fullten:b1a4gasms:la-lobalita:kentstatecult:Most of my Saturday was spent looking up stuff about Bin
fullten:b1a4gasms:la-lobalita:kentstatecult:Most of my Saturday was spent looking up stuff about Bina48.BINA48 is a project of Terasem Movement, Inc™ and is designed to test whether a person’s consciousness can be downloaded into a non-biological or nanotechnological body after combining detailed data about a person through the use of future consciousness softwareA lesbian of color black lesbian (who is married to a trans woman) becomes the model for an ultra advanced AI system.This is huge.Other links: [x] [x] [x]So lemme get this… the developer/CEO of the development company is a jewish trans lesbian woman and the highest paid female ceo in america, and this project is based on her wife, a black lesbian woman, and both are mothers with children from previous relationships who they have now each legally adopted???this exists in the actual world and people still think sci fi can only be about straight cis vaguely-christian white men…….Finally, the future -- source link