anjaehrenberg: I discovered the art of Belynda Henry on instagram ( @belyndahenryart) and fell in lo
anjaehrenberg: I discovered the art of Belynda Henry on instagram ( @belyndahenryart) and fell in love with these gorgeouse “ landscape portraits”. It is only recently that I started painting landscapes myself since I attended a plein air painting workshop last year. For me the challenge is (as in every subject) not to get lost in details and catch the overall atmosphere, movement, colours which are characteristic for the specific site. Belynda Henry has studied sculpture which must inform her look on landscapes and explains her great sense of form. What strikes me in Belynda Henrys paintings is how she condenses the atmosphere, light and specificity of a landscape into, on the first look, rather abstract looking paintings. She varies a lot triangular and oval forms and used to work with a rather quiet palette with variation of greys, blues, browns. Recently she not only highlights with some red or pink, but starts to integrate brighter colours in the overall palette. She draws with acrylics and pastells on canvas and paper mostly.It seems that her work becomes widely known in Australia now, where she lives, also by the fact, that her paintings are featured in interior magazines. I cannot decide wether I like the more firm stroke which she achieved in recent works or the earlier works which have a great sense of vulnerability through a more fragile stroke.If you want to indulge yourself in more of her work, go see her website www. If you want to get to know more of her read the interview on or -- source link
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