You cannot say to the sun, ‘More sun,’ or to the rain, 'Less rain.’ To a man, geis

You cannot say to the sun, ‘More sun,’ or to the rain, 'Less rain.’ To a man, geis
You cannot say to the sun, ‘More sun,’ or to the rain, 'Less rain.’ To a man, geis
You cannot say to the sun, ‘More sun,’ or to the rain, 'Less rain.’ To a man, geis
You cannot say to the sun, ‘More sun,’ or to the rain, 'Less rain.’ To a man, geis
You cannot say to the sun, ‘More sun,’ or to the rain, 'Less rain.’ To a man, geis
You cannot say to the sun, ‘More sun,’ or to the rain, 'Less rain.’ To a man, geis