swimmingferret:Zahhaks.The E%ecutor/Expatra8 Darkleer,It was perhaps the only such courageous stand
swimmingferret:Zahhaks.The E%ecutor/Expatra8 Darkleer,It was perhaps the only such courageous stand ever taken against a superior 8y one of his supercilious pedigree, and I’d not have 8othered sticking my neck out for another. 8ut the admir8ion he’d won naturally wore thin as he persistently 8emoaned his treason and 8anishment, and I was saddened to find this ha8it holding “STRONG” even now.Horuss,And in following sweeps I would keep turning my mechanically augmented, acute equine ear back to the abyss within, and continue to discover more about myself. I would learn that I was more complicated than I ever imagined. More complicated than any mortal mind could understand a person to be.Equius,I think it is possibly time to admit I have some sort of problem. I would very much like to honor my position on the hemospectrum and mistreat those beneath me, and yet…Sign; Sagittarius.Blood Colour; Blue.Aspect; Void.Other trolls;Vantases Megidos Nitrams Captors Leijons Maryams Pyropes Serkets Makaras Amporas Peixes -- source link
#yyyyyyeeeeeeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh#zahhaks#horuss zahhak#equius zahhak