zanderchesney:Fall of the BiologistPicture 1: Jen used to be a veryrespected biologist. Jen and her
zanderchesney:Fall of the BiologistPicture 1: Jen used to be a veryrespected biologist. Jen and her colleagues specialized in rare exotic plants.The night it happened Jen had been doing one last test with a new specimen whenher colleague Lauren walked up. “Hi Jen, how are you? Busy at work as always Isee. Hahaha!” Lauren said. ‘SweetInnocent Lauren. She looks up to me like a sister and she doesn’t even know I’mhaving an affair with her husband.’ Jen thought to herself.Picture 2: “Well I won’t distract youany longer I just wanted to drop off a gift for you. I know how much you loveplants so I got you this amazing specimen.” Jen was amazed at the pink beautyin the box before her. “Legend has it,” Lauren said. “If you put it next to youwhile you sleep you’ll have good dreams.” When Jen got home that night she wasstill laughing at Lauren’s obvious gullibility with the legend. But, she couldn’thelp her own curiosity as she put it on her nightstand. As she drifted off Jenhad to admit she was starting to feel a little happier and innocent? Surelythis was all just a delusion. When she woke up things would be exactly the waythey were… they were not.Picture 3: Jen stirred awake and feltan unfamiliar wetness on her crotch. She was so confused and scared she couldn’tthink of any other way to react than to start bawling like a baby. Withinseconds Lauren ran into the room and looked down at her. “Oh poor Jen’s goneand wet the bed. Naughty girl!” Jen tried to speak but only babbling came out. “Ohdon’t try to talk honey. You won’t be very good at that or many other thingsanymore. That plant there, your gift, it has a toxin in it that when consumedtoo quickly will destroy parts of the brain of its victim and return it to amore infantile state.” Jen began to cry at these words. “Oh don’t give me thatlook. You thought I didn’t know about the affair? I was just pretending to benice to you to get close. Now, I think baby Jen needs a change!”Picture 4: As Jen was carried over to alarge changing table that hadn’t been in her room the night before she couldn’thelp but laugh. She didn’t know why she was laughing, she just was. Lauren laidJen down and explained. “Already laughing sweetie? As the toxins break you downyou’ll become more and more innocent until you have the mind of a baby. Betterenjoy these last few moments of conscious thought.” Jen tried to fight back butshe could feel all her worries, knowledge, and everything just drifting awayand becoming cloudy. An empty slate. While Jen was lost in her mind she waschanged into a diaper and a new dry shirt was placed on her.Picture 5: When Lauren was finishedchanging her she stepped away and Jen jumped off the changing table. She lookedaround and realized how much her room really had changed. How could this be herroom? A respectable Biologist? That wasn’t what she was anymore. She twistedher body and examined her new diaper. It made her tear up but she knew she nowneeded them. Her mind was turning so young she could barely keep standing. Infact, she was falling. She fell towards the nearest object to her, a woodenrocking horse.Picture 6: Jen could almost feel it asthe last of her mind was leaving her. She sat upon the rocking horse androcked, sad to admit she was finding it fun. Then suddenly something happenedthat made Jen’s mind snap for good. Jen’s mouth hung open as she felt a largemessy wave start to push into her diaper. As it was going on Jen didn’t haveenough sense to stop rocking which only smeared her new smelly mess more. “That’sa good baby Jen. Finish pooping, I’ll make breakfast.” Jen giggled for no logical reason as she finished her business. She put her thumb in her mouth andstarted sucking, glancing one more time at the pink flower on her nightstand. -- source link
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