owbn:New teaser for Los Angeles by Night 2013: the Grey Ghost Masquerade! An IC letter, if you wil
owbn: New teaser for Los Angeles by Night 2013: the Grey Ghost Masquerade! An IC letter, if you will — It has gone out to the Anarch List.My friends,Louis Fortier has returned to Southern California only to realize that the relationship of the Movement and the Ivory Tower has been neglected too long, particularly since we have long been allied. He would like others of the Movement to converge upon the Queen Mary on September 19th through 22nd in the year of our Lord 2013, as he will call upon the Camarilla to send their most promising minds that we shall revisit our old association.Let passion continue to light our way,Lady Giancarla Isabella Pisani di Mercurio, bride of Louis Fortier -- source link