The Cecil Hotel One ofthe most notorious hotels in the world is the Cecil Hotel. It
The Cecil Hotel One ofthe most notorious hotels in the world is the Cecil Hotel. It is not famous for its glitz and glamour; Insteadit is known for its many mysterious deaths, abnormally high record of suicides,infamous guests, for being a popular spot to deal and use drugs, and for beingthe perfect place to lie low for those who have committed crimes. It is was also the inspiration to the AmericanHorror Story season five, Hotel. TheCecil Hotel was built in 1924 in Downtown Los Angeles. It cost 1.5 million dollars to build, with atotal of 2.5 million being invested into it. The hotel boasted 19 floors and700 guest rooms. However, despite intentionsfor the hotel to be a fancy and popular destination for the wealthy and famous,it started to gradually decline once the Great Depression hit. Despite this, itmanaged to remain a popular destination throughout the 1940s. After this decadeit began to rapidly decline as the area, now known as Skid Row, becamepopulated with homeless people, drug addicts and dealers, and others who havecommitted serious crimes. Unlikeother hotels, the Cecil Hotel boasts a high number of suicides, murders, and mysteriousdeaths. The first suicide to take place wasthat of Percy Ormond Cook in 1927. He shot himself in the head while inside of hishotel room after failing to make up with his wife and child. After him was W.K. Norton. Norton killed himself in 1931 in his roomafter taking poison capsules. Otherdeaths were from jumping from high rooms, poison capsules, gunshots to the head,and slitting their own throat. A more disturbing death was that of DorthyPurcells newborn son. Purcell shared aroom with her boyfriend, Ben Levine, who was unaware that she was pregnant.While there she went into labor. Not wanting to wake her boyfriend, she wentinto the bathroom where she gave birth to a boy. She thought he was dead and threw him out ofthe window. Purcell was charged withmurder, but was not found guilty due to being declared insane. Another tragic suicide was that of PaulineOtton. She jumped from her 9thstory window and landed on a pedestrian. The pedestrian, George Gianinni, was killed instantly. Other than suicides, there have been other tragic andmysterious deaths. “Pidgon Goldie” Osgoodwas found raped, stabbed and beaten in her room. Hours later, Jaques Ehlinger was seen walkingaround in bloodstained clothing. Although, he was arrested for her murder, hewas later release. It is still an unsolvedcrime. Finally, one of the most recent and famous deaths to occur at the CecilHotel was that of Elisa Lam. Lam went missingfor several weeks. The only clue they had to her whereabouts was a surveillancevideo of her getting on to an elevator and acting strange. She seemed paranoid,hiding in the corner of the elevator, and peeking nervously around its edges. Despite Lam having pushed several buttons tomultiple floors, the elevator remained stationary with the doors open. At one point Lam was seen getting out of the elevatorand gesturing wildly, as if having a confrontation with someone. Almostthree weeks from the date she had gone missing, guests began to complain of thewater in their rooms tasting funny. Itwas then that they found Lams decomposing body in one of the water supply tanks.Although she was inexplicably naked, there were no signs of foul play. Authorities believe that the fact that Elisawas Bipolar could have played a large part in her death. In some cases, those with Bipolar, who arenot taking their meds, can have hallucinations and experience other disturbingsymptoms. Her death was ruled andaccidental drowning.The Cecil Hotel had also played home to two well known serialkillers. The first, was Richard Ramirez. Most commonly known as the “Night Stalker,”Ramirez was rumored to have stayed at the Cecil for a few weeks. It is believedthat during his stay he may have continued with his killing spree. The secondserial killer to stay there was an Austrian man known as Jack Unterweger. Unterweger stayed at the Cecil in 1991. Hemay have sought to copy Ramirez’s crimes. While staying at the Cecil he strangled and killed at least three sexworkers Surprisinglythere seems to be very little claims online that there are ghosts at the CecilHotel. However, when Ghost Adventures went to investigate they claim they werephysically scratched. They also found compelling audio and video evidence. If you or someone you know has everstayed at the Cecil Hotel and have had any spooky experiences, please let usknow! We would love to hear about any creepy happenings at the hotel. Sources:(http// -- source link
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