ageof9thhouse: Signs in the Second House♈︎Aries / Mars in the 2nd House:The parents were each other’
ageof9thhouse: Signs in the Second House♈︎Aries / Mars in the 2nd House:The parents were each other’s first loves or they were at a relatively young age when the child was conceived. The relationship they have with each other tends to be immature and there is a theme of being competitive with each other. They did not necessarily plan to have a child. Their road to marriage or union was very impulsive and this is reflected in the native’s value system. Native always feels like they have to fight to deserve the feeling of a sense of comfort. Also, Aries 2nd house tends to be an impulsive spender especially when their self-confidence is low. They tend to self-sabotage when they don’t see their own value in circumstances. They eat, drink and walk fast. And despite the contrary belief, they have a high pain tolerance. They tend to dress younger than their age, especially females prefer to dress tom-boyish. With everything from music to a restaurant they want to be the first one to discover its existence. They feel the most valued when they feel like they are trend-setter. ♉︎Taurus / Venus in the 2nd House:The parents had a very sentimental relationship and they felt like they were each other’s true love but they might have been too possessive with each other which might have had caused them to slow each other down on their way to success or being an individual. During the time the child was conceived they were so sure of themselves that this child could be the best thing to ever come to this earth. The native with this placement values her/himself and is sure that they deserve everything. They might become lazy once they go retreat into their comfort zone and be stubborn about ever coming out. They might be fixated on the material goods a little too much. They like to eat… a LOT and dress up. But even when they dress up they know that they do not have to get out of their comfort zones, therefore, prefer to wear comfortable clothing and they always look on point. They feel the most valued when they are in love. Not necessarily with someone but anything.♊︎Gemini / Mercury in the 2nd House:The parents might have met when they were students or decided to meet up thanks to the word of mouth. The parents are very mischievous with each other, they never had a dull moment within their relationship. But it could’ve had been tiring for each party and their on and off relationship just became too confusing. When the child was conceived they were anxious about it but still enthusiastic. They might have already had children before the native or decided to have more after their birth. Gemini in the 2nd house values their siblings the most and is very possessive over them. They have a way of others feel immediately comfortable around them through their ways of communication. One way to make these people uncomfortable is to give them the silent treatment or being rude through words. Other than that, they have very creative ways to make themselves feel at ease. They like to eat, dress up, listen to a variety of different music. What they like the most for pleasure is always in constant change. ♋︎Cancer / Moon in the 2nd House:The parents might have had a co-dependent relationship with a lot of emotional ups and downs from the get-go. When the child was conceived it might have caused a lot of break downs within the family or was a hidden secret. With Cancer in the 2nd house, the native is hyper-aware of their emotional needs which is in constant change. It is hard to pin down for them to understand what they like. Being or feeling at home is essential for these individuals to feel relaxed. But if they had a terrible home life growing up they may seek their comfort else-where. They value mothers and women a lot. Their favorite things are based around the feminine energy surrounding them. They might be emotional eaters, if they feel depressed they might not want to eat anything at all or vice versa. They like to listen to music that is on the darker, deeper side. They do not just listen to music to have fun, they are invested in the tunes on a deeper level. They are very artistic themselves. The way they dress tend to reflect what they are feeling on the inside. If they are not able to communicate how they feel they might as well just wear it. ♌︎Leo / Sun in the 2nd House:The parents probably were in love once, yes… but were not mature enough to handle each other. Ego-wars can be a theme here. They were two kids who had kids and their lives together were out of a sitcom. When the child was conceived there was an innocent joy around the whole event or a lot of drama. For the native with this placement pleasure and sensualism is at high importance. They find immense joy in food, music and fashion etc. They might come of show-off-ish with the things they own, which they have to watch out for. They are at their happiest when they feel secure. They are very creative when it comes to cooking and art in general. The clothing they wear might be very in-your-face. They like to stand out with their beauty. They also love to dress up children who are the things they value the most in life. Another warning would be to watching out for being too materialistic or self-indulgent.♍︎Virgo / Ceres in the 2nd House:The parents probably met at work or in a classroom environment. There might have been anxiety within the relationship. The thing that kept the relationship together was constantly coming up with problems to fix. The parents might have stayed together out of habit rather than love. When the child was conceived some health issues might have had occurred concerning either the child or the mother, or both. The native who has this placement is very nit-picky about the things they consume (food, fashion, art, material goods). They are prone to self-sabotaging even if just one thing in their life is out of place. Being in complete comfort and peace is something they want a lot but can’t achieve because of too much concern surrounding it. ♎︎Libra / Venus in the 2nd House:The parents liked each other a lot but it wasn’t as deep as they portrayed it to be. They might have looked good together perhaps but their points of view could not be further away from each others’. The child was conceived when the parents were following the steps to building a perfect family portrait… but nothing in this life is perfect. However, the quest to find this perfection is now have transferred to the child. The native with this placement values equality and harmony the most and strives for perfection. Having a partner on their side, plus a good salary seems to be one of the rare things to give them a sense of peace. They have got a good eye when it comes to fashion and art, even food presentations. They are one of those people who are closeted critics when it comes to all things artistic and beautiful because they want it to be theirs. ♏︎Scorpio / Pluto in the 2nd House:The parents were very obsessed with each other. Like Halsey wrote in her song they might have had mistaken the warning signs as butterflies. From their passionate relationship came out a beautiful child, but probably once the child came into the picture the relationship ended or should’ve had ended right there. Or, the union of the parents changed drastically for the better or worse. Nothing was ever the same. The person with this placement has strong desires for material goods and bodily sensations. This is good and bad at the same time, as with everything in this universe. Intensity gives them a sense of comfort or they are so good at calming down the intensity surrounding situations, being used to that from their parents’ relationship. They have a great passion for fashion and all things beautiful. They are here to force peace and harmony down our throats. ♐︎Sagittarius / Jupiter in the 2nd House:The parents might have met abroad or at college or through a religious constitution. There might have been a lot of distance within the relationship maybe literally or figuratively. One would assume though when they first met they were totally in awe of each other. Perhaps to the point of they became each other’s whole world and once the union broke everything took a very aggressive turn. They always try to out-do one and other. When the child was conceived the parents were very happy and optimistic about the whole deal. The child either made their love for each other bigger or if they had issues the child’s presence made the issues grew. Now the native of this placement does the same effect on material goods and bodily sensations. They might become too lazy and self-indulgent once they reach a certain level of peace and comfort. They are very flamboyant with the clothing they wear. Always trying to outdo whatever is fashion at the moment. They have their own rules when it comes to defining what is beautiful. ♑︎Capricorn / Saturn in the 2nd House:The parents might have met at work, and maybe one of them was more successful than the other or, perhaps one was even the other’s boss… Or one parent was older than the other which lead them to have a father-child / mother-child dynamic in the relationship. The marriage might even be an arranged marriage – only learning about each other through the word of mouth. Either way they got together because they were on a mission rather than being in love. Even with having a child, they were very careful about it. They wanted everything to be right so there was a lot of concern and emphasis on the birth just like their own relationship. The child might be the only child of the parents or the last child. Out of the two parents the native probably values the father the most or at least his opinions. The way the parents lived and their relationship with the material goods influenced the native greatly. They are not good at valuing themselves or most other people for that matter. It is a lesson they have to learn. They have to learn that not everything in life is about success and money. They find it hard to settle down and be at peace with life because of being too ambitious and desiring power over others. ♒︎Aquarius / Uranus in the 2nd House:The parents had a very strange relationship. Unexpected things happened to them all the time. Perhaps before they became lovers they were close friends or chose to become just friends after their union. The child perhaps was a surprise for them both or changed their lives in an unexpected way. The parents had to throw away all of their plans for the future. The native with this placement values being a rebel and uniqueness, also their friends. Having people they can trust around them is very crucial for them to have a peace of mind. They have strange habits surrounding food and have a unique taste in art. They are almost hipsteresque about everything. They like the idea of influencing people with never seen or done before things. The native learns to be more laid-back within the years, finding out planning things out too much only calls for more unexpected interferences. ♓︎Pisces / Neptune in the 2nd House:The parents had a very confusing relationship. They might have fallen blindly in love with one another which lead them to follow a path they were not yet quite ready for. One parent might have influenced the other and caused great self-undoing in their part. The child was conceived during a period in their relationship when there was a great deal of question marks surrounding them. The native is very selfless when it comes to their own peace of minds, always putting others comfort before theirs. They do everything they can to make other people be comfortable in their presence. But this can also follow a pattern of them playing the victim saying “I never get to do what I want to do”. They are very idealistic when it comes to beauty and very imaginative about expression through art. They are not very good at being smart with their money and mostly love to spend it for other people. Their relationship with consumption is also very confusing. They either go all in or nothing. There’s no in-between. (Art: “Jupiter and Juno on Mount Ida" by Antoine Coypel) -- source link
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