komentajaleksa:blackswallowtailbutterfly:witwitch:suddendeathinnorthcarolina:welcometobangk0k:suddendeathinnorthcarolina:scaredradfem:celtyradfem:witwitch:UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH LIBERAL FEMINISM UGHHHHHHHHHHHNow women can exploit other women too! ~Feminism~welcome to hellif y’all think that 100% of porn is anti-feminist, then you need to sit back down and reconsider feminism. having women directors–WOMEN not MEN controlling the way women are portrayed–is insanely important. rather than shaming us or putting us on a pedestal, these directors can express healthy sexual encounters and change the entire connotation of porn. they can show women as more than just several holes for a dick to go in. they can show equality and perspective and bring humanity into an area that has become un-complex and un-dynamic.it’s also important to remember that, for some women, working in the sex industry is a last resort. and they need this kind of help to maintain their dignity, while still making a living.the bottom line, though, is that it’s promoting females working in a male-dominated profession. and that is always, AWLAYS, a good thing.Sorry but just because women are directing porn doesn’t stop the entire industry as a whole from being full of abuse and trauma. money made from these films continues to fund the extremely corrupt industry. Porn is in no way feminist, as a majority of porn depicts violence towards women, and many women are forced or coerced into the industry and become hooked on drugs and then find themselves unable to leave the adult industry. There is nothing feminist about a woman getting abused on camerawe’re in agreement about there being nothing feminist about women being abused on camera. what i’m saying is that these directors don’t direct that kind of porn. this is an industry that will never go away, so all we can do is make it better for those involved and the best way to do that is to incorporate individuals who will strive to change it. THAT is what i’m advocating for.There is no such thing as pen that isn’t degrading to women. Just because women are doing it doesn’t make it feminist.“this is an industry that will never go away, so all we can do is make it better”What defeatist libfem bullshit. But that’s liberal feminism all over, isn’t it? Dismantle Patriarchy?! *gasp* That’s crazy talk! There will always be Patriarchy, so we just have to make it more bearable. Fuck that! End Patriarchy and all its tools, pornography included.People who advocate female-directed “ethical porn” really need to face the fact that female pornographers are not magically exempt from being exploitative, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, etc. when it comes to making money by commodifying other women’s bodies. A lot of the time, the only difference between porn directed by women and porn directed by men is that the former is more likely to contain f/f scenes. In depicting acts of verbal and physical aggression, the content is much the same. Consider this analysis in a study comparing content produced by male and female porn directors.“More than three quarters of the scenes contain either verbal or physical aggression: in an average segment, there are thirteen acts of aggression, with twice as many physical than verbal ones. The targets of aggression are overwhelmingly female and are violated by both men and women; they are often called “slut,” “whore,” or “bitch,” and are prevalently spanked and gagged. Gagging was never mentioned in previous content analysis studies that the current authors reviewed, but this act appears in 59% of the scenes. During the gagging, either a male perpetrator uses his penis or a female perpetrator (including herself) uses a fake penis (dildo) to penetrate the female’s throat so deeply that she repeatedly gags. Furthermore, the female targets almost always show pleasure or indifference towards the aggression inflicted on them. Thus, the world produced by female pornography directors portrays sex as intertwined with violence: sexual pleasure is contingent upon and derived from aggression. […]“The present study sought to examine how popular pornographic films differ regarding both sexual and aggressive content when directors were women versus men. In general, few differences were found between the two genders. One important finding was that female directors were significantly more likely to direct “girl on girl” scenes. Therefore, women-directed scenes showed more female-to-female oral sex and less female-to-male oral sex compared to male-directed scenes. Women-directed scenes were also significantly more likely to portray positive behaviors, such as kissing, embracing, and verbal compliments.When examining aggression in female- and male-directed scenes, verbal and physical aggression rates were similar except that female directors were significantly more likely to show women as perpetrators of aggression, most of which violent actions were directed against other women. Regardless of director gender, women were overwhelmingly the targets of aggressive acts and almost always showed pleasure or indifference towards aggression. We suspected the differences between female and male directors’ depictions of sexual acts and aggression may be due to female directors including significantly more female characters in each scene, so we hold the ratio of female vs male characters constant. Almost all the differences disappear but female directors still depict significant female to female violence than their male counterparts. Contrary to the hope and idealism among some pro-pornography scholars and activists who assumed and predicted that female directors would produce more sensual, egalitarian and “women-centered” pornography, the study at hand found that directors of the top-renting videos depicted a pornographic world in which some of the women, like most of the men in such films, are aggressive and dominant; moreover, the majority of the women are portrayed as masochists who actually enjoy the degradation and violence that is inflicted on them. This message is particularly illuminating when women are aggressing against one another without any males around to do the dirty work. Evidently, the ideals of some female pornographers, such as Candida Royalle, who are celebrated by pro-pornography scholars and are awarded for making “feminist” pornography (Agrell, 2006), have not been effective in changing popular mainstream pornography toward less misogyny.“Also read this post about female pornographers and the idea of “feminist” porn, and you will hopefully realise that these woman directors are not motivated by some abstract sense of feminist solidarity; they are motivated by money, just like the men. They are competing in a male-dominated, male supremacist industry and notions like equality, female agency, and female pleasure simply do not appeal to a wide enough market; and attempts to incorporate these qualities into porn do not generate the kind of profits that hardcore porn does. Therefore, female directors will create porn that is just as aggressive and brutal as that created by their male counterparts, but they might switch it up a little, like including more female performers, or people of colour, or LGBT people, and then they think they can throw the word “feminist” on the piece of rape and abuse they’ve recorded.Case in point: Tristan Taormino, a self-identified “feminist” pornographer, directed a porn video featuring anal sex. She agreed to include male ejaculation so that John Stagliano (a male gonzo pornographer known for anal) would finance the film.So yeah, fuck female pornographers. They are pimps and exploiters, just like the men. -- source link
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