virginiaisforhaters:viostormcaller:blueinkblot:gahdamnpunk:VACCINATE YA KIDS FFSThe other thing abou
virginiaisforhaters:viostormcaller:blueinkblot:gahdamnpunk:VACCINATE YA KIDS FFSThe other thing about measles is that it resets your body’s memory of other diseases. So all those times you’ve gotten sick? Your body’s memory cells no longer remember those illnesses, so even if you get the same type of illness again your body will react like it’s the first time you’ve been sick.It’s so much worse than “just a disease”. Measles does WHATin the most simple terms, measles causes something called immune amnesia, basically, you have these things called memory cells (b cells and memory t cells) and those things keep a record of the infections that you’ve had previously so they can fight them off. memory b and t cells are the seniors in your bodies high school, they’ve seen this shit before, they’re prepared, and they know how to deal with it by creating a secondary immune response. basically, they see some bully they know has tried to fight them before, and they call in reinforcements to fight that bitch off. this is why you might sometimes feel sick from a cold for a few days and then be okay, its your immune system remembering that you had that cold before and it knows how to deal with it. your body also has these things called macrophages, they’re basically white blood cells that vore foreign particles before they can hurt you. the macrophages in your lungs have something called signaling lymphhocytic activation molecules (which we’re gonna call SLAM, as in “come on and slam and welcome to the jam, welcome to the space jammmmm alright alright alright alright). we dont really need to get too much into what they do because this isnt cell bio but basically SLAM has a HIGHHHHH affinity for MV (measles virus). MV basically uses SLAM to corrupt these vore cells, it hijacks them and uses them to transport itself to the nearest lymph nodes to disseminate themselves (fuck your shit up). in the lymph tissue they come into contact with these memory cells, which, you guessed it, also have SLAM. so measles infects these cells as well and then spreads through the body. so your immune system basically freaks out and is like KILL EVERYTHING and you lose those memory cells, which pretty much turns your immune system into a freshman. you dont know whats going on, you havent experienced any of this shit before, and you have no idea how to handle anything other than freaking out (and later on finding out you have an anxiety disorder and why didnt anyone catch that before now?? anyway high school sucks). fortunately our bodies are kind of fucking cool and you get more cells back pretty quickly, but in the shittiest turn of events these new cells have basically NO MEMORY OF ANYTHING EXCEPT MEASLES. hence the amnesia part. its not like, a forever thing, immune memory comes back in 2-3 years, but believe me when i say those 2-3 years are gonna fucking suck. so the moral of this story is VACCINATE YOUR KIDS and also viruses are cool but they suck (just like me) -- source link