a-miss-inside:Without a doubt, making your own way is hard. But every second of it is worth it. Tha
a-miss-inside:Without a doubt, making your own way is hard. But every second of it is worth it. That Narrow Road Few Find or Take…There are many paths in life and going with the flow often makes the most sense, but not always. You’re a unique person with talents, dreams and a unique personality.But your sex should never dictate where you can go, what you can do and how you express yourself, nor should societies expectations of your gender expression. You’re not predestined by what is between your legs to express just the masculine or the feminine. Your path is your own and only you can walk it.Your gender is far more diverse than a simple binary of expression. It is a rainbow of expressions with hues and shades. And you have some unique combinations within yourself of the masculine and feminine. For myself I am attracted to feminine clothes like a moth to a flame. But it was not just clothes I wanted to wear and express. The role models that I admire most are women. And so subconsciously I have studied many women all my life, and that includes their clothes and mannerisms.That prepared me for when I did come out and for the path I’m currently on. It’s not an easy path because I’m going against societies patriarchal expectations. Women have had a long struggle to be respected. But it is the path I was meant to take because it is who I am inside.I can honestly say I gave living as a just man a chance, trying to be happy as a masculine person society expected. Fifty years does teach you a few thing of who you are inside. But it was just a mask of who I am inside and not how I wished to continue to live.So after much study and research I knew what I wanted to do. And so I slowly removed the mask, the facade, of my masculine persona and let my feminine personality shine on the outside. And now the life I had prepared for is laid out in front of me to walk.It was not to be degraded or to be made fun of. It was not to be possessed or some sex object. We must all be respected for who we are no mater our sex, gender, race, etc… Now, about ten years later, I know I made the right choice because I’m living my truth and I’m being honest with my inner self. Those secret clothes are now my everyday clothes to wear for all to see. -- source link
#transgender#non-binary gender#gender dysphoria#narrow road