tunisian-atheist:callmetheapostate:el7alromancy:el7alromancy:hellenbelle:nightxvision:d-o-r-ia-n:belleblogs:moosefeels:gharibafisabilillah:“Oppressed” Muslim Women This images are so important because when people (esp. people who identify vocally as feminists) say that the veil prevents women from doing things, that it is an instrument of oppression, we make that veil an instrument of oppression. Islam does not say that veiled women cannot be pilots or doctors or teachers. Bad feminists do. Islamaphobes do.Thank you.I love this so much.@hellenbelle Thoughts? Agree? Disagree?Thank you for tagging me, Nightxvision. I’m not sure what I’m agreeing or disagreeing with but if this post is insinuating that women who are coerced and forced to wear the niqab are not oppressed, especially when face with the looming thoughts of eternal punishment in hell, then there’s no way you can tell me they are liberated. You can’t tell me they’re liberated when they’re forced to go in sweltering heat and heatwaves, in some cases dying (especially during Hajj and Umra), when they need a chaperone /kafeel in order to go anywhere and leave their house. Just because SOME of them are allowed to participate in some activities doesn’t mean they aren’t oppressed by the patriarchal and draconian indoctrination and authoritarianism of islam. You also have to remember the glaring inequalities in muslim countries and societies. Women who don’t have guardians / islamic sponsors / relatives / financial security, or are refugees / trafficked, do NOT have the opportunity to work or learn or get apprenticeships in muslim countries. Fuck that, I could go on and on, but a couple of pictures of women wearing the niqab and doing random things does NOT prove that muslim women are liberated. It’s garbage. What happens if any of these women leaves islam? What happens if they get raped, have premarital affairs, drive unchaperoned, commit a punishable sin in Islam (by stoning or lashing or forced arranged marriages? Where’s their so-called “liberation” then?Y'all need to be ashamed of how much you hate women. Telling women they need to cover up from head to toe or else they are sinning every time a man look at them is not oppressive??? Niqab restrict human interactions because guess what? Non-verbal interactions are a big fucking part of communicating with your follow humans. When you’re in science class or work environment or whatever and you’re not allowed to show something as simple as a smile you don’t think that restrict your ability to establish relationships with your classmates, teachers, co workers, etc. Don’t you think it’s cruel to not allow a female doctor or nurse to comfort her patients by showing empathy with her facial expressions? don’t you think it’s cruel to take the human side of these profession and restrict them to robot like interactions? Why women have to suffer this isolation in public life? Why does Allah hate us so much? Why is my smile haram? Yes there are these great women who overcame all obstacles put in front of them by this women hating religion and achieved great things in life and I’m proud of them. But not all women are strong enough and they shouldn’t have to be. Most women suffer from this isolation and your silly photos is just telling them “it’s your fault you can’t practice normal life from behind your niqab”. Women should not be obligated to work twice as hard as men to achieve as much.I am oppressed and trapped under my niqab and abaya. Fuck you for making light out of our oppression. Wow this post has over 250k notes. Look at all these women hating assholes posing as feminists and progressives. Again, fuck all of you.YAY THEYRE PLAYING BASKETBALL UNDER A HOT SUN WITH EVERY INCH OF THEIR SKIN COVERED BECAUSE THEIR HUSBANDS ARE WORRIED SOMEONE MIGHT FUCK THEM OR HAVE SEXUAL THOUGHTS ABOUT THEM. OR WORSE ALLAH MIGHT SIGH AND SHAKE HIS NON EXISTENT HEAD. HOW LIBERATING!!!! 1! -- source link