DEATH NOTE MAJOR ARCANA[1] [2] [3] [4]meanings under cut!VI. THE LOVERSREM’S UNREQUITED LOVEIn the Rider-Waite and derivative decks, the titular Lovers are the Biblical Adam and Eve, before their expulsion from Paradise. Next to Adam is a burning tree, representing the flames of physical passion; and next to Eve is the serpent, the Devil in disguise, making the lovers imperfect and weighing them down with earthly temptations. (In the Rider-Waite deck, the Devil card also depicts Adam and Eve, in chains and doomed by the sins of the flesh.)When drawn, the Lovers represents a close interpersonal relationship—usually a romantic one. It also represents duality or a union. It also represents choices—coming of age, finding oneself, and a conflict with heavy consequences. Its appearance in a spread indicates some decision about an existing relationship, a temptation of the heart, or a choice of potential partners. Often an aspect of the querent’s life will have to be sacrificed. Whatever the choice, it should not be made lightly, as the ramifications will be lasting.When drawn inverted, the Lovers indicates a relationship with some sort of disharmony or conflict, usually of communication. The inverted Lovers indicates that the honeymoon phase of a relationship has passed and been eclipsed by the hard work that is ultimately necessary to sustain a relationship.VII. THE CHARIOTL & LIGHT IN THE HELICOPTERThe Chariot is the card of relentless pursuit toward victory. The figure on the Chariot powers forward, unstoppable, overcoming all obstacles in their way. Often the card has visual themes of a unification between light and dark, yin and yang. More than merely besting the odds, the Chariot indicates conquest and control. The Chariot tells the one who draws it that now is the time to take control, be bold and assertive; it may also have a more literal meaning of indicating the beginning of a long voyage.When drawn reversed, the pilot of the Chariot is being dragged along against their will. They have all the power necessary for forward momentum, but are unable to seize it. VIII. STRENGTHHALLE LIDNERThe Strength card does not refer to literal, physical strength, or even power and control like the Chariot. Instead, it tells the reader to direct their powers of control and direction inward rather than outward; to refine themselves and overcome their weaknesses and shortcomings in order to become their best self. The figure depicted on Strength is always a woman. She is depicted taming a lion, with gentle, firm persuasion rather than sheer physical force. The woman and the lion represent an inner struggle: the power to overcome and endure negative, harmful feelings and temptations through force of will. When the card refers to an external or interpersonal conflict, it indicates the importance of compassion, understanding and patience. It is a card of responsibility and resolve.Inverted, the card refers to roadbumps on the path to self-realization, such as setbacks, second thoughts, or relapses. Inverted Strength indicates that someone is having self-doubts, or that they are losing the struggle for inner peace. IX. THE HERMITNEARThe Hermit is one of the more straightforward cards in the major arcana. It indicates solitude, introspection, and the search for oneself. But the Hermit doesn’t necessarily mean hopeless isolation. The lantern which the Hermit holds aloft is a beacon of wisdom that guides the lost. The Hermit’s lantern is their wisdom and compassion reaching out towards others to show them the way.Inverted, the Hermit says that this period of isolation is damaging and that the hermit in question needs to use their self-knowledge and soul-searching to connect with others. X. WHEEL OF FORTUNELIGHT YAGAMI AND THE FALSE EXECUTIONThe Wheel of Fortune is a card of cycles, change, highs and lows, twists of fate, and karma. Its appearance in a spread indicates that the reader is suffering from adversity from factors beyond their control, but that they have the potential and the power within them to make change happen. When the Wheel of Fortune appears, it says to the reader that change is imminent. The core of this message is retained even when the Wheel of Fortune is drawn inverted—that change is going to happen whether you like it or not—but the connotations are negative. This change will adversely effect you, or your luck has run out. XI. JUSTICELIGHT YAGAMI AS KIRAThis card is ruled by Libra and traditionally depicts a female figure holding both a sword and a scale. Her scales are balanced, indicating sound logic and reasoning—and her sword is upright, indicating that she is ready and able to punish the wicked. This card, no matter how it is drawn, indicates that somebody’s gotten—or will get—what’s coming to them. It is the card of karma and inevitable outcomes.Upright, Justice indicates impartiality, and that justice will be served. When inverted, Justice indicates that the querent—or someone close to them—is cheating. Someone is lying or dodging accountability, and when karma eventually gets them they may not understand what they did wrong. It tells you to accept the consequences of your actions, and to make a change before it is too late. Justice inverted may also indicate a flaw in a black-and-white moral mindset, and a need to open your mind. -- source link
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