powerandmagic:HEARTWOOD: Non-binary Tales of Sylvan Fantasy is the newest anthology from P&M Pre
powerandmagic:HEARTWOOD: Non-binary Tales of Sylvan Fantasy is the newest anthology from P&M Press.Across time and cultures, humanity has spun tales about the forest: tales of caution, adventure, rites of passage, and discovery. Some of those stories persist as the folklore and fairy tales that delight our imaginations today, and the forest remains a symbol for facing the unknown and emerging transformed.This anthology is for everyone who’s walked through the undergrowth, in the silence of nature, and longed for an adventure of their own to unfold. These stories of modern-day sylvan fantasy will showcase the best non-binary cartoonists of our day, guiding characters like us into the woods and back again.Submission PeriodSubmissions will be open to the public from October 16th - November 13th. (A line-up of preselected creators will also be unveiled throughout this period!)Who Can ParticipateWe want submissions from people who identify as nonbinary, genderqueer, agender, bigender, neutrois, twospirit, genderfluid, demigender, trans femme or trans masc, and other genders outside the “man or woman” binary. For team submissions, at least the writer must meet the above criteria. If two submissions are equally matched, the all non-binary team will be prioritized. Use #TeamHeartwood (Tumblr or Twitter) to find teammates!Age RestrictionsAll contributors must be 18 years or older. All content must be suitable for readers as young as 14 years old.SpecificationsComics from 4 - 12 pages long6” x 9” trim size (template provided)Bleed? Yes.Black & White or Grayscale (no screentones please)600 dpiTimelineSelection Process (October 2017 - December 2017)Project Announcement - 2 weeksOpen Submissions - 4 weeksFinal Selection - 2 weeksWork Period (December 2017 - July 2018)Creator Portraits - 1 weekScript + Thumbnails - 8 weeksPencils - 10 weeksInks - 6 weeksGrayscale - 6 weeksLetters - 2 weeksBios - 1 weekKickstarter (Fall 2018)CompensationContributors to our first anthology were paid $100/page plus Kickstarter bonuses. In keeping with P&M Press’ founding goal of increasing pay with each successive campaign, HEARTWOOD contributors will be compensated at $105/page plus any Kickstarter bonuses.Contributors also receive a minimum of 10 complimentary copies of the anthology, royalties on all digital sales, and royalties on any print runs of the anthology after the first printing sells out.RightsCreators will cede exclusive first worldwide print and digital rights to their stories for a full calendar year from the date of publication, and non-exclusive worldwide print and digital rights in perpetuity. Ownership remains with the creators.What We WantPreviously unpublished stories.Forests. Jungles. Decaying structures reclaimed by nature. Trees, trees, and - oh yeah - more trees! Deep, lush settings that have character. (If you absolutely hate drawing backgrounds/characters interacting with their environment, you may want to sit this one out.)At least one protagonist must be non-binary.At least one non-binary protagonist must be human (they can be half magical-species-you-made-up, but their gender should not be portrayed as a “fantastical” result of that).Stories set now-ish (a hard date isn’t necessary, but keep the human fashion and any tech to post-1990 and pre-2030).Movement from one space to another (entering, leaving, traveling), literally and/or metaphorically.Personified aspects of the natural world (e.g. whispering winds, walking plants, talking animals, etc).Original fantastical creatures/beings.Discovery and Understanding.Tests (of will, wits, ethics, etc).Person Allied With Nature.A spirit of adventure!What We DON’T WantNo fan works. No auto-bio. No prose. No one-off illustrations.Stories that basically amount to “protagonist realizes they are non-binary and explains gender to the other characters/the reader.” Your character can come to understand their gender better by the end of the story, but there should be a plot beyond that.Meet-cutes. (“Two people meet and crush at first sight, the end.”)Horror: this includes horror tropes, body horror, classic horror monsters like werewolves or vampires, popular cryptids/urban legends like Slender Man or the Jersey Devil, and so on. Your story can use fear and danger as plot elements, but if instilling fear/existential dread in the reader is the overarching theme, this is the wrong anthology.Tolkienian fantasy: no elves, dwarves, orcs, etc. We won’t freak out if you make something up that’s very loosely(!) inspired by any of these (unless it replicates the problematic elements of Tolkien’s work, in which case your work will not be accepted).Cursing is permitted as long as words aren’t used literally (i.e. “Shit, you scared me!” as opposed to “Let’s go shit in the woods!”) and are used very sparingly when used at all. In general, we’d prefer not.No porn. No references to specific sexual acts. No explicit nudity whether sexual or non-sexual (sorry, folks). “Consensual fade-to-black sex between legal adults” is fine.No depictions of abuse (sexual, physical, psychological) whether pictorial or written. Characters may vaguely reference (in non-graphic language) abuse that they have suffered in the past if doing so serves the story or is integral to the character (i.e. maybe the story is about a survivor working on their agoraphobia by going on what they believe will be a brief, non-magical hike…).No gore. People can get hurt, bleed, die, etc, but not in a grossly over-the-top way that fetishizes violence.No slurs, no racism (not even “fantasy racism”), no misogyny, no transphobia, no ableism, no xenophobia, no white supremacist nonsense in general. (And please, no stories whose sole purpose is to teach that these things are bad.)Ready? Here’s How To PitchSend us an email at powerandmagicpress@gmail.com with the subject line “Heartwood Pitch” that includes the following information/attachments:The name, pronouns, and role of everyone on your team (or just yourself for solo submissions). Give the name(s) you want used during communications with you, marketing of your contribution, and credits in the book (even if those are all different).A working title and page count for your comic (doesn’t have to be exact).A synopsis of your story, including a beginning, middle, and end. Spoil everything, but try to keep it under 500 words.Preliminary sketches associated with your pitch: character ideas, important creature designs, environment concepts (the latter is especially important if your portfolio lacks strong examples of background art), etc. These don’t need to be final or polished pieces! Just detailed enough to give us an idea.Links to any relevant publishing credits (whether you’re writing the comic, drawing it, lettering it, or doing everything yourself). Self-published works and webcomics count as credits! Choose examples that best reflect the style you intend to use for this comic. You may simply include a link to your portfolio if you have no pre-existing credits, but please note that folks with sequential storytelling examples will receive preference.Tell us about yourself, your cultural and artistic background, and why you want to be in HEARTWOOD. Short and sweet is best!More Questions? Check out the FAQ. If your answer isn’t there, Ask away! -- source link
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