Too Far“You’re almost there Jenny, come on, j
maggiecaps: Too Far“You’re almost there Jenny, come on, just hold it for a fewmore seconds" Jenny said to herself, hand pressed firmly over her crotch,as she sped walk to the public bathroom in Walmart. She turned down an aislewhere only one middle aged woman was currently standing in. “Just a fewmore… ss… aahh…” She trailed off, as she felt her hand suddenly growwarm and wet. She stopped dead in her tracks, her gaze shooting strait down toher pants. Dark stains streaked down her pants, as hot pee flew from hercrotch. She was speechless, embarrassed, and turned on.You see Jenny had a diaper fetish, just like the rest of usdo. She was specifically into public humiliation like this. Now she didn’t dothis on purpose, but she sure as hell could feel herself growing hornier. “Oh now look at what you just did!” A woman’svoice suddenly boomed a few feet from Jenny. Her gaze shot back up, where shewas suddenly face to face with the middle aged woman that was across the aisle.Her face looked strained, as if this was the millionth time Jenny had wetherself in public. “Why on Earth are you running around without protectionlittle lady if you know you have accidents?” The woman said, placing herhand on her hips.Jenny didn’t exactly know how to react. She wasn’t totallysure if the woman knew she was an adult (She did look younger than her age), orif she thought she had some kind of special needs. Nonetheless, Jenny was stillin shock at this entire situation. She had read plenty of stories like this,where people are caught out in public, their pee pee accidents clearly ondisplay. She thought about those stories for a few seconds, as the momentbetween them hung in the air. “What if I had a little fun withthis…” she thought to herself.“I just couldn’t holds its…” Jenny said with aslight lisp. She brought her thumb up toward her mouth so she could nibble onher thumb. She put on a pouty face for the woman, trying desperately to lookinnocent.“Ugh!” The woman scoffed, instantly grabbingJenny’s hand. “Couldn’t hold it huh? Why the hell are you parading aroundthis store without YOUR diaper then?!” The woman started leading Jennydown the aisle. “Uh… I don’ know..” Jenny muttered behind thethumb that had just made it’s way into her mouth. “Playing dumb was gonnabe the name of the game for this entire adventure…” she thought toherself, a slight smile growing on her face as she was lead out of the store.“Honestly, you should be grown enough to hold it! Thisis just ridiculous!” The woman continued, as she unlocked her car door.Jenny shrugged, “Its jus happen, how do I’s suppose’ to know’s when mypanties gets all wets?” Jenny said, throwing her pouty face back on. Thewoman just rolled her eyes, “Blaming your pants on this? Do you evenrealize how babyish that is? Jesus, I don’t know how the hell you got out ofyour playpen little girl and wandered into that store, but you’re coming backto my house!” She said, turning the car key. Jenny looked out the window,trying with all her might to try and suppress her glee.***“And there, last tape.” The woman said, as shefinished diaper Jenny. She was sprawled out on an oversized changing table,looking right into the woman’s eyes. A pacifier bobbing in and out of hermouth. “Oh this thing won’t be dry for long..” Was for some reasonthe first thought through Jenny’s mind as she sat up from the table. “Nowcome with me, it’s only 9:00 a.m., you should be in school right now.” Thewoman said, grabbing her hand again. “If you count kindergarten as realschool…” The woman grumbled to herself, but Jenny caught it.“Kindergarten?!” Jenny screamed in her mind, asshe was lead out of the room. “Alright this is all fun and shit, just gota free diaper from some random woman, but this is going to far. I’m a senior incollege, I’m not going to let this woman lead me into some kindergarten.”She thought, pulling her hand away from the woman’s grasp. “Hey” Wasall that Jenny said, as the woman spun around.The woman just stared at her, “…What? Why are westopping?” She said, looking Jenny right in her eyes. Jenny just stoodthere for a moment, mulling over her next words. “…or maybe let’s justroll with this…” She thought before saying, “Is its otays if memakes poopies in diapie toos? Am me still big gurl if I does dats?” Thewoman just stared at Jenny for a full 30 seconds. Rolling her eyes yet again,she turned around, grabbed the girls hand, and kept walking. “Yepp, justas I thought. You really should be in Pre-School.” She said, opening theirfront door. Jenny’s face instantly lit up, her diaper responding as well with aquick burst of warmth. “Oh well… looks like I’m in pre-schoolnow…” she thought, a wide smile growing on her face. The warmth of thesmall accident made her feel even more warm inside. “Not like anyoneexpects me to keep these dry anyways..” She thought, as she got inside thewoman’s car for the second time that day. ***“So you’d like to enroll her for the rest of the schoolyear?” The teacher said to the the woman. Herself, Jenny and the teacherwere all standing in the surprisingly quiet pre-school room. “Yepp! Shemight even have to stay back for another year too.” The woman said,pointing directly at Jenny’s already drooping diaper. The teacher gave thewoman a strange look, “Well, we don’t normally have little tikes this…um.. big! But it’s never too late to start a child’s– er– a girl’seducation!” the teacher hesitated with that last part, obviously confusedwith Jenny’s size and age. The woman picked up on that, “Oh she’s not achild, you’re right to feel weird. She’s practically a baby.” The womansaid matter-of-factly, the teacher just nodded. “Okayy, well why don’t yougo run along little one? Your mommy and I have to take care of some boringadult stuff!” The teacher said, motioning Jenny toward the play area. “Heh, my mommy.” Jenny thought, as she ploppedherself onto a red bean bag chair. Her diaper squelched as it compressed fromher weight. Jenny kind of stared into space for a moment. “Now… this…is going to far.” She thought, as she looked around the room of herpre-school. She watched one kid drop a crayon, pick it up, stare at if for afew seconds, then happily shove it into his mouth. “Yeah, alright I’mout.” She said, lifting herself up onto her knees.It was at that instant she felt it. That familiar feeling inher bowels, she had to poop. She could obviously hold it, but it brought backthose thoughts. “Well.. what if I just stayed here for the rest of theday…” Jenny thought, as she started pushing. “Whats *Grunt* a fewhours of *Grunt* fun?” She said, lifting her bum up, as she could feel themess starting to move into her butt cheeks. “Or… maybe the rest of the*Grunt* school year..” she muttered, the glee returning stronger than itever had. The feeling of sinking herself into this was totally taking over hemind. It simply felt like bliss, “Or… hell…. *Grunt* why not… haveto stay back a few years to *Grunt* get the hang of this *Grunt* pottytraining… *Grunt*… Ahh….” She said, the mess fully sinking into theback of her now full diaper. She didn’t even think about it, as she grabbed thechalk from the board and started writting. “Ooo i wove pway time!”She squealed, her beaming smile still wide across her face. “Mmm da dabrra!” She just babbled, not even slightly caring what she was saying, asshe eagerly popped her thumb into her mouth. “Oh I could get used to this…” was the last thing through her mindbefore she just let it flood with the warm baby thoughts, and how nice a fulldiaper felt.Like this? Want to see TONS of more captions/stories/audio clips not posted on tumblr? Head here: -- source link
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