Posted @withrepost • @holisticallygrace We’re not meant to fit in, we’re meant to belong
Posted @withrepost • @holisticallygrace We’re not meant to fit in, we’re meant to belong.⠀.⠀We often talk about the need to “fit in” but what we are truly seeking is to belong. ⠀.⠀Fitting in is our survival self. The survival self hides adapts, molds and creates a safe persona. ⠀.⠀On the other hand, belonging to ourselves and to something greater than ourselves can only be found through cultivating our authentic self.⠀.⠀Often, our youth is filled with “fitting in” behaviors as we sort out our identity. With age, we tend to flow naturally into the belonging and authentic self. BUT for many of us, the “never good enough” syndrome, traumatic experiences, shame, and harsh socially stigmatizing systems/cultures act as barriers. We remain stuck in survival mode and shrink ourselves to fit in.⠀.⠀I am believer that healing is possible (I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t) and I trust that we can shift and know we are worthy of belonging.⠀.⠀Where do you belong? Who makes you feel like you belong?⠀*⠀*⠀*⠀*⠀*⠀#communication #communicationskills #effectivecommunication #relationshipadvice #intimacy #healthyrelationships #healthyboundaries #couplestherapy #vulnerability #vulnerabilityisstrength #holdingspace #sexeducation #healingmyself #bekindtoyourself #bekindtoyourmind #mentalhealth #emotionalwellbeing #emotionalintelligence #innerwork #selfhealing #selfhealers -- source link