year…but…I’ve been working diligently on my mental health the last couple years, and I feel like I’ve leveled up a few times since I first got on tumblr. Since the end of 2012 I have been in physical recovery from multiple serious head injuries that were compounded by getting mugged in 2013 which completely destroyed my ability to talk without stutter or crying constantly…my knees and hips were collapsing underneath me and my arms haven’t stopped shaking since then…I filed my first Social Security Disability claim immediately after…and have gone through multiple denials/appeals/hearings/denials, and just filed a new claim again along with an appeal for the last claim that got dropped due to communication breakdown and discrimination from the social security facilitators. It took several months to get back to speaking in sentences and to stop dropping everything I pick up. I have been through multiple relationships that have left me with nearly nothing recently, and I’m pretty lucky just to be alive tbh. I fell face first down a 14 step flight of cobblestone stairs on May 12th, 2016 and messed up(not broke) all 4 limbs, my ribs, and my neck…I had a walking boot on either foot for 6+ weeks and had to do it again due to another fall. I’ve been in the ER for half a dozen different issues since then, and been through every test they have for head injuries & several rounds of physical therapy ended up making my issues worse in 2015…after the flight of stairs I had to learn to rest, and I’m still not fully capable of doing that…but I’m at a point in my life where I’m in the best shape I’ve been in aside from a brief amount of time in 2011 right before I decided to pursue HRT. I am the first trans girl invited to compete with the only all female produced jello wrestling event worldwide(I wrestle as ‘WreckMyShit’), and we have a film touring around gaining awards in several nations. I have participated in two events thus far on April 1st and July 22nd 2017, and a little more than a week before the last show on Oct 14th I broke my left arm…I snapped my ulna in half…tripped on a raised part of sidewalk 1 block from my apartment going 2 blocks to the bus to go to an interview at a boxing club that requires participation, 2 weeks after moving in…surgery was Oct 12th and they put a plate and screws in my arm…now I’ve officially snapped both arms in half…hadn’t broken a bone in 16 years. I’m not complaining about anything here, just giving some fill in so I don’t have to later. Currently I have just finished putting myself through 2 python courses and a game design book for python, and am working through AI textbooks and going back to C++. I’ve established relationships with mentors at most of the bigger tech companies around Seattle and have been making more friends that I actually can be friends with. I’ve fucked up a bunch…I’ve been naive…I know this…a lot of you probably do too(There’s like 3,700 of you here and 6,400 on WreckMyShit)…I am sick of not being able to support myself…I am done sacrificing my life to help people when they ask…I need to be able to support myself and my friends so that I can relieve some pressure from my financial backers. I’ve honestly tried raising money through crowdfunding a handful of times and have been largely unsuccessful thusfar. I have an ageing gaming laptop I’ve designated to desk duty for several years now, and I need to get a cheap lightweight laptop I can carry around to write or to code on anywhere I get an idea. I am pushing my education and my experience continuously while still trying to maintain a social life and physical therapy…and mental health therapy…and a handful of other things. I work extremely hard and I don’t see as much out of my effort as I would hope, but I have no lack of motivation, and I have had several interviews and I’ve drafted several resumes trying to find something to help me get a better routine before I push for a programming job. I am a walking stereotype…I don’t like money, but capitalism’s reign demands that I figure out a financial flow that I generate versus being handed money or having my bills paid by the people around me…so…I have the same type of things most trans people have these days for financial help, and I’m still looking for whatever help I can get. I don’t do commissions for my art…but I do want to sell prints of pieces I have put out there, and I’ve mocked up a full wardrobe with different doodles of mine just to show people that I think I have that as an option too. I have a bunch of things I’m doing…and that in itself has delayed a lot of my life…but I’m here still, and I’ve been trying to be a better me everyday for a long time now. I really appreciate all the help I’ve received from people here and in person, and I really try my best to not spend other people’s money as much as possible to keep my impulses in check. If you didn’t know this…I’m ridiculously autistic…I’m picky AF…I take everything at the literal definition of the order of the words presented to me, and frequently have to have people repeat their words due to a multiple frequency ringing in my ears that never goes away that scrambles input to my brain and often causes me to blank out my short term memory…that happens every single day…I am noticing how to pull myself out of it faster, and I’m noticing when I say fucked up shit much faster…my self-crit has helped me grow up a bit, and I honestly would not be here if it weren’t for the people following my blogs/social media presence.TL;DR no…you can read.Thanks for reading! I hope you’re getting along well, and I wish you all a happy and healthy ‘holiday season’. If you have it available, you should look around to see if you can help some trans people.PayPal(or debit) WishList -- source link
Tumblr Blog : supremetransqueen.tumblr.com