futadomworld-game:ART CONTESTFUTADOMWORLD PROPAGANDAOVER 1000$ IN TOTAL CASH! Ladies and gentlemen,
futadomworld-game:ART CONTESTFUTADOMWORLD PROPAGANDAOVER 1000$ IN TOTAL CASH! Ladies and gentlemen, trans and other; masturbators all, lend me your ears. Background: Hi! We’re the Futadomworld - Binding Sim team, an indie game studio working to create a free **dating sim** based on the FutaDomWorld universe.To those unfamiliar with FutaDomWorld and the works of 4chan’s /d/, FutaDomWorld is a collaborative writing universe inspired by this caption.In brief, Futadom World is an alternate history in which a third gender arose and rapidly seized power.Key to futa supremacy is a quirk of their physiology–their addictive semen. When exposed, males rapidly begin a spiral of emotional and physical dependency upon their futa “feeder”. What’s more, exposure strongly affects intelligence–a male “bound” to a futa in this way is suited for little more than a life of sexual servitude. Futas were always around but their population exploded from less than 0.01% to more than half of the human race. Needless to say, this changed things. Education, religion, laws and politics have shifted. – Laws The MREA is the primary law enforcement body in the EmpireThey operate like most police agencies, but with a twist: they enforce male submission. Though MREA agents are empowered to send disobedient males to the Pens, they also have a duty to protect males–nyone hurting a male beyond reason is punished.Politics As they got into every sphere of the society, they started to change the rules. Soon, an Empire ruled by futas had risen up. Small rebel factions of males united under the title “Male Independence Faction”.Education In schooling, futas get the best education possible. They are both taught STEM and liberal arts with perfect balance. On the contrary, most males are guided toward academic fields like as “ Sexual Education : Male Responsibility ” Illiteracy among males is not uncommon.Religion Concerning spirituality, the offical state religion enshrines a futa goddess, who created males, and left them in the care of her daughters–futa. The Temple operates like the medieval church with a strict hierarchy of priestesses.– This universe has spawned, to date, more than a thousand additional captions, an erotic novella, and (cough) our game.With that in mind, we’d like to announce… the Imperial FutaDomWorld Propaganda Contest! Contest description: An important aspect of our Futanari Empire is its aggressive retcons and revisionist history–children are taught that there have *always* been futa, that the Empress has reigned since before the age of Rome, that every country run by self-styled “men” is a barbarous and cruel wasteland. And so, naturally, the Empire has art which reflects this “We Have Always Been At War With Eastasia” mindset. We are calling all artists and futa-lovers to send us twisted classic images to make them fit in the FutadomWorld universe! We’re looking for historical or classical posters, iconic photos, movies / games / album covers retcon’d to glorify Femdom, Futa, and The Empire. It can be related to historical events or to pop culture (see the pic above for examples).Prizes: 1st: 450$ + write your own NPC into the game + access to all alpha early releases + artwork from the contest included into the game + name in the credits of the game2st: 300$ + access to all alpha early releases + artwork from the contest included into the game + name in the credits of the game3rd: 200$ + access to all alpha early releases + artwork from the contest included into the game + name in the credits of the gameHonorable mention: 100$And, of course, if we particularly love your art, we’ll offer you to work with us on the game as a paid artist, whatever your rank in the contest!Quite obvious details: you must have a PayPal account to receive your prize. Rules: Theme: - images must includes at least one futa character. - the whole picture must be stem from an existing poster, album / movie / game cover, photograph, twisted to fit in the FutadomWorld universe. Method:contest entries have to be sumitted by answering to the original thread on hentai-foundry with your artwork. Limits:no scat, vore, guro, bestiality, furry, pregnancy, hyperinflation, or excessively violent scenes. Needless to say no scenes involving underage characters will be allowed. Media:computer graphic only. Miscellaneous: - all images must be new, original work (no copies or tracing). - still images only. - up to 3 entries per artist, but only one prize awarded per artist.Judging: Entries will be judged by the Binding Sim game team, including Xalimata, the original creator of the FutadomWorld. Entries will be judged on artistic merit, creativity, and overall use to Binding Sim. We might set up a poll for our backers to rank the final three pieces. But you only get to vote if you’re our backer on PatreonWinners will be announced two weeks after the closing of the contest. Contest deadline: August 31st 2016, 11:59pm PST – Anyway. Thank you all. we’ve had a really wonderful reception so far, and I think I speak for the entire team when I say we’re tremendously grateful for that, and very excited to keep going! – If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the hentai-foundry thread. Don’t worry if you don’t always receive a very quick answer - sometimes we need to discuss with the whole team. Doodles - on behalf of the whole FutadomWorld - Binding Sim team -- source link
Tumblr Blog : futadomworld-game.tumblr.com