zenosanalytic:stirringwind:lalisas-bitch:aslowparadeoffears:bills-bastards:lalisas-bitch:bills-bastards:feed-me-tae-kookies:bills-bastards:pissed-off-californian:He was pointing out how guns aren’t the only thing used by terroristsY'all would know that if you used your brainAnd also, if citizens were allowed to defend themselves with arms, maybe, just maybe someone in the immediate area would have been armed and this shit would have ended before 6 people were dead and dozens more wounded.Please give me an example from real life where this ACTUALLY happened? You can sit there and theorize that your 2nd Amendment right can save the world, when in reality, it’s proven many times over that it does the exact opposite.I have neither the time nor the implication to explain the facts of life to you, but it is well established in fact and statistics that civilians in the US use firearms Every. Single. Day. to protect themselves and others.Live in ignorance if you like, it’s not my country being torn apart while police flee the scene.There have been over 26,000 incidents involving gun violence this year alone in America with 6,400+ deaths and 12,000+ injuries. Only just over 800 of those incidents were defensive. And what were the majority defending themselves against….GUNS. England cant protect ourselves from bombs using guns. The deaths yesterday night were caused from a vehicle running people over and people being stabbed. The police shot down the attackers quickly as possible and only 7 ppl have died so far. If those guys had guns on them they could have killed dozens in the time it takes for one bystander to pull out their own gun. Not to forget the attackers could have done the shooting from the van making it easier to avoid being shot themselves. Guns WOULD have made the situation worse as the attackers wouldn’t have had to exit the vehicle at all and the deaths could have been incredibly higher just from the london bridge alone. If they had made it to Burough market which is likely then the deaths could have been 50+ in that area as its easier to shoot people than run and stab them and gun wounds are more deadly on average. You Americans like to defend your gun laws to the ground because you like the power of having a weapon and you think it makes you look cool. You can use all the excuses about defending yourselves but thats what a good police force and army are for. And in the very rare occasion a gun is needed for someone to defend themselves from another person without a gun. Say someone breaks into a person’s house and the police can’t arrive in time, a gun isn’t the only option if anything in an imbeciles hands (most americans) it can end up worse. You don’t even need a gun in that situation as a baseball bat is a better bet and easier to stop kids from killing their classmates with (a common occurence in america but non existent in europe). Don’t want to be rude. But any excuse you use for gun control makes you an idiot as there’s always an alternative. Try using your head. Most people wouldn’t need guns if dangerous people didn’t have access to them in the first place.I’m sure those numbers are bunk, but even still, how many of those incidents are suicides? Statistically, around 70% of them. So.@bills-bastards you are banging your head against the wall……We have guns because we think that is makes us look cool? I know people who wouldn’t look cool if they wore an ice suit and they still believe in having protection for themselves and their family. Apparently you have gun envy @lalisas-bitchGun envy? Yeah I’m envious that my brother won’t get shot whilst at school by a maniac with a gun. I’m envious I won’t be shot walking out of my home for no reason. All genuine fears of the youth of America with all the mass shootings that take place in schools. I genuinely want to understand the appeal cause I don’t understand the reasons people use? Defense? Bullshit. Hunting? Bullshit. Please give me a REAL and proper reason any random 18 year old without a license or mental health screening with no background in gun history or how to actually use a gun should be able to buy one? Gun laws don’t mean banning guns. The laws could just make it harder to get them which people would be willing to do if they actually needed them. But if they were actually put into place you would find less people buying them. A liscence, mental health screening and a lesson about the dangers and how to use a gun isn’t much to ask when its a weapon that a child can get hold of easily and injure themselves. If you can give me a genuine reason you think every day citzens should be walking around with a gun that actually has some logic and can’t be questioned then fine even if I dont agree at least i would have some understanding of where you’re coming from.So without a reason that isn’t recycled garbage I can only be lead to believe that yeah people do just want guns to look cool and pro-gun people do nothing to convince me otherwise. My country has had a few serious terrorist attacks recently but they wouldn’t have been stopped with guns like Trump implied. My country works differently to yours and I’m happy we do. There’s enough to worry about everyday without the prospect of one of my classmates or a stranger carrying a gun. We have some knife crime but every country does. Australia and Europe and most of East Asia have tight gun laws and we’re happy. The large majority of all these countries are happy without guns so why cant America be a bit more thoughtful that guns may not necessarily be the answer.I mean isn’t it time you stopped clinging to the second amendment. ah, the entitlement of these Americans telling other countries they know best. like alright fine, if you think the 2A works in your country but the sheer arrogance to assume one can impose their worldview on everyone else, and ignore our totally different history and culture. every situation must be filtered through the prism of this myopic UScentric worldview without any consideration for how other democratic countries can reasonably disagree in our ways of life for good reasons.they keep talking as if stopping a terrorist attack is the same as an armed homeowner confronting an intruder or even dealing with a mugger. there were crowds of people at london bridge, the situation was chaotic and fast moving, there were many KIDS with FAMILIES. there is the very real risk some citizen playing hero with a gun might have shot many bystanders by accident. i mean, police bullets in this case already hit one bystander by accident. i don’t want to imagine the situation with someone who isn’t even trained specially for this. i’ve yet to seriously hear about an incident in the US where a marauding gunman or terrorist (not just a mugger or burglar) was successfully put down by a citizen with a gun as opposed to the police, or at least somebody with serious military and counter terrorism training. theres a lot more you need to learn than just how to shoot, in terms of responding to these incidents. plus lmao. talking about the ‘police fleeing’? did it escape bills-bastards that armed cops shot the attackers dead 8 minutes after the first call? that one of the people in the hospital with stab wounds was an unarmed officer who confronted the knife-wielding terrorists with his baton? how a cop was killed in the attack on westminster bridge? the police here sure as hell aren’t perfect but they’re not ‘fleeing’. they think we have ‘gun envy’? these jokers need to go out and learn more about the world. You gotta understand there’s nothing rational about the thinking of those knuckleheads up there. The gun debate in the US is, on the Pro side, entirely ideological. They believe guns would have stopped those terrorists the same way they believe Jesus can walk on water, that Big Trucks make men Big Boys, that drinking Budweiser makes you the most charismatic and entertaining person on the planet, and that John Wayne, a Navy reject and college dropout who never did a hard day’s work in his entire life, was the epitome of Manliness™.Reasoning with them ain’t gonna work cause everytime you say “a guy with a knife is less dangerous than a guy with a gun and there’s no way an armed civilian would make any beneficial difference in these situations, as real life has repeatedly shown” they hear “Holllywood action movies aren’t real life”, which is basically the same as telling them there is no Heaven. Everytime you say “Europe has more experience with and better responses to terrorism” they hear “The US isn’t #1″, which is basically like telling them your dad could beat up their dad. This is a religious discussion for them, and no amount of sense is going to make any difference to their thinking, because they’ve already decided any disagreement with them is the rankest heresy. “The 2nd Amendment Solves Everything” is their catechism, not their argument. -- source link
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