i’m looking to auction this adopt in an effort donate more to BLM groups! half of the proceed
i’m looking to auction this adopt in an effort donate more to BLM groups! half of the proceeds from this adopt will go towards ActBlue’s incredible setup:https://secure.actblue.com/donate/bail_funds_george_floyd(i encourage everyone reading this to look into the fundraisers and bail funds supported by these donations, and even if you aren’t interested in bidding on this adopt, please consider donating on your own time if possible!)the other half of the proceeds will be going to the homeless black trans women fund!:https://www.gofundme.com/f/homeless-black-trans-women-fund(again, even if you aren’t bidding on this adopt, please consider donating on your own time!)i meant to get this adopt out earlier, but now is just as good a time as any, considering that the momentum for donating, and supporting, and listening to BLM efforts needs to be constantly ongoing.the auction will be open until 5pm EST on 6/12 (friday)!please go here to bid:https://www.deviantart.com/queijac/art/OPEN-adoptable-auction-fundraiser-845062643 -- source link