whateveresto:Here is my shit tiefling againShe’s a Pact of the Chain warlock whose favourite hobbies
whateveresto:Here is my shit tiefling againShe’s a Pact of the Chain warlock whose favourite hobbies include gambling, eating grasshoppers and creeping people out for fun.Other tieflings tried to blend in with the human population and hide their demonic features, but she saw this as a sign of cowardice and submission. Instead, she chose to call herself Devilla and emphasize these features, and respond to insults with defiance and retaliation. When the guards started throwing the nonhumans out of the city, she swore revenge. They accused her of talking to demons, of using dark magic - so that was exactly what she decided to do. She went looking for a demon, and found him, and made a deal with him.Now they have a reason to be afraid of her. -- source link
#not zutara