princessparadox:rin-tachibana:equiusspaghetti:hallowkorg:spill-the-spooky-butts:vgcatsofficial:lol….. lolcome out as an ally.., lmfaowoah. slow the fuck down. Do you know how much shit my friends have dealt with for supporting gay rights? Yes, it’s fucking hard as balls to come out and accept your sexual orientation/ gender.But, It’s also hard for people to stand up for what they believe in. So don’t be an ass hat, be nice, and respect that this is a special day for ANYONE coming out about ANYTHING.POOR YOU IT MUST BE SO HARD TO BE A DECENT HUMAN BEING.. YOU DESERVE MORE PRAISE AND RESPECT THAN YOU GET SMH :///whoa whoa whoa hold it kiddoFIRST OF ALL, allies are a huge part of the lgbtq community. theyre the people that, even though they dont have the problems of lgbtq people, theyre the ones that actually SUPPORT IT. its sorta like white slave owners who treated their slaves well and gave them education; they actually stand up against the wrongs of their own kind to give the less fortunate their own chances. YES, everyone should be like this, but HEY THEY ARENT. be appreciate of the people who are on your side instead of rag and hate those who arent.SECOND, what if those allies have their own set of troubling circumstances? coming out is tough for people in say, a religious household, but im sure that allies would get just as bad of a treatment supporting the community in that situation too. in that case its not /as/ bad, but ive seen people go through hell just because they had friends who were gay or trans or bi or whatever, and they got a bad time for ~associating with those people~. if youre going to be an ungrateful ass about it, then you personally dont deserve any of the straight people who would protect you after they came out as an ally^^^How to be a bad good ally according to these asshats 101:Make the issue you’re standing up against about yourself and anyone who doesn’t worship you for helping is an “ungrateful ass.” Note: you must insult the ones you are supporting. Also, don’t forget to include how you are awesome and how hard it is for you, while highly overshadowing the cause you are supposedly standing up against. Bonus Points: When a person you are suppose to be supporting tells you that’s not the right way to truly support them, make a point to further ignore and over shadow them by crying about how that’s hateful instead of actually listening and shutting your mouth. Extra points if you insult them once again.Extra Bonus: Remind the people you are supposedly supporting that they have to deserve your help in order for you to be a fucking decent human being*If white: Make sure to remind people of kind slave owners, because that’s also necessary in reminding people of how special and praise-deserving you are.“if youre going to be an ungrateful ass about it, then you personally dont deserve any of the straight people who would protect you after they came out as an ally”Ew ew ew. -- source link
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