coldpapernightmare:radicalgraff: “‘Crime keeps rent low”Spotted in North Beacon Hill, SeattleOk Iv
coldpapernightmare:radicalgraff: “‘Crime keeps rent low”Spotted in North Beacon Hill, Seattle Ok Ive already reblogged this but I had to add this bit of advice because I’m afraid if I dont there will be trouble. If you decided to fire a gun occasionally in order to achive this effect then I beg of you to either invest in blanks or fire into the ground or a good thick target. Fireing into the air with a live bullet is ALWAYS A BAD IDEA! ESPECIALLY IN A HEAVILY POPULATED AREA !What comes up very much does have to come down, and even if the bullet does slow down it can still do alot of damage if it happens to hit a person.Lower your property values safely folks -- source link