minteadesigns:Do’s and Don'ts of Note-Taking_〆(-ε・`)ノ^☆Being able to take notes during a lecture wil
minteadesigns:Do’s and Don'ts of Note-Taking_〆(-ε・`)ノ^☆Being able to take notes during a lecture will become important in community college and university. It’s one thing to write down a bunch of random facts, but it’s another thing to be able to organize notes, listen to the professor, and take in what you are learning all at the same time.Do’s: Listen to and write down dates, names, definitions, and places- These things will most likely be on test and quizzes. Be sure to pick out these things and write them down, you will want to remember this later on.Listen to and write down repeated facts-Usually, professors will repeat a fact or statement that they know will be important to remember. If they say it more than once or further elaborate on it, then it will be a sign to remember it.Make yourself a key-Writing in full sentences might not work in college. Professors talk pretty fast and they don’t wait for you to take notes. The ramble on about their lecture until the class is over. Being able to shorten a lot of sentences, but still know what you mean will help you take faster notes. WriExample:At →@Because→b/cPeople→pplDefinitions→defB4→beforeThink texting but for your notes.Write a side note of topics, characters, situations, or objects that remind you of the information-Writing something that reminds you of that new information will help you remember it.Example: Inu means dog in Japanese →My favorite anime is Inuyasha, Inuyasha is a dog demon that falls in love with a human as they go on an adventure.So I would write: Inu means dog→InuyashaWrite an Index-If you have papers and papers of topics and information then having an extra paper for an index will help you. Being able to find the topic you need to study right away will be helpful. It is always frustrating trying to find that one person’s name in a sea of information. Look at your book and copy that structure for your notes.Example:Japanese art History………………………..Pg. 12Hayao MiyazakiHokusaiWoodblock PrintingYoko OnoThis will help you organized your notes and find information fast.Rewrite notes later-Do not worry about what your notes look like while you write down the professors long lecture. Just remember to make it legible and you can understand it. Being too concerned about having super organized and pretty notes will hinder you from listening to the next bit of information. You can organize and make your notes pretty when you get home.Don’t be afraid to ask questions-Sometimes we can listen to something and then halfway through writing it down you have a major brain fart and can’t remember the rest of it. Don’t be afraid to ask your peers or the professor to get that bit of information. There are so many times where I had a brain fart multiple times but never asked questions, and OF COURSE, the part that I didn’t get to write down would be on the test. Make a note of what you missed and asked someone after class about it.Having a bullet System-Having a simple organizing system will help you read everything later on.Example:bullet for the main topic→Arrow for subtopic-Dash for information on that topic~Space and squiggly line for sub information in that information⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓Hokusai→Woodblock Printing-Used for printing books-Often used oil-based ink-Growth of Ukiyo-e brought a demand for the increasing numbers of colors and techniques:~Sumizui-e (ink printing pictures): Monochrome ~Tan-e: Orange highlights~Benizuri-e (Crimson printed pictures): Red ink detailsDon'ts: Do not overwhelm yourself with colors-Having different colored pens and highlighters are always great, but having too many colors is overwhelming and unnecessary. Being too focused on finding a color or highlighter for the definition of something, and then having to switch to another color for the name of someone, and then switching again for the date of something will distract you from actually listen to the professor. After looking back on your notes, it will be a colorful mess of information that you don’t remember because you were too busy choosing colors. (I’ve done this…_〆(゚□゚*))A good amount of colors:-1 black pen (for general information)-1 red pen or blue pen (for definitions and important information)- 1 highlighter (for names, dates, and places)Highlighting things could even come later on when you review your notes. The main thing is: to be semi-organized to be able to read it.Say you have a professor that never takes a breath between sentences, just use a black pen.-Underline for definitions and important information-asterisks for *names, *dates, and *placesDon’t write in full sentences-Being able to have your notes be exactly what the professor said would be amazing, but doing that will actually hinder you. If you are still trying to take notes on a long paragraph your professor just said, and your professor is moving on to a new topic, it will leave you panicking to finish your sentence while also trying to listen to the new topic (very guilty of this (;´∀`)). Shorten that paragraph!Don’t use whiteout-I know that might sound weird, but some times your professor is just going way too fast. Focusing on a misspelled word can make you forget about the rest of the sentence or make you forget about listening to the professor. Just cross it out. You can use whiteout when you are rewriting your notes.Don’t draw(I’m an are major so this is sort of hard) but, try to draw diagrams and charts later on. Put a “see pg. __for diagram” to know to draw it in there later on. Or if the professor has a powerpoint on it then take a picture of it and put a “see picture on phone.” You might get fixated on it and forget to listen to the rest of the information. (I do…( ̄ー ̄;).Don’t get lazyA lot of the time, your professor will ramble on and on about something and you just get bored or tired. You end up not writing a lot of things down, and OF COURSE, what you didn’t write down is what will be on the test. Don’t get lazy, you will never know what will be on the test!Don’t think you know somethingSometimes you will sit there and go “I know this already” and then not write down anything for it. Just because you know it doesn’t mean it will ensure that you will remember it during the test. Sometimes I will totally forget something that I know because I remembered everything I wrote down instead. Brainfarts can happen often on tests and quizzes, just make sure you write down everything and study everything.I hope this helps! ♡^▽^♡ What helps you with your notes?My Etsy store: -- source link
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