maggiecaps:“Elissa! Come on! I need to go NOW!” Lydia yelled outfrom outside the bathroom door. Elis
maggiecaps:“Elissa! Come on! I need to go NOW!” Lydia yelled outfrom outside the bathroom door. Elissa could see the shadows of Lydia’s feetdancing below the door. She rolled her eyes, swinging her neck back in the samemotion, and ran a hand through the roots of her hair.“I’m almost done, Lydia. What are you, two years old? I’msure you can hold it another five minutes.” Elissa said back, her voice soundedexhausted. Elissa’s assessment would have been accurate…. five minutes ago.Lydia pressed her hands further into her crotch as a near backbreaking acheflared in her bladder. Her face strained as she clenched down.“Ughhh, Elissa!! I’m about to piss myself!” Lydia yelled,feeling the weight of her bladder growing heavier by the second.“Go outside then if you have to! I’m getting tired of this.I didn’t think sharing one bathroom in the morning would be this difficult.”Elissa said, shaking her head. It had been a rough start for Elissa and Lydiaacclimating to each other’s morning rituals now that they were roommates.Elissa woke up earlier than Lydia. She was no stranger to taking her time inthe bathroom either. Lydia, who had always struggled with sleeping the wholenight without needing to go, had picked the wrong time to try and kick thehabit. It was creating a daily shouting match for who needed the bathroom. Onethat Lydia was seconds away from not needing anymore.“Elissa… P-please…” Lydia said, her voice falling to awhisper at the end. The pressure in her bladder reached maximum capacity. Her bodycouldn’t hold it any longer. She felt warm wet dribbles in between herfingertips. She clenched down as hard as she physically could, but there was nostopping it at this point. She felt a strong wave of urgency wash through herbladder once her body felt those drops. Lydia felt her muscles looseninvoluntarily, as a rush of pee jetted into her pants. The dark stain grewthicker, as trailing streams of pee started to fall down her legs. Lydia felther control evaporating. Trickling grew steadily into a heavy river of morningpee gushing into her pants. Lydia felt her muscles relax even further. Thesound of pee hitting the wood floor filled the hallway.“Oh my god…. You’re not-“ Elissa said, the sound of thetoilet flushing. Her footsteps approached the door, and suddenly she thrust itopen. Just a few moments later than Lydia needed her to.“You’re PEEING yourself?! You really are two years old! Holyshit, Lydia! What the fuck?!” Elissa said, she extended her index finger andpointed down at the puddle forming between Lydia’s feet. She scoffed at Lydiaand pushed her to the side. “I’m not dealing with a roommate who can’t hold herpee in the morning.” Elissa muttered to herself as she started walking down thehall.Lydia felt her face burn firetruck red. She hadn’t had anaccident like this in years. She didn’t even try to hold it back anymore. Whatwas the difference between a medium to large-sized pee puddle? She stood therein shame, feeling the flow of pee slowly tapering off. By the end of it, her pantswere completely drenched. Standing there in her pee, Lydia couldn’t even findthe words to speak once Elissa walked back.“If you’re going to piss yourself in the morning, you’regoing to wear these.” Elissa said, extending the package of pull-ups in herhand to Lydia. It was already opened with a couple of pull-ups taken out. “Mymom left these here when my little sister visited, it looks like you might needthem too.” She said with a stern look and matching tone.Lydia didn’t fight it. How could she? What would she say?‘No, I didn’t just have an accident right in front of you.’ She reluctantlygrabbed the package without saying a word.***2Lydia had never felt that level of embarrassment before,that is until she slipped on one of the pull-ups that very night. She thoughtabout lying to Elissa, telling her that she had one on when she didn’t. Butwhen Elissa said she was going to check every night to make sure, she decidedit was best not to rock the boat and just put it on. Besides, she didn’t haveto use it.Until the very next morning.Lydia felt Déjà vu the moment she walked out of her room topee. The bathroom door was closed, with the light spilling out from underneath.She was desperate to go after holding in an entire night’s worth of pee. If shewanted to, she could have potentially argued with Elissa enough to get her outin time to make it. Or, she could take care of the painful pressure in herbladder another way…“It’s just a little. I’m peeing it on purpose. Like I’mgoing to the bathroom. This isn’t an accident.” Lydia reasoned in her head,feeling herself release into her pull-up. She wasn’t going to let go entirely,just enough to keep the pressure off her and avoid another major accident likelast night. She felt her pull-up warm and begin to sag as she tested the limitsof its absorbency. Feeling content with the reduced weight, she clenched downto stem the flow. She felt a wave of relaxation wash over her. Not just becausethe pain her bladder had subsided to barrable levels, but it was the first timein weeks her morning didn’t start with an argument at the bathroom door.“Oh…” Elissa said, minutes later as she opened the bathroomdoor. She looked down at her roommate, wearing only a tank top and matching wetpull-up. Her surprised expression melted into a smug smirk. “Looks like thosepull-ups fixed the problem, huh?” Elissa joked. Lydia pursed her lips and shookher head.“I didn’t wet the bed, I went just now so you didn’t have towaste your precious bathroom time.” Lydia said back snakish. Elissa giggled andshrugged.“Whatever you say, Lydia. As long as it keeps my floorsdry…” Elissa said, walking past Lydia and down the hall.“Ugh, whatever…” Lydia thought, turning her attention to thebathroom. She walked into the room to finish what she already started in herpull-up.Lydia and Elissa played out this same scenario over againfor two weeks. Lydia would get up, release her bladder partially into herpull-up, Elissa would make fun of her, and then Lydia would finally finish herbusiness in the bathroom. This persisted until a lazy Saturday morning inLydia’s room.“Ugh… I don’t want to get up….” Lydia thought to herself,she looked at her bedroom door across the room. She was so snug and warm inbed. She knew what was about to happen if she got up anyways. Why did she haveto stand there wetting herself when she could just do that part in the comfortof her bed? Her lazy brain thought it was a brilliant idea. Instead of puttingdown her phone and getting up. Lydia parted her legs to each side and startedto push down on her bladder.She could only manage a dribble at first. She hadn’t peed inthe bed in decades. Once her body understood it was safe in her pull-up, shefelt her bladder relax further. The dribbles cascading into a low steady streamof warm pee. It fell down the front and pooled into the back of her waitingpull-up.Lydia found no reason to break that new habit once Sundaymorning rolled around. Or Monday, Tuesday… and every other day following that.She knew what the argument was going to be anyways, so why not avoid the wholething and pee while she was still in bed? That way she was at least still cozy,and at the very least didn’t have to deal with Elissa’s little comments. Thatsame thought process started creeping into the middle of the night.“*Yawn*… I’m just going to pee in the morning anyways… Imight as well….” Lydia thought at 3 AM as her bladder ached. This was one ofthose nights where she drank too much earlier and had to get up if she was goingto fall back asleep. Warm and snug in bed, Lydia felt her body easily releaseinto her bed. She had gotten used to doing the same thing every morning. Shefell back asleep before the stream even started to die down.Lydia didn’t worry too much about it when she woke up thenext morning wet. It wasn’t unusual for her to get up out of the bed in asagging pull-up in the first place. The only concern was the small wet spotthat had formed in the bed near her waist.“Must have gone a little too much last night…” Lydiathought, her head swiveled to the dwindling package of pull-ups on her dresser.“I might need to pick up something a little thicker next time I go shopping…”Diapers proved to be an even better solution to Lydia andElissa’s morning conflict. Not only could she stay in her bed and pee whenevershe wanted, she no longer had to worry about potentially leaking into her bed!She felt much more relaxed about keeping her bed dry with a diaper instead of aflimsy pull-up.Lydia stopped paying attention to her bladder at nightaltogether. She had complete faith in her diaper to keep her dry no matter howmuch she peed. She’d barely surface to consciousness when she felt her diaperfilling up in the middle of the night. She wouldn’t even think twice. Just asquickly as she’d wake in the middle of wetting, she’d quickly fall right backinto a deep slumber.“Oh damn… I soaked this thing last night…” Lydia thought onemorning, looking down at her heavily drenched diaper. The dark yellow stainsdiscolored the cute prints of tigers and bears that she liked. “I didn’t thinkit was that much…” Lydia thought to herself as she examined her heavy diaper.She was concerned, but still felt firm in her belief that she could keep herbed dry even if she wanted to. “I’ve only been doing this for… um?” Lydiathought, trying to think back to the last argument she had with Elissa over thebathroom.It had been quite some time if she was being honest withherself. She couldn’t even remember the last time she used the toilet in themorning. “It was just getting warm outside, so like early summer?” Lydiathought, looking out her window at the snow-covered scene. “Jeez…” She thought,looking back down at her diaper. “I think I should probably take a break.” Shewhispered hesitantly to herself.Lydia felt a beam of confidence shine through her thatnight. Her finger pressed the lock button on her phone, it closed with a‘snap.’“Okay!” She thought happily, her hand grabbed the blanketand flung it to the other side of the bed. “Alarm is set early, 6 A.M., wellbefore Elissa will wake up. Even if I have to drag myself out of bed, I doubtI’ll have to pee that bad by then.” Lydia thought, thinking back to the recentlack of pain in her morning bladder. She normally woke up feeling completelyrefreshed and ready for the day. She felt a strange mix of emotions as she slipped into bed.Her body felt different. Naked. As though a part of her body had been takenaway. She felt a pang of anxiety rush through her head.“No, no. I’ll be fine. If I feel anything, I’ll just get upimmediately.” Lydia thought, trying to quell her fears. She breathed in deeply,before releasing a relaxing exhale. “I’m… fine…” She thought, before lettingherself drift off to sleep.The morning light shined bright into her eyes after whatfelt like moments later. That’s normally how she slept these days, entirelysound and content. Lydia felt the smile growing on her face before she couldstop it.“Yes!” She thought, feeling pressure in her bladder. “I did-“She said, throwing her blankets to the side.Only instead to see the large dark wet stain. She soaked herbed.Completely, and unaware.“…it…… what? How did I not know?!” Lydia thought, trying toretrace her steps. She felt pressure, but the more she searched, it becamepainfully obvious there was little more than a few-second trickle in the tank.She didn’t even notice the cool damp feeling of a wet bed around her waist whenshe woke up. “I must be so… used to it by now…” She reasoned, utterly perplexedat the situation.Lydia looked up at the stack of diapers across her room. Sheknew at this point she was in deep. She’d have to work at it every day if shewanted to get back to dry nights. Her mind wandered to the logical next steps.“I’ll have to drink less at night, try to wake up when Ineed to pee, which I guess I don’t anymore, maybe I’ll start wearing pull-ups,that might entice me to pay attention, but if I don’t then it’s just going toleak into my bed, so maybe I can get a plastic sheet, but I don’t like the waythose feel, and I guess even then I’ll have to start fighting with Elissaagain, which will suck because we’ve become really good friends since that, Isuppose… I…” She thought, her eyes still locked onto her diapers. The more shestared, the more it became clear in her mind.“…I… am a bedwetter…” She thought, already confirming whatshe knew for months now.(Hey there did you like the caption? If you’re able to, I’d super appreciate it if you could support me on my patreon! I have hundreds of more captions and stories on there. Thanks for reading :) -- source link
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