nubbsgalore:october 16 is world food day. consider that globally it is women who bear the greatest r
nubbsgalore:october 16 is world food day. consider that globally it is women who bear the greatest responsibility for food production. women produce more than half of all food worldwide, accounting for 43 percent of the global agricultural labour force. yet the united nations estimates that globally women own only 15 percent of the land. in india, for example, where women account for 87 percent of the agricultural producers, they own only 10 percent of the land; while in mali, women comprise about 70 percent of agricultural workers, but own only 3 percent of the land. the same numbers hold true for pakistan as well. without land ownership, women are unable to secure loans needed to reinvest back into their land. yet if they were given the same resources as men, these women could increase their productivity by 30 precent, thus feeding an additional 150 million people in need. photos by (click pic) sanjay kanojia in allahabad, india; niranjan shrestha in katmandu, nepal; prashanth vishwanathanan in panipat, india; hoang dinh nam in vietnam’s mu cang chai district; navesh chitrakar in lalitpur, nepal; joe penny in heremakono, mali; anupam nath in gauhati, india -- source link