In a first for this blog, there is a new never-before-seen premium story written by famed age regres
In a first for this blog, there is a new never-before-seen premium story written by famed age regression author Sebtomato about yours truly!For those who don’t know, Sebtomato has been writing excellent age regression stories for years (and I’ve read all of them) and kindly contacted me offering to write one for me!It’s for sale on his site ( for 99¢, which is a price pretty damn hard to beat if you ask me.Here’s the link to purchase the 12 page PDF of the story: story features mental age regression to infancy, females transforming females, and all the great tidbits that adult baby story lovers love. Here’s the first 500 words for free to give you an idea of what you’d be getting:It makes sense to meet in the woods. They’re both ecologists, bothprofessors, both more than used to field trips surrounded by trees.And they both needed to talk.Elisa sips from her glass. The Champagne is a special touch. An olivebranch? Jennifer’s idea, brought from her backpack along with two crystalflutes. “I appreciate you coming out like this,” Jennifer says. “And I want you toknow, this is for real. I’m gonna keep my promise.” She sips from herchampagne flute. Elisa does the same, sealing the deal. No more studying the sametopics, no more papers forcing their peers to choose between them. And thebiggest, hottest issue of all; no more stealing research.Jennifer laughs, as if she’s reading Elisa’s mind. “You won’t have toworry about me looking over your shoulder.”Fingers-crossed. Elisa takes a more generous swallow of champagne,enjoying the bubbles on her tongue. What a classy way to make peace, anddoesn’t she feel nice, so relaxed and calm. She smiles. Champagne isso…grown-up! “Hey,” Jennifer says mildly, after tipping back her glass and finishingher fizz. “You notice how bright everything is today?” Elisa nods. “Yeah, I guess.” She’d agree to anything right now, withthose tingling bubbles spreading from her tongue and into her head. ButJennifer is right. When Elisa looks down she’s almost mesmerized by theorange of her fleece vest. So bright, like the sun.But it doesn’t hurt, she wants to keep looking. She barely notices as she lets go of the glass and it falls to the ground.It doesn’t break, landing in the leafy dirt. “Oopsie,” says Jennifer lightly. “I thought you deserved the specialchampagne and the fancy glasses. You won’t be using anything like that fromnow on.” “Huh?” Elisa mumbles. She wants to keep looking at her fuzzy fleece.And look at her hair! So pretty, red and shining in the light, falling like a curtainover her eyes and Elisa realizes with muddled surprise that she wants to put itin her mouth? What a bizarre, almost infantile compulsion. She shakes herhead, she won’t do it. “Ready to go home, honey?”Elisa looks up in surprise. Jennifer’s voice sounded so far away, butthere’s her smiling face, right there.“I…” Elisa wrinkles her nose. “I won’t do it,” even as she curls herauburn hair around her fingers like a distracted little girl. “What’s that, honey?” “I won’t eat my hair,” she mumbles, Uhwoaneetmayair! She sounds likea sulking two year old. And the idea suddenly strikes Elisa as hilarious, as thefunniest thing she’s ever heard, and she stats to giggle. “Good girl,” says Jennifer with a satisfied nod. “Let’s get you home,sweetie.”Home. Docile and obedient, Elisa doesn’t resist as Jennifer takes herhand and leads her back through the woods, her backpack abandoned.So again, if you love the idea of me being mentally regressed back to infancy (I sure do), please consider tossing a buck in for this story and supporting a great writer within our little genre! :DHere’s the link again:, everyone! :D -- source link
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