lierrelearns:「魔法使いの嫁」の単語:第14嫌がらせ(いやがらせ)harassment, pestering 遠ざける(とおざける)to keep away, keep at a
lierrelearns:「魔法使いの嫁」の単語:第14嫌がらせ(いやがらせ)harassment, pestering 遠ざける(とおざける)to keep away, keep at a distance 脳みそ(のうみそ)brains, brain tissue 霞(かすみ)haze, mist 類い(たぐい)kind, sort, type 人狼(じんろう)werewolf, werebeast 毛皮(けがわ)fur, skin, pelt 愉快犯(ゆかいはん)crime committed for fun 錠(じょう)lock, padlock 死に掛ける(しにかける)to be dying, be close to death 獲物(えもの)prey, catch, game 一滴(いってき)a drop (of fluid) ひとかけらfragment, piece 取り付く(とりつく)to cling to, hold on to; to take hold of, possess, haunt 先立つ(さきだつ)to die before (esp. one’s spouse, parents, etc) すぐりgooseberry, currant 塗り薬(ぬりぐすり)medical cream, ointment, salve 瞼(まぶた)eyelid 維持(いじ)maintenance, preservation うんとa great deal, very much, a lot 目を凝らす(めをこらす)to strain one’s eyes, stare at, look closely かと思えば(かとおもえば)no sooner than, as soon as, immediately after 揺りかご(ゆりかご)cradle 金貨(きんか)gold coin 沈める(しずめる)to sink, submerge 香(こう)incense 調合(ちょうごう)mixing, compounding, dispensing (e.g. a prescription) 東西南北(とうざいなんぼく)east, west, south, and north 当てる(あてる)to expose 張り付く(はりつく)to stay (e.g. in the office) 五分五分(ごぶごぶ)as likely as not, 50/50 惰性(だせい)inertia 朽ちる(くちる)to rot, decay もやもやuncertain feeling, feeling gloomy, ill feeling ご法度(ごはっと)contraband, taboo, strictly forbidden -- source link
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