witch:I tried to do what Edward askedand make them all my friends.But now I want them dead. The Whit

witch:I tried to do what Edward askedand make them all my friends.But now I want them dead. The Whit
witch:I tried to do what Edward askedand make them all my friends.But now I want them dead. The Whit
witch:I tried to do what Edward askedand make them all my friends.But now I want them dead. The Whit
witch:I tried to do what Edward askedand make them all my friends.But now I want them dead. The Whit
witch:I tried to do what Edward askedand make them all my friends.But now I want them dead. The Whit
witch:I tried to do what Edward askedand make them all my friends.But now I want them dead. The Whit