deebeesinnerdiary: Meet Roderick: A caretaker alter.I want to emphasise that Deebee’s system is not
deebeesinnerdiary: Meet Roderick: A caretaker alter.I want to emphasise that Deebee’s system is not my system! I have no alter named Mae or Roderick. They’re all alters I’ve designed to sort of represent different parts in my system. (In Roderick’s case, he represents multiple parts)Caretakers, like persecutors, fall under the “Protector” category of alters. They usually may front with more “vulnerable” alters to keep things from going haywire.However, like any other person, Roderick has his own personal boundaries and he only has so much energy. Something that will come up later, actually.So I never talked about what nationality each alter would identify with, and that’s because I had no clue except with Ted and Roderick. Roderick talks in both Deebee’s inner monologue and in the real world with a Scottish accent. It’s actually what can give him away when he’s fronting. -- source link