alshtonirwin: I’ve had an incredible year on tumblr and so i wanted to thank everyone for making my
alshtonirwin: I’ve had an incredible year on tumblr and so i wanted to thank everyone for making my dash pretty and for being amazing humans. You guys are great and super talented and i can’t thank you enough for making this year a really great year for me. I love you and you deserve cuddles from your fave. (Hover over your url for a special message) abcd acidcxlum / adecisiontolie / adorescalumh / aerical / alexgaiskarth / ashemmings / ashsonirwin / ashstonirwins / ashtcnsirwin / ashtonihrwin / ashtontirwin / ashttun / assholuke / athosds / atluke5sos / b-astilledan / bbylucas / besideyuo / bobbyhoranoffical / boughsofhemmings / caffeluke / calumfood / calumoji / calumthms / celmmings / celumhood / christmasweaterluke / clemminqs / cliffakitten / cliffordos / clifforg / clifforton / cliffphobia / clinicalum / clumhood / coltnposey / crrashland / crystalrreed / cutelucas / cvlhood / daddirwin / dayzlight / dinkyluke efgh englishlovaffair / eleanorandprk / filthy4calum / fivesaus / flechter / goldhemmings / greendav / gurlsalmighty / heartbreakgirls / hemmingslip / hemmingslukeys / hemmosource / heartbreakirwin / hemmojaw / hiorheyrecrd / hotdamn5sos ijkl illbeyourdirtylittlethrill / infamousirwin / iriwins / irweicake / irwi / irwindeer / irwinfocus / irwinmusic / irwinsecure / irwinshton / irwinsvibes / irwnx /itsaubreyplaza / itsclemmings / itsmuke / itssopunkrock / jpglashton / kidanedakh / letsbecake / lhateluke / lukeject / kissedclifford / lewi5sos / lewihemmoo / loveslashton / luekshemmo / lukehcmmings / lukehemings / lukehqmmings / lukeisapenquin / lukemcveys / lukerhemming / lukesgetaway / lukeshm / lukesofficial / lukeyhemminq / lsotboy mnop maimitch / miasanswag / michaelcliffort / michaelsbabyhands / michaelsos / michaelvlifford / michalgordon / mike5os / mpregashton / mukemistletoe / mukenope / niallhorans / nigthschanges / neonjunqles / noahshaw / notinakinkyway / ohclfford / ohemmoh / outofmylimits / owashton / petermjs / punxhead qrst ridicalum / riplucas / rocketcalum / ryanteddervevo / santalashton / scalumhood / selenagomezaf / showyouwhys / skatertotluke / smashdrums / snowflukeys / socialscasualtys / staygolds / steakpanties / stopitcalum / sugarclums / tchamblers / teenagedfricks / thomasangester / twinkstagram uvw vodkaclifford / whereshiphappens / whereversyouare / wtfhalsey xyz# youresoprettythatithurts / 16lukes / 1994th / 5secondsofsummor / 5sosaffair -- source link
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#thank you